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Prospects on Hypernuclear Physics. Hypernuclear physics: state of the art DA Φ NE: an efficient hypernuclear factory FINUDA physics program Future prospects Conclusions. Paola Gianotti LNF. d. d. p. u. u. p. w,h. u. u. p(r). u. d. S. L N. a. u. s. W. a. L. n. d. L. d.
Prospects on Hypernuclear Physics • Hypernuclear physics: state of the art • DAΦNE: an efficient hypernuclear factory • FINUDA physics program • Future prospects • Conclusions Paola Gianotti LNF
d d p u u p w,h u u p(r) u d S LN a u s W a L n d L d + p(r) L d d LN NL 6Li K p S p LN NLN Hypernuclear Physics: state of the art • Hypernuclear physics is a good tool to match nuclear and particle • physics. The study of this field may help in understanding some • crucial questions: • four baryon weak • interaction vertex; • YN and YY strong interactions; • change of hyperon and meson properties in the nuclear medium; • existence of di-baryon particles; • the role played by the quark degrees of freedom, • flavor symmetryand chiral models in nuclear and hypernuclear field.
The 1st round 1953 Discovery of Λ hypernuclei Emulsion detectors --- CERN PS, BNL AGS K- beam Λ potential depth about 1/2 The 2nd round First Counter Experiments CERN & BNL 1973 Stopped (K-,π-) at CERN 1974 in-flight (K-,π-) at CERN PS and BNL AGS very small spin-orbit splitting • The 3rd round • New reactions with New Detectors • 1985 (π+,K+) started at AGS • 1990 S=-2 searches at AGS and KEK (Emulsion-counter hybrid technique) • 1993 S=-1 Λ Spectroscopy, Weak decay, SKS spectrometer • 1998g ray spectroscopy (Hyperball) • ΛN potential definition • Γn/ Γp puzzle in the non-mesonic decays 50 years of Hypernuclear Physics
θL= 0o Hyperon recoil momentum [MeV/c] Projectile momentum pLab [GeV/c] Production of Λ-Hypernuclei Different production mechanisms can be used to form an hypernuclei: strangeness exchangereaction(in flight, stopped) σ≈ 100 mb ; Ibeam = 104 s-1 associated production σ ≈ 1 mb ; Ibeam = 107 s-1 real and virtual photo- production σ ≈ μb ; Ibeam = 1010 s-1
Production of Λ-Hypernuclei (K+,π+),and(K-stop,π-) are similar, both give to the hyperon a large momentum transferred, but not identical. Many excited hypernuclear states DWIA calculations a 12C(K-,π-) pK=800 MeV/c Saclay-Lyon amplitude 12C(g,K+)12ΛB Eg=1.1GeV θ=10o b 12C(π+,K+) pπ=1040 MeV/c θ=0o c 12C(K-stop,π-) T.S.H. Lee et al., Phys. Rev. C 58 (1998) 1551. Electroproduction mainly populates streched and unnatural parity nuclear states. K.Itonaga et al., Prog. Theor. Phys 84 (1990) 291.
Production of Λ-Hypernucleiexp. results 12C(g,K+)12ΛB pΛ sΛ pΛ 12C(K-,π-) sΛ HNSS(E89-009) high resolution (900MeV FWHM) spectrometer FINUDA experiment high resolution (1.4 MeV FWHM) spectometer
Hypernuclear Spectroscopy • GOAL: understanding Baryon-Baryon interactions • NN interaction: experimentally well known from elastic • scattering data • phenomenologically well reproduced by • meson-exchange and quark-cluster models • YN, YY interaction: poor scattering data low yield, • short lifetime (ct < 10 cm) information from hypernuclei are important mostly Λ-hypernuclei ΛN interaction In Λ-hypernuclei: No Pauli effect, weak coupling simple structure extraction of ΛN interaction is rather straightforward
Hypernuclear Spectroscopy Textbook example of Single-particle orbits in nucleus Hotchi et al., PRC 64 (2001) 044302 The peak positions iswell described by a Wood-Saxon potential Phenomenological NN, YN potential, mainly based on OBE mechanism, improves (Nijmegen ESC02, 03) thanks to hypernuclear physics
DSLSNT Recent improvements (1998~2003) g spectroscopy • 7LLi, 9LBe, 10LB, 11LB, 15LN, 16LO KEK E419, E509, E518; BNL E930 • 13LCBNL E929NaI array Hyperball p shell: 4 radial integrals for pN,sΛ w.f.
