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MENTOR UPDATE Assessment in the 2004 Curriculum

MENTOR UPDATE Assessment in the 2004 Curriculum. In Partnership with Service. 2000 Curriculum Practice and study linked in each module Student performance assessed and each learning outcome graded Practice portfolio for each term. 2004 Curriculum Practice and study linked in each year

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MENTOR UPDATE Assessment in the 2004 Curriculum

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  1. MENTOR UPDATEAssessment in the 2004 Curriculum In Partnership with Service

  2. 2000 Curriculum Practice and study linked in each module Student performance assessed and each learning outcome graded Practice portfolio for each term 2004 Curriculum Practice and study linked in each year Student performance assessed against a development taxonomy Practice portfolio for each year TWO CURRICULA

  3. Today’s Update • This update has been prepared to give you information on the practice assessment of students following the 2004 curriculum. • If you have any other topics you wish to address, areas you wish to explore or concerns you wish to resolve please feel free to ask questions at any time.

  4. Assessment of Practice For the 2004 Curriculum: • Students will have a practice portfolio for each year of the course and will aim to complete around one third of learning targets in each term. • Learning targets can be selected that are related to the current area of practice

  5. Assessment of Practice • ‘Essential’ skills should be prioritised • Students should be given (and should take) every opportunity to rehearse and develop their skills at the level appropriate to their point of study • In each placement of 4 weeks duration, or longer, a series of three practice placement meetings between student and mentor must take place • Associate Mentors and co-professionals can sign ‘witness statements’

  6. The Development Taxonomy • Each student is on a personal journey to professional registration. They will all follow slightly different routes but should all pass through the same stages of development. There are four stages identified in the students Practice Assessment Documents (a.k.a. Portfolios or PADS)

  7. For each placement that the student attends the form below must be completedThe mentor should tick whether the student has demonstrated the ability to accept responsibility for their own action in the areas identified, provide comments and sign, date and print their name. Demonstrates ability to accept responsibility for their own actions YES NO COMMENTS • Arriving on duty on time • Wears uniform in line with Trust policy • Reports sickness/absence in line with Suffolk College/Trust policy • Responds appropriately to constructive feedback • Identification of fire points

  8. STAGE 1 - Exposure • The student is exposed to a skill/activity as an observer. Is able to describe underpinning knowledge. • A starting point for all skills development. This will dominate the first months of the first year of study but will never entirely go away.

  9. EXPOSURE • The old wisdom was see one – do one. • Don’t fall into that trap. • A student will need to observe closely the skill/activity being demonstrated to them by a skilled practitioner. They will need to show clearly that they understand what is happening. Then they can move to stage 2

  10. 1. Skills – Professional and Ethical Practice Domain Experience 1 Level Achieved Experience 2 Level Achieved Date & Signature Exper Level Achie Date & Signature Demonstrates ability to recognise their own limitations and refers to the Registered Nurse as appropriate Demonstrates respect for client confidentiality Demonstrates commitment and responsibility through their professional approach to patient care Demonstrates commitment to team working and respect for others at all times Demonstrates fairness and sensitivity when responding to patients/clients from a range of circumstances Demonstrates ability to contribute to nursing care in a fair and anti-discriminatory way Demonstrates ability to recognise situations that require referral to the Registered Nurse

  11. 1. Skills – Professional and Ethical Practice Domain Experience 1 Level Achieved Experience 2 Level Achieved Date & Signature Exper Level Achie Date & Signature Demonstrates ability to recognise their own limitations and refers to the Registered Nurse as appropriate Exposure Chris Towns 4/7/5 M.Brown 12.3.05 Demonstrates respect for client confidentiality Exposure Demonstrates commitment and responsibility through their professional approach to patient care Demonstrates commitment to team working and respect for others at all times Exposure G.T.Smith 21/3/5 Demonstrates fairness and sensitivity when responding to patients/clients from a range of circumstances Pat Hammley 10 June 05 Demonstrates ability to contribute to nursing care in a fair and anti-discriminatory way Exposure Gill Smith 18/3/05 Demonstrates ability to recognise situations that require referral to the Registered Nurse Exposure

  12. STAGE 2 - Participation • Participates in skill/activity under direct observation. Needs prompting and guidance. Safe all of the time and effective some of the time. Lacks confidence. Has a basic understanding of the underpinning knowledge • The goal of the First Year of the course is that each student will have participated in the performance of the essential skills described in the Practice Assessment Document - CFP

