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Arizona’s Cultural Heritage Tourism Study. Purpose. The purpose of the study was to generate information about cultural heritage tourists in Arizona. Get a better idea of visitors who go to cultural and heritage attractions.
Purpose • The purpose of the study was to generate information about cultural heritage tourists in Arizona. • Get a better idea of visitors who go to cultural and heritage attractions. • One of the most comprehensive studies done. Most are at one site and/or for a short amount of time.
Collecting information • Study lasted a year • Were 17 sites and 3 events throughout the state focused on history and culture • Selected several days a month, both weekdays and weekends; people at the sites gave out questionnaires (onsite and mail back) • Surveyed residents and non-residents • AZ: 883 out of 2,035 (43%) • Out of state: 1,069 out of 1,980 (54%)
Profile • Couples without children at home • Average of 56 years old • Traveling together • Working full time or retired • Fairly well educated, moderate to high income • Out of state visitors from Southwest, Pacific Northwest, Midwest, Northeast. Also international—CH attractions have broad appeal to people from diverse regions • Event attendees more diverse that site visitors
Planning • Out of state visitors plan their trips fairly far in advance • Not much interest in buying tickets ahead of time • Residents tend to decide to visit the attraction on fairly short notice (31% the day of the visit; 30% 2-6 days)—but so do others (34% the day of the visit; only 32% before leaving home)
Information • CH tourists tended to use typical information sources (friends and family, prior experience) to plan their trips, but • In-state visitors are quite reliant on newspaper articles for information--newspapers need to part of the promotional mix for residents • Out of state visitors use web sites, travel clubs more often
Logistics • Out of state visitors stay a median of 7 days • Half stay in a hotel or motel, a quarter in a private home • Quite a large number of residents were on an overnight trip: 30% with a median of 2 nights. Increases their economic importance • Residents travel in their own vehicles • Many out of staters (half) fly in and rent or use a private vehicle
General Activities • Most participated in a number of activities in addition to cultural heritage activities—scenery, friends and family, nature activities, shopping. • Out of state visitors do more acitivities than residents. It is the package of activities that appeal to tourists • Event visitors, though, are less likely to do other things
Cultural Heritage Activities • Primary CH activities included visiting museums, historic sites, eating local or ethnic food, shop for arts/crafts • True CH tourists participate in culturally oriented activities to a greater extent • Interestingly, not all reported participation in a cultural or heritage activity – perception is everything
Motives • Many were highly motivated by CH types of experiences • 58% were very or extremely motivated by learning about AZ history and culture and/or experiencing other cultures • CH attractions are significant players in the AZ experience • Residents were more strongly influenced by these motives; CH attractions inspire in-state travel
Influence • The specific attractions were fairly influential in inspiring the visit to the community, somewhat less influential on the visit in general > CH attractions are a draw for visitors
Experience • Cultural heritage attractions are important to people; those who frequent such attractions do so often • 91% out of state visitors and 93% residents had been to at least one other CH attraction in the past 6 months • They have broad appeal • Visitors were from many states, provinces and countries
Benefits • Enjoy the visit and appreciation and knowledge of the area’s cultural heritage are the most important benefits • They feel they are able to attain these benefits • Importance and attainment levels of true CH tourists are higher that others • CH attractions are important for quality of life; residents feel connection to heritage and fulfilling lifestyle are important benefits
A = Enhanced family relationships B = Contributed to a fulfilling lifestyle C = Had fun/enjoyed the visit D = Enhanced relationship with my friends E = Increased appreciation of the area’s culture/history/ heritage F = Contributed to my quality of life G = Enhanced visit to Arizona H = Experienced a quality heritage attraction I = Learned more about the area’s culture/history/heritage J = Felt “connected” to Arizona’s cultural heritage K = Appealed to the whole family/group L = Had a significant cultural learning experience
A = Enhanced family relationships B = Contributed to a fulfilling lifestyle C = Had fun/enjoyed the visit D = Enhanced relationship with my friends E = Increased appreciation of the area’s culture/history/ heritage F = Contributed to my quality of life G = Enhanced visit to Arizona H = Experienced a quality heritage attraction I = Learned more about the area’s culture/history/heritage J = Felt “connected” to Arizona’s cultural heritage K = Appealed to the whole family/group L = Had a significant cultural learning experience
Show me the Money • Overnighters spent over $1.2K (about 1,050 people) • Day trippers spent over $75,000 (about 440 people) • Estimate are 3.2 million CH visitors who spent over $2 billion (includes resident and day-trip travel)
Satisfaction • CH visitors are very satisfied with the experiences in AZ with high levels of satisfaction with their visit to the specific attraction, with the diversity and quality of the CH tourism product • “True CH tourists” are even more satisfied than others
Event Less married, lower education More diverse Resident day-trips Newspaper use Alone Attend events/ entertain. Weather, cultures, entert. Experience greater benefits Decide to visit farther in advance; had visited before Site Stay in hotel, RV Rent cars More activities, general & CH New places, sights, scenery Spent more overall—but because of longer stay (daily spending not different) Benefits of enhanced visit and learn about area higher Slightly more satisfied with trip and attraction Event vs. Site visitors
True Newspaper CH activities/events All motive items more important All benefit items more important and achieved Spent more on arts and crafts More satisfied Others Friends and relies Visit friends and relies Tended to spend less in general True heritage vs. others
Thanks to the Arizona Office of Tourism and the Arizona Humanities Council