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Natural Resources modeling of heathlands: targets & indicators

Natural Resources modeling of heathlands: targets & indicators. Gerrit W. Heil. Utrecht University. scenarios. drivers. Stake- holders. targets. indicators. Natural Resources Management. ecosystems. heathlands. canopy cover. Heathland Management. Manage- ment. Heathland

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Natural Resources modeling of heathlands: targets & indicators

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  1. Natural Resources modeling of heathlands: targets & indicators Gerrit W. Heil Utrecht University

  2. scenarios drivers Stake- holders targets indicators Natural Resources Management ecosystems

  3. heathlands canopy cover Heathland Management Manage- ment Heathland managers Diversity Recreation Production ecosystem services

  4. Sulfur and nitrogen deposition in The Netherlands

  5. National Park “Hoge Veluwe” -1979

  6. National Park “Hoge Veluwe” -1983

  7. 100 % Calluna trees grass structure management intensity Conceptual model of heathland management 1 2 3 4 Four land utilization structure types of heathland in relation to management intensity, structural diversity and species composition. Type 1 = open heathland, poor in structural diversity, with Calluna cover > 75%, Type 2 = open heathland, rich in structural diversity, with Calluna cover > 60%, and less than 35% grass cover, Type 3 = a mosaic of heathland, forest (<35% cover) and grassland, Type 4 = forest (cover between 60 and 80%) with patches of heathland.

  8. Grazing by cattle

  9. Table 1: Results of the cluster analysis of vegetation releves differing in: no management or grazing Dry heath wet heath Dry heath <--ungrazed-type---><-ericetum ->< ----grazed-type-------> grazing > -+-----++---++--++--+++-+--+--++-+++-+++++++++++--++--++++ Releve nr. 562252231323347835784 13477277138 167 2525556246661568 4 1102013562418090758726437568137964862562947877928936551278 Species name 12 Cera font ------------------------------1--------------------------- 00000 31 Geni angl --------------------1---11-111-1-1-111-------------------- 00000 53 Rham fran ---------------1----1-------------1----------------------- 00000 57 Sorb aucu ------------------------------1--------------------------- 00000 27 Eric tetr 1------1-------------11-111-111-----1---1----------------- 00001 41 Moli caer --------------------1111111-111-----1--------------------- 00001 30 Gali saxa ---------------1--------------1-1------------------------- 0001 33 Hier pilo --------1---------------------1--------------------------- 0001 49 Pote erec --------1-----------1-------1-1-------------------------1- 0001 40 Mela prat --1111---------------------------------------------------- 00100 50 Prun sero --11111111-11--1---11---------1---1-------------------1--- 00100 54 Rubu ssp --111-11--1----1-----------1111---------1----------------- 00100 56 Saro scop ----1----1-----11----------1------------------------------ 00100 52 Quer rubr 1-1-1-------------------------------------------------1--- 00101 3 Amel lama --1--11-111----------1-----------11--11------------------- 001100 9 Camp para ---1-1-1--1----111111------1--1-1--1----11---------1---1-- 001100 51 Quer robu 1111111-1------1-----11----1--1------1----------------1--- 001100 11 Care pilu --11-11111111-1-1--111--11111111111-1-1-1----1-1-1-------- 001101 44 Pinu sylv ----1--1-----1--11----11-111-----------1----------1------- 001101 24 Dant decu -1----11---------------------111111-1------------1----1-1- 00111 43 Pleu schr 111111-----------------------------------111-------------- 010 2 Agro vine --1--111--1111-----------1-11---1---1---11111--11-----1111 01100 7 Call vulg 11111111111111-1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 01100 25 Desc flex 11111111111111111111-11111-11111111111111111111111-1111111 01100 35 Hypn jutl 11111111111--111111111111111111--1111111111111111111111-11 01100 29 Fest tenu 11---11111111-111-11-1111111111111-111111111111-11----1111 01101 32 Geni pilo ------------------------1-1---1--1-11--1-------1---------1 0111 42 Nard stri --------1---------------------11-----11-----------------1- 1000 55 Rume acet ------1-11111111------1----11-111--111-1111-111111----1111 1000 5 Betu vern --1------1------11---------------------11------------111-- 1001 26 Dicr scop --1111111-1--1-1-1-1-11----1-11-1111111111111-111111111111 1001 38 Leuc glau ----------------1---1-------1---------------------11-1---- 101 1 Agro tenu --------11-1----1--------------------1111111-----1----1--- 1100 10 Care aren -1--1-----------------------------------------1111----11-1 1100 13 Clad bacc ---------------------------------11111--1-111111---11--1-- 1100 14 Clad chlo 11-----11-----111-------11-1--1--1111111111111111111111111 110100 20 Clad rang ---------------------------------1--------1---------1-11-- 110100 21 Clad port --------1--------1-----------------1-111--1--------11--1-1 110100 8 Camp intr --------1-----------111-1--1-----11-111-111111-1-1111-1111 110101 48 Poly peri --------------------------------1-----1-------------1-1--- 110101 39 Luzu mult ------------------------------1------1----------------1-1- 11011 45 Pohl nuta --------------------------------1---------------------11-- 11011 15 Clad cocc ---------------------------------------------1-1---------- 1110 16 Clad floe -------------------------------------11-1-111111--1-1111-1 1110 36 Leci ulig 11--------------------------------------11111-1-1--------- 1110 1111111111111111111100000000000001111111111111111111111111

  10. Lichen rich Calluna heath

  11. Remotely Sensed Image ™ NP Hoge Veluwe for sampling of canopy cover – diversity proxy “Oud Reemstveld” 4000 meters

  12. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index

  13. diversity recreation production Canopy cover - diversity proxy

  14. Two species competing for canopy space Species 1 Species 1 Canopy space Canopy space Species 2 Species 2 t = 1 t = 0

  15. Structure of heathland meta-model removal of biomass competition beetles Calluna vulgaris Deschampsia flexuosa seed seed soil

  16. A Lotka-Volterra competition model for canopy space dN1/dt = r1N1 (C-N1-N2) / C - β1N1-δN1 dN2/dt = r2N2 (C-N2-N1) / C - β2N2 Where: N1 and N2 = canopy cover of two competing species C = maximum canopy cover r = species specific growth rate in relation to nitrogen availability β = species specific mortality rate δ = stochastic outbreaks of heather beetle infestation assumption: both species have the same maximum canopy cover

  17. 25 kg/ha/yr atmospheric nitrogen deposition

  18. 25 kg/ha/yr atmospheric nitrogen deposition

  19. Approach for future NR-modeling

  20. Conclusions • Setting targets (services) in combination with apparent indicators is important for the success of Natural Resources Management. • Natural Resource modeling explicates the potential of indicators to assess the targets. Utrecht University

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