Towards hyper-fine splitting understanding N- LS interaction SN~ -0.4 MeV KEK E419 (π+,K+) 7ΛLi spin-spin interaction D = 0.50 MeV HYPERBALL SL= - 0.01 MeV BNL E930 (K-, π-) 9ΛBe BNL E929 (K-,π-) 13ΛC SL = 152 ± 54(stat) ± 36(syst) keV NaI The experimental measurements on SΛ are in agreement but smaller than the values given by the meson exchange models BNL E930 (K-, π-) 13ΛC T ~ 30 keV (prelim.)First info. on T OBEP predictions agree with the experimentalvalue ND NF NSC89 NSC97f T (keV) 18 33 36 54
ΛΛinteraction • Unique channel in SU(3) BB interaction classification • Repulsive core may vanish in this channel • possibile existense of H-dibaryon (uuddss, J=I=0) • Original prediction by Jaffe (PRL38 (1977) 195) • - H is predicted80 MeV below ΛΛmass • No experimental evidence so far • - at least, deeply bound H is rejected • ΛΛ - Ξ N (- ΣΣ) coupling important (ΔE = 28 MeV) • ΛΛ interaction study performed by • - ΛΛ hypernuclei • - ΛΛ final state interaction in (K-,K+) reaction • (J. K. Ahn et al., PLB444 (1998) 267 ) • Present data suggests ΛΛ interaction is weakly attractive
Hybrid emulsion experiment (KEK-PS E373) K+ K- - • Track #1 is the • Binding energy of • is obtained to be • BLL = 7.3±0.3 MeV • (from a+2L) • In order to extract LL • interaction, we take • DBLL = BLL - 2BL( ) • = 1.0±0.3 MeV • weakly attractive 6 He LL 6 He LL 5 He L • Hybrid emulsion -- (K-,K+) reaction to produce Ξ- • then stop it in emulsion • The best event found (H. Takahashi et al., PRL87(2001)212502)
Chain of π- decays (BNL E906) D6 line CDS detector: (K-,K+) Ξ-, Ξ- + 9Be -> ΛΛZ+ X First production of ΛΛhypernuclei by a counter experiment • 4 ΛΛH →4 ΛHe* + π-(104) • →3 ΛH + p • →3He + π-(114.3) 3LH 4LH 3LH 4LLH PRL 87(2001) 132504
Neutron rich Λ-Hypernuclei A new branch of nuclear physics is studyng light nuclei with extended spatial distribution giving rise to a neutron halo. Superheavy elements number of protons • Proton-rich nuclei solar burning Neutron-rich nuclei number of neutrons Better candidates to study matter with extreme N/Z ratio are neutron rich Λ-hypernuclei 7ΛH, 6ΛH, 12ΛBe,... Here more extended mass distribution are expected thanks to the “gluing role” of the Λ Interesting also for astrophysics studies on high density nuclear matter in neutron stars
Neutron rich Λ-HypernucleiTretyakova et al., Nucl. Phys, A691 (2001) 351c, Akaishi et al., Frascati Phys. S. XVI, (1999) 59 Two different production mechanisms have been invoked: • Double charge exchange K-p → Λπ0 ; π0 p → n π+ π-p → π0 n ; π0 p → K+Λ • Strangeness exchange with Λ-Σ coupling K-p → Σ-π+; (Σ-nΛ p) π-p → Σ-K+; (Σ-nΛ p) FINUDA KEK E521 10B
Weak decay of hypernuclei • In free space... • Λ p + π- (63.9%, Q = 38 MeV) • n + π0 (35.8%, Q = 41 MeV) • ΔI=1/2 rule holds • - initial state: I=0, final state: I=1/2 or 3/2 • if If = 1/2, branch is 2:1 • 3/2, 1:2 • -this is a general rule in strangeness decay, • but no one knows why • This decay (called mesonic decay) is suppressed in hypernuclei • due to Pauli blocking for the final state nucleon. • Therefore, non-mesonic decay occurs in hypernuclei • p + Λ p + n, • n + Λ n + n, .... • - Is the ΔI=1/2 still valid? • We need to measure Γn and Γp
OPE 0.05 0.2 OME (with heavy meson ) Quark models … observables: Γn / Γp 1.5 0.5 1 0 Exp. Value 0.5 2 Weak decay of hypernuclei mesonic decay non- mesonic decay Do we need quarks to describe non-mesonic decay or the OBE description is good?
