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Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior

Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times. To speak on a particular agenda item, advise the attendant at the door.

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Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior

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  1. Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior • appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times. • To speak on a particular agenda item, advise the attendant at the door. • To place an item on the Board's agenda, please notify the County Administrator's Office at least ten days prior to the Board meeting. • Any citizen concern can be communicated to the County Administrator by calling 980-7705 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays. All citizen complaints are recorded and responded to as soon as possible. • WHEN SPEAKING BEFORE THE BOARD, PLEASE COME TO THE PODIUM AND GIVE YOUR NAME.

  2. BOARD AGENDA Regular Meeting • PULASKI COUNTY Mon., Feb. 23, 2004 • BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 7:00 p.m. • APPROXIMATE PRESENTED BY • TIME & ITEM • 7:00 p.m. • 1. Invocation

  3. 2. Additions to Agenda

  4. 7:05 p.m. 3. Presentation of Jamestown 2007 Flag and Certificate

  5. 7:10 p.m. • 4. Public Hearings: • a. A request by John M. & Bonnie B. French for an amendment to the Pulaski County Zoning Ordinance to add a use not provided for, per Section 17-5, to allow a commercial marina as either a use by-right, or Special Use Permit (SUP) in the Agricultural District (A1). - A public hearing has been scheduled regarding this matter. The Planning Commission recommends approval.

  6. b. A request by John M. & Bonnie B. French for consideration of a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow a commercial marina on property identified as tax map no. 116-012-0000-002A, zoned Agricultural (A1), (13.795 acres), located on the west side of Claytor Lake, approximately 0.50 mile southeast off Clarks Ferry Rd., (Rt. 653), Draper District. - A public hearing has been scheduled regarding this matter. The Planning Commission recommends approval.

  7. c. A request by John M. & Bonnie B. French for consideration of a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow an above ground gas storage tank on property identified as tax map no. 116-012-0000-002A, zoned Agricultural (A1), (13.795 acres), located on the west side of Claytor Lake, approximately 0.50 mile southeast off Clarks Ferry Rd., (Rt. 653), Draper District.- A public hearing has been scheduled regarding this matter. The Planning Commission recommends denial.

  8. d. Budget Amendment- A public hearing has been scheduled to consider amendments

  9. e. Community Development Block Grant- Every year, the county is eligible to apply for Community Development Block Grants targeted to assisting low- and moderate- income residents.  This assistance can be in the form of jobs, water and sewer lines, housing rehabilitation, or other needs.  The federal and state regulations for the distribution of these funds call for at least 51 percent of those benefiting from a project be low- to moderate-income prior to receiving the assistance being provided.  However, grant awards are done on a competitive basis which places the more realistic criteria above 85% benefit to low- and moderate-income

  10. residents.  In order to be eligible, the Board of Supervisors must hold two public hearings, the first of which is a general solicitation for possible projects.  The second is a public hearing on the specific project being proposed.  We have scheduled the first hearing to be held at the February 23 Board meeting. Projects previously funded under this program include sewer service to Baskerville, the construction of Alexander Road, direct loans to Magnox, initial construction of the Pulaski County Corporate Center, and water and sewer service to NR Industries and Motion Control in the River Pointe development based on the commitment of these firms to hiring low- and moderate-income individuals.

  11. 8:00 p.m. • 4. Highway Matters: • a. Follow-up from Previous Board meeting: • VDOT has been requested to provide an update regarding the following matters from the October 27 Board meeting: • 1. Allisonia Bridge Repairs/Replacement • 2. Formal Speed Study Request – Rt. 806, Ebb Hall Road • 3. Update on Alum Spring Road Speed Limit • 4. Request for Speed Limit Increase at Dunkard’s Bottom

  12. 5. Farris Mines Road, Rt. 693, and Boone Furnace, Rt. 607, Intersection Signage 6. Low Water Bridge at Little Creek 7. Informal speed study and “Watch for Children” Signs on Rt. 617, Neck Creek Road 8. Bridge deck Repairs on Rt. 624

  13. b. At-Grade Railroad Crossings between Rt. 11 & Rt. 747 – The Board has received correspondence from VDOT advising of work ongoing by VDOT to eliminate two at-grade railroad crossings between Rt. 11 and Rt. 747 near Dublin, and the costs associated with the project. VDOT is requested confirmation as to whether or not the Board would like to proceed with this project considering the change in commitment by Norfolk Southern.

