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As the LBA “Community,” we have a set of “linked” questions (possibly, with a common solution):

Towards a Model of  Carbon Mobilization, Advection, and Reaction in the Amazon River. As the LBA “Community,” we have a set of “linked” questions (possibly, with a common solution): What are hydrologic flow paths and magnitudes?

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As the LBA “Community,” we have a set of “linked” questions (possibly, with a common solution):

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Towards a Model of  Carbon Mobilization, Advection, and Reaction in the Amazon River • As the LBA “Community,” we have a set of “linked” questions (possibly, with a common solution): • What are hydrologic flow paths and magnitudes? • How are CO2 and OM mobilized from the land surface to and through fluvial systems? • What controls transformations of N from land to streams? • HOW CAN WE PULL IT TOGETHER?

  2. C O f i x a t i o n 2 w a t e r f l u x c a r b o n f l u x a u t o t r o p h i c r e s p i r a t i o n a t i o n p h y s i c a l f o r c i n g v i a r e m o t e s e n s i n g ( s o l a r r a d i a t i o n , F P A R , r a i n f a l l , t e m p e r a t u r e ) D O C P O C D I C t e r r e s t r i a l N P P a n d b i o m a s s t u r n o v e r v i a C A S A e c o s y s t e m m o d e l h y d r o l o g y h e t e r o t r o p h i c v i a V I C m o d e l r e s p i r C O e v a s i o n 2 D O C , D I C a q u a t i c b i o g e o c h e m i s t r y s o i l b i o g e o c h e m i s t r y v i a R O M B U S m o d e l v i a R O M B U S m o d e l g e o g r a p h i c a l p r o p e r t i e s v i a G I S ( v e g e t a t i o n , s o i l , t o p o g r a p h y , r i v e r n e t w o r k , e t c . )


  4. “MESO/MACROSCALE: Variable Infiltration Capacity –n Layer (VIC-nL), with River Routing Scheme Ji-Parana (Victoria et al). ~8km

  5. Micro/Mesoscale: Distributed Hydrology-Soil Vegetation Model (DHSVM) (~150m/>150m?)

  6. Mae Chaem, Chiang Mai, Thailand

  7. Vegetation scenarios No crops Double crop Double crops Double crops uniformly in highlands in lowlands

  8. Daily discharge at basin outlet

  9. Mayorga & Aufdenkampe, 2002 Needs for a “River basin Organic Matter and Biogeochemistry Synthesis Model” • Uses measurable and mechanistically meaningful pools • CPOM • FPOM • DOM • Capacity to model processes • Mineralization (OCCO2) • Degradation (OCfastOCslow) • Sorption (DOC  FPOC)

  10. Production via Terrestrial Biosphere Model Production via Terrestrial Biosphere Model N2, NOx CO2 CO2, CH4 NH3 Living Organic Carbon Living Organic Nitrogen Detrital Particulate Organic Matter (>2mm) Detrital Particulate Organic Matter (>2 mm) Metabolic C (soluble) Structural C (insoluble) Metabolic N (soluble) Structural N (insoluble) CPOM (63 um - 2 mm) DIC Nitrogen Carbon CPOM (63 um - 2 mm) CPOC CPON DOM (>0.1 µm) Mineral-Associated OM (FPOM) (0.1 µm - 63 µm) Mineral-Associated OM (FPOM) (0.1 µm - 63 µm) DOM (>0.1 µm) VHMW DOC (>30 kDa) VHMW FPOC (>30 kDa) VHMW DON (>30 kDa) VHMW FPON (>30 kDa) HMW DOC (1-30 kDa) HMW FPOC (1-30 kDa) LMW DON (200-1000Da) LMW FPON (200-1000Da) LMW DOC (<1 kDa) LMW FPOC (<1 kDa) VLMW DON (<200Da) VLMW FPON (<200Da) Black C (soot and charcoal) CH4 Sorbed NH4 NH4 Biotic fluxes Abiotic fluxes NO3 ROMBUS (River basin Organic Matter and Biogeochemistry Synthesis Model)

  11. SEDIMENT TRANSPORT MODEL Upland Source Element (Production > | Storage|, physically & chemically converts rock to sediment) Down-zone transport Colluvial Buffer Element ( |S| > P, controls sediment delivery ratio by regulating delivery to channel network) Down-zone transport River Network Element (P  0, specifically for in-channel routing & evolution of wash load and bed load, and calculating transfer to FP and channel bed) Downstream transport Floodplain Storage Channel Bed Storage (Element significance decreases DS) (Element significance increases DS) Floodplain Lakes (permanent) Delta & Ocean Sinks Rolf Aalto

  12. DHSVM (?) Detailed site -> upscaling? MAO Snt Pach RB Ji-P AF Jur “detailed” LBA-team sites

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