  13. PARTICIPATION • The old wisdom was see one - do one • Don’t fall into that trap • To participate in a performance is more than to observe, but may be less than to “perform unaided”. PADs use words like ‘contribute’ and ‘recognise’. Informed participation under direct observation leads to Stage 3

  14. 1. Skills – Professional and Ethical Practice Domain Experience 1 Level Achieved Experience 2 Level Achieved Date & Signature Exper Level Achie Date & Signature Demonstrates ability to recognise their own limitations and refers to the Registered Nurse as appropriate Exposure Chris Towns 4/7/5 M.Brown 12.3.05 Demonstrates respect for client confidentiality Exposure Demonstrates commitment and responsibility through their professional approach to patient care Demonstrates commitment to team working and respect for others at all times Exposure G.T.Smith 21/3/5 Demonstrates fairness and sensitivity when responding to patients/clients from a range of circumstances Pat Hammley 10 June 05 Demonstrates ability to contribute to nursing care in a fair and anti-discriminatory way Exposure Gill Smith 18/3/05 Demonstrates ability to recognise situations that require referral to the Registered Nurse Exposure

  15. 1. Skills – Professional and Ethical Practice Domain Experience 1 Level Achieved Experience 2 Level Achieved Date & Signature Exper Level Achie Date & Signature Demonstrates ability to recognise their own limitations and refers to the Registered Nurse as appropriate Exposure Chris Towns 4/7/5 Participa M.Brown 12.3.05 Demonstrates respect for client confidentiality Exposure Participa M.Brown 7.3.05 Demonstrates commitment and responsibility through their professional approach to patient care Participation Demonstrates commitment to team working and respect for others at all times Exposure G.T.Smith 21/3/5 Participation Pat Hammley 10 June 05 Demonstrates fairness and sensitivity when responding to patients/clients from a range of circumstances Participation Demonstrates ability to contribute to nursing care in a fair and anti-discriminatory way Exposure Particip Gill Smith 18/3/05 Demonstrates ability to recognise situations that require referral to the Registered Nurse Exposure Participa

  16. STAGE 3 - Identification • Performs the skill/activity under supervision, but some guidance may be required in some aspects of care. May lack confidence in some aspects of care, but is safe and effective all of the time. Identifies and applies knowledge of the skill/activity • This is the goal for the Second Year of the course

  17. IDENTIFICATION • Remember that the second year of the course is twelve months long. At the start of the year many students will still be in need of much ‘Exposure’ and ‘Participation’ for the specific skills/activities of their branch. They should start the year with an ability to identify and perform (under supervision) the essential skills of the Foundation Year

  18. IDENTIFICATION • By the end of their Second Year students will be expected to have developed the essential skills of the year two PAD through ‘exposure’ and ‘participation’ and have reached the ‘identification’ benchmarks. Their ‘learning curve’ will have steepened and they will be ready for stage 4

  19. STAGE 4 - Internalisation • Is able to perform the skill under supervision. Is confident, safe and effective all of the time. Has the capacity to perform with minimal/no guidance. Is able to demonstrate the key aspects of the skill and apply them in practice • This is the level expected of a new registrant and thus the goal for Year Three

  20. INTERNALISATION • Year three is just as long as year two • Students will still be encountering new skills and new situations ‘exposure’, ‘participation’ and ‘identification’ will still play a part in their learning • Internalisation is the target for the end of year three and will start with the consolidation of skills ‘identified’ in year two

  21. STAGE 5 – You never told me there was a stage 5! • The PAD for year three will describe a stage of ‘Dissemination’. This is a level used in post-registration development and relates to a students ability to analyse situations, critique underpinning knowledge and so influence the practice of other registered colleagues

  22. DISSEMINATION • If you award this grade to a student in a pre-registration programme you are effectively declaring that your practice or the practice of other registered staff has, in respect of the skill/activity for which it has been given, been influenced for the better by the guidance, advice and /or example given by your student.

  23. Other issues • Any Questions? • Identifying (and rewarding) good students • Identifying (and aiding) struggling students • Practice Recovery weeks • Hub and Spoke placements • Audits and student feedback • See you next year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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