  14. c. Rural Addition Status Report – The Board has been provided with an update from Ms. Taylor.

  15. d. Citizen Comments

  16. e. Board of Supervisors Comments

  17. 8:30 p.m. • 6. Treasurer’s Report • The Honorable Rose Marie Tickle, Treasurer

  18. 7. Citizens’ Comments • 8:40 p.m. • a. Pulaski Congregate Nutrition Site Funding • Ms. Gloria Surber • 8:45 p.m. • b. New River Community Action Update • Ms. Janet Johnson

  19. 8:50 p.m. 7. Reports from the County Administrator and Staff

  20. a. Key Activity Timetable – • Copies of the timetable are available on the table at the entrance to the Board Room.

  21. b. Reassessment Report The Board has been provided a spreadsheet structured by Maynard Sayers prior to his retirement and since updated by Jack Gill and me which indicates the impact of the reassessment. A number of variables such the impact of public service corporation, appeal of reassessments, value of minerals are not known at this time and may not be for several months. Assuming that there is no major change in these items, a zero increase in revenue would result in a tax rate of $0.485 per $100.

  22. Thus, setting a tax rate with more than the $0.485 per $100 rate will require advertisement as a tax increase. However, the tax rate could be reduced from $0.66 per $100 to $0.62 per $100 while generating an additional $2.5 million in revenue needed toward addressing the following financial needs:

  23. REVENUE NEEDS Priority Annual Costs Priority Annual Costs Pulaski Elementary School 1 600,000 (Remaining half of debt service) Additional Elementary School 2 800,000 State budget cuts 1 400,000 (80,000 per year for 5 years) Health Insurance Adjustments 3 500,000 Building needs 3 900,000 Dispatch Issues 2 300,000 (may also be funded through increased 911 taxes) VDOT Revenue Sharing 3 500,000

  24. TOTAL $ 4,000,000 Subtotals by Priority 1 1,000,000 2 1,100,000   3 1,900,000 TOTAL $4,000,000 While this increase would not address all current needs, the recommended rate of $0.62 cents per $100, balances these needs with the financial burden placed on citizens. I anticipate meeting remaining needs through increased cooperation and coordination with other jurisdiction, increased

  25. automation and use of other sources of revenue. Rates should be kept on an even number in order to ease calculation and understanding of ½ cent rate calculations with the semi-annual collections. Also, the county has previously adopted tax relief for the disabled and for the elderly which reduces taxes on those over 65 years of age, with income less than $20,000 annually. Based on these calculations, advertisement of a $0.62 cent per $100 rate is recommended for consideration at the March 22 Board meeting.

  26. c. Weekly Update & Agenda Procedures - I would like to ask for suggestions from the Board regarding the size of the weekly update, specifically item “10” where copies of minutes, cleanup letters by district, notices of violations, etc. for the committees, agencies, and/or departments. One option would be for us to report these items as having been received rather than providing copies, and if Board members would like to receive a copy of any of the items mentioned, Ms. Hanks could provide a copy of the document in the next update. I would also like to request clarification regarding placement of items on the agenda when citizens call requesting to appear before the Board.

  27. d. Appointments: 1. NRRA Recycling Committee - A vacancy exists on this committee. We originally had two vacancies due to Dr. Fariss no longer serving on the Board and Doug Mayberry’s retirement. Ron Nichols filled one of those vacancies leaving one remaining vacancy. 2. New River Community College Board - Ms. Jeanne Whitman has accepted the Board’s invitation to fill the existing vacancy. Mr. Gary Hancock and Mr. Joe Reed have accepted the Board’s invitation to serve beginning July 1, 2004. Official appointment is recommended.

