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Study of Phi Meson Line Shape at 62.4GeV Au+Au Collisions

Investigating the line shape of the Phi meson in 62.4GeV Au+Au collisions through motivations, dataset analysis, signal reconstruction, centroid and width determination, and conclusions. The study explores the characteristics of Phi meson at varying centralities and outlines the methodology used in this research.

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Study of Phi Meson Line Shape at 62.4GeV Au+Au Collisions

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  1. Line shape of phi meson at 62.4GeV Au+Au Collisions Outlines: 1.Motivations 2.Dataset, cuts and method 3.Phi signal reconstruction 4.Centroid and width with centrality 5.Conclusion and outlook Shengli Huang Vanderbilt University Shengli Huang

  2. Motivations(I) ->k+k at 200GeV Au+Au collision PHENIX, PRC72(014903),2005 1.The line shape of  meson is consistent with PDG 2. = 46 fm/c,QGP~10 fm/c  small fraction of  decays inside fireball producing a very small modification in the line shape. Shengli Huang

  3. Motivations(II) ->e+e at 12GeV p+A Dot line:background Solid line:fit results with the simulation shape R.Muto et al., Nucl. Sci. A774(2006)723-726 1.Mass shift is observed for the low velocity  meson at p+Cu collision while not p+C collision 2.How about 62GeV Au+Au Collision? Shengli Huang

  4. The dataset, cuts and methods • Dataset: 62.4GeV Au+Au: • Centrality:0~83.7% • |VertexZ|<30cm • Total events~ 34M • Mixing event methods: • 8 centrality bins • 6 VertexZ bins • 10 mixing events • Normalization methods: • 1)Nevents/Nmixevents • 2)2*sqrt(N++N--)/N+-(mix) • 3)Ratio of integral yield (m0>1.10GeV) of invariant mass distribution in same and mixing events Kaon identification Shengli Huang

  5. The ->k+k- signal reconstruction • Min-Bias • Fit Function: Breit-Wigner • with Gaussian mass resolution • of 1.4MeV • Width: • 4.61 ± 0.46(sta) ±0.58(sys)MeV • Centroid: • 1.0200±0.0002(sta) ±0.0009(sys)GeV • Consistent with PDG value pT :1~3GeV/c Shengli Huang

  6. The centrality dependence of  signal (I) 1. Centrality bins: 0~10% 10~20% 20~40% 40~60% 60~83.7% 2.PT cut:1~3GeV Shengli Huang

  7. The centrality dependence of  signal (II) Shengli Huang

  8. The centrality dependence of centroid & width Systematic error Width: magnet uncertainty Centroid: different normalized methods The centroid and width of  meson do not depend on centrality Shengli Huang

  9. Conclusions/Outlook 1.The signal of  meson in 62.4GeV Au+Au collision has been reconstructed from k+k decay channel. 2.The centroid & width of  meson do not show centrality dependence and consistent with the PDG value 3.In the future, the yield of  meson from k+k decay channel will be studied Shengli Huang

  10. The Phi signal Centroid & Width 3.Integral:4.03 ± 0.44MeV 1.Akiba: 4.61±0.46MeV • Min-Bias • Width: • 4.61 ± 0.46(sta) ±0.58(sys)MeV • Centroid: • 1.020±0.0002(sta) ±0.0009(sys)GeV • Consistent with PDG value 2.Hemmick:4.93 ± 0.47MeV Shengli Huang

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