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Developing an Approach to the Analytic Gap: Advanced Mathematics for Scale and Complexity. Dr. Kirstie Bellman, Co-PI (Partner Shankar Sastry, UCB) Aerospace Integration Science Center, The Aerospace Corporation March 16, 2006. Overview. Description of Current Analytic Gap Project Background
Developing an Approach to the Analytic Gap:Advanced Mathematics for Scale and Complexity Dr. Kirstie Bellman, Co-PI (Partner Shankar Sastry, UCB) Aerospace Integration Science Center, The Aerospace CorporationMarch 16, 2006
Overview • Description of Current Analytic Gap Project • Background • The Needs: Vast Networks, People and Technical Systems, Embedded systems • Lack of Sufficient Analytic Methods for Very Large Complex Systems • Mathematical, computational, and modeling needs • Current Goals of study: what constitutes success • Map DoD operational deficits to potentially important mathematical R&D • Identify new approaches for evaluating the scalability of methods • Current Organization of Study
Recap of History • At January 26, 2005 OSD/NII meeting, we discussed several large systems issues, with a special emphasis on the disturbing “analytic gap” • Insufficient methods for handling the scale of current large complex systems, undermining sensor, data, and networking capabilities • Insufficient methods for evaluating mathematical or computational capabilities and matching to appropriate problems and data sets • Asst SecDef, NII requested we return with approach for going forward; we developed the following study plan.
Approach for Closing the Gap • Rapid ,small assessment study with two expert panels: • Reality check on DoD scale problems: Where is DoD hardest hit by lacking sufficient analytic methods for very large systems? What problems are not being addressed? How does DoD currently work around problems of scale? • Advanced Mathematics for Problems in Scale and Complexity: Develop better methods to handle large complex systems; develop better methods for reasoning about the limitations of mathematical and computational approaches. Develop better evaluation techniques that can compare computational methods and ‘certify’ tools. • Challenge Problems: Panel 3 would combine the results of Panels 1 and 2 to create a set of challenge problems that would be used by funding agencies to develop programs addressing gap, and possibly as benchmarks for comparisons among computational methods.
Panel One: How damaging is this problem? • Goal of Panel: Assess where problems of scale are causing the most problems within DoD. Assess how DoD is currently working around problems of complexity and scale. • Outcomes of benefit to OSD: • Focus on most critical and/or damaging parts of the analytic gap first; • Obtain realistic assessment of what questions are not being addressed because of gap; • Better planning for both current and future systems.
Panel 1 Examples of Needs • Multi- and Dynamic Criteria Optimization • Even single-criterion optimization limited computationally to < 200K nodes (NPS example) • Tracking methods for evaluating the impact of changing specifications or not better specifying systems • Ariane IV worked well. Moving Ariane IV IRU into the Ariane V caused a billion dollar failure. Requirements deceptively similar • Waste of data we are currently unable to analyze • Current Needs: • Massive Networks, e.g. GIG • Design/control of Embedded Devices • Identifying relevant data amid massive amounts of data • Modeling of humans as part of complex systems, e.g. social networks, human cognition, culture
Panel 2: Advanced Mathematics for Problems in Scale and Complexity • Goals of Panel: • Identify potential R&D projects for immediate and long-term gains on closing analytic gap. • Understand the trade-offs among modeling, mathematical and computational methods • Develop roadmap for creating methods supporting systematic test and analysis of computational methods • Outcomes of benefit to OSD: • Provide DoD decision-makers with specifications and justification for better informed purchase of mathematical and computational methods. • Address top priority analytic needs for current design decisions and ongoing operational examples
Panel 2 –One Major Goal is More Mathematics About Scalability: Beyond NP-Complete • Mathematics to allow us to study the scalability of other mathematical methods • Engineering of mathematical methods • Specifications of mathematical methods • Scope of applicability • Scope of practicality • We will consider “Validation Laboratory” • Validate design and approach • Determine weaknesses, specifications • Beyond small scale prototype or simulation • Outside experts, not vendors
Panel 2: Initial Mathematical Topics That Must Be Considered?? • Multi-criteria optimization • The impact of single events, cascades in networks • Methods to accumulate the risks of rare events (also related, statistics of extreme values) • Measuring and controlling emergence • Methods to support different large scale system strategies, e.g. aggregation, abstraction, partitioning… (particularly better methods to map among the levels of multi-resolution systems) • Characterizing solution spaces for quick responses later • Methods to decide whether a sub-graph is characteristic of a much larger graph • Developing mathematics for evaluating partial or intermediate results • Combining results from heterogeneous methods
Mathematical Research Needs in Embedded Systems…in Most DoD Networks • A real-time embedded system must do the best it can within the time it has, • Designers must be able to reason about the trade-off between the precision of results and the computational time and implement those decision rules in the systems. • Need analytic methods to reason about whether or not more time yields much better answers • Because embedded systems must utilize the currently available data within a set amount of time and hence yield at times intermediate results, • Need advancements in evaluation methods for reasoning about “goodness” of the current solution or the computational progress so far. • In other words, how far off the current result or partial result is from the completed result
Panel 3: Challenge Problems • Goal of Panel: • Develop challenge problems to help focus national R&D programs • Develop basis for benchmarks to be shared by community for evaluation of computational methods • Composed of Panel 1 and 2 experts. • Outcomes of benefit to OSD: • Hand off challenge problems to DARPA, NSF, other national funding groups to develop programs to address prioritized and critical gaps • Immediately useful to current projects, such as design and evaluation of GIG, and ongoing operations.
Questions to You • What does thinking in terms of ‘networks’ buy us in terms of scalability • What are some of the special difficulties in scaling up networks
Mathematical Research Needs for Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems (DDDAS) • “a symbiotic feedback control system [that] entails the ability to dynamically incorporate additional data into an executing application, and in reverse, the ability of an application to dynamically steer the measurement process.” • NSF has identified a number of advances needed in mathematics and statistics in order to handle DDDAS systems. • Many of these topics deal with determining the stability of algorithms and mathematical solutions given the dynamically changing models resulting from the inclusion and incorporation of new data. • NSF’s list includes:“the creation of new mathematical algorithms with stable and robust convergence properties under perturbations induced by dynamic data inputs: algorithmic stability under dynamic data injection/streaming; algorithmic tolerance to data perturbations; multiple scales and model reduction; enhanced asynchronous algorithms with stable convergence properties; stochastic algorithms with provable convergence properties under dynamic data inputs; handling data uncertainty in decision-making/optimization algorithms, especially in cases where decisions can adapt to unfolding scenarios (data paths).”