  28. 3. Board of Zoning Appeals - Nomination of Don Shelor to the Circuit Court to take James Odell’s place is recommended. In addition, Mr. Charles Dehart has accepted the Board’s invitation to serve as an alternate. There continues to be a vacancy for the alternate position on the BZA. 4. NR Highlands Resource Conservation Council - Mr. Walter Paulson does not wish to continue serving on the Council. Therefore, an appointment is needed.

  29. 5. New River Community Criminal Justice Board - Reappointment of Anthony Akers for an additional two-year term is recommended. 6. Clean Community Council - Appointment of Ed Jarrells of VDOT is recommended to take the place of Mr. Bobby Turman who has retired from VDOT.

  30. 9:45 p.m. • 8. Items of Consent: • a. Approval of Minutes of January 12 & 26 and February 16, 2004 • b. Accounts Payable • c. Appropriations & Interoffice Transfers • d. Ratification - Safe Air Systems, Inc. Service Agreement • e. Contracts, Change Orders & Agreements • f. A request from Robert C. & Jeannie D. Haga, Jr. to vacate a portion of a 40 ft. unimproved right-of-way tax map parcels 072-007-0000-0029, 30, 31, 32, 54-58, zoned Residential (R1), located off Thaxton Rd., (Rt. 649), in the Robinson District. • g. Confirmation of Board Goals

  31. 9. Items of Consent: • a. Approval of Minutes of January 12 • & 26 and February 16, 2004 • Approval of the minutes is requested.

  32. b. Accounts Payable Approval of the accounts payable, as presented, is requested.

  33. c. Appropriations & Interoffice Transfers – Approval of the interoffice transfers is requested.

  34. d. Ratification- – Ratification of the agreement with Safe Air Systems, Inc. for service repair on new lights and air truck is recommended.

  35. e. Contracts and Change Orders- There are no contracts, change orders or agreements at this time.

  36. f. A request from Robert C. & Jeannie D. Haga, Jr. to vacate a portion of a 40 ft. unimproved right-of-way tax map parcels 072-007-0000- 0029, 30, 31, 32, 54-58, zoned Residential (R1), located off Thaxton Rd., (Rt. 649), in the Robinson District. - We have received a request from Mr. Robert C. & Jeannie D. Haga, Jr. to vacate a portion of a 40 ft. unimproved street right –of-way adjacent to Tax Map Parcels 72-7-29 thru 32 and 54 thru 58 being approximately 270 feet. This property is located off Thaxton Road. (Route 649) near the west corporate limits of the Town of Pulaski and Brookmont Road (Route 640).

  37. A community meeting was held on February 11, 2003 to inform the residents of the request. Those in attendance were Mr. Robert C. & Jeannie D. Haga owners of Lots listed above and Ms. Joyce Bell owner of Lots 72-7-11 & 12. Mr. & Mrs. Haga indicated they wanted the street closed to allow improvements to their home and property. Ms. Bell indicated she did not want the street closed because of plans to construct a street on the unimproved right-of-way referred to as Hollow Street and the right-of-way being considered for closure would be used as an outlet for Hollow Street.

  38. Since there appears to be an equal amount of support for closure and non-closure, it is recommended that the Board schedule a public hearing for this item. Comments by Mr. Haga indicated that construction of a street in the Hollow Street right-of-way would be difficult due to the topography.

  39. g. Confirmation of Board Goals - Confirmation of the Board Goals is recommended to be sure I have properly worded and arranged the items discussed at the February 16 meeting.  I plan to distribute these to each town manager, provide them to the press, include a copy with each paycheck, place them on the web site, post them on Cable Channel 2, and publish them as an advertisement in the Progress Edition of the Southwest Times.

  40. 9:45 p.m. • 10. Citizen Comments

  41. 9:50 p.m. • 11. Other Matters from Supervisors

  42. 10:00 p.m. • 12. Closed Meeting – 2.1-344.A.

  43. 13. Adjournment

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