Experimental measurements (past) Past experiments only measured Γtot asymmetry of the weak decay of polarized Hypernuclei Λlifetime is almost constant for A > 10 non-mesonic decay dominate short range nature of non-mesonic decay
Experimental measurements (present) Modern experiments can measure Γp andΓn at the same time: KEK SKS FINUDA En+Ep First results are coming from KEK En+En 5LHe (E462) :Γn/ Γp0.45±0.11±0.03 systematic error : neutron efficiency(6%) + acceptance (3%) To be compared with the old data: 0.93±0.55 (Szymanski et al. PRC 43 (1991)849) Is the puzzle ofΓn/ Γp solved? Stay tuned....
FINUDAFIsica NUcleareaDAΦNE The Φprovide a unique “K- beam” : • monochromatic low momentum (127 MeV/c) • triggertaggingK-stop event through the associate K+ • no hadronicbackground that can be stopped in thin targets to produce hypernuclei K-stop +AZ AΛZ+π-
FINUDA scientific program • comparison with the 6Li; available data of poor quality 7Li • source of Λ4Heand Λ5He( Λ6Li unstable) to study of the decay of light hypernuclei 6Li
reference target for spectroscopy and weak decay studies • expected over 105 events in the excitation spectrum • search for weakly excited states, ≤ 10-5/Kstop • (present limit 10-4/Kstop) • weak decays: Γp (Λp → n p) • Γn (Λn → n n) • Γpn (Λ n p → n n p) New • Γnn (Λ n n → n n n) New • Γπ- (Λ→ p π-) 12C 27Al • never studied before • measurement of the capture rate in medium A hypernuclei • no measurements available with K- at rest, useful for weak • decay studies • important to assess the capture rate for medium and heavy • A hypernuclei 51V
DAΦNE Complex KLOE FINUDA Accelerator Complex
FINUDA Detector TOFONE detector Magnet end-cap Magnet yoke B=1.0 T Mechanical support (clessidra) Straw tubes, LMDC, Vertex/target
FINUDA Interaction Region Targets 3 12C 1 51V 1 27Al 2 6Li 1 7Li 44.10 210.00 44.10 Carbon target profile 26.0 1.700.03 4.700.03 200.00 27.10 27.10 244.00 4.70 2.60 3.70 1.00 Lithium target profiles 27.10 244.00 27.10 4.70 2.60 4.10 0.60 44.10 210.00 44.10 Vanadium target profile 2.60 0.625 3.3250.03 200.00 44.10 210.00 44.10 Aluminum target profile 1.00 2.60 3.70.03 200.00 2mm Sci. Be 500μm
FINUDA first run : October 2003 – March 2004 FINUDA FINUDA Daily integrated luminosity [nbarn-1] nb-1 From 14-Oct- 2003 to 22-Mar-2004 DAΦNE delivered 250 pb-1to IP2 33 pb-1 machine tuning 10 pb-1 FINUDA debugging 190 pb-1 useful data taking Integrated luminosity [nbarn-1] Integrated luminosity delivered to FINUDA Integrated luminosity delivered to FINUDA pb-1 DAΦNE peak luminosiy (cm-2s-1) 30∙106 events recorded
FINUDA Detector performances • S.C. Solenoid: B = 1.0 Tfield homogeneity within 2% • Interaction/Target region: selection of K+- K-pairs , • production and detection of hypernuclei. • External tracking device: trajectories and momenta • of charged particles with high precision Δp/p = 0.3%. • External scintillator barrel:trigger purposes and • neutron detection (10% eff. , 8 MeV en. Resol.) • Helium gas chamber:reduction of particle multiple • scattering. sz =30 mm;en. res. 20% FWHM VDET z resolution LMDC:s(r,f) 150 mm; sz 1% wire length ST:s(r,f) 150 mm; sz = 500 mm Outer TOF time resolution FINUDA momentum resolution Dp/p is: 0.3% in He 1.5% in air Pid in VDET
6Li 6Li ISIM 2 7Li 12C ISIM 1 Φ ISIM 8 12C 12C ISIM 7 e+ 51V Φ 27Al e- Distribution of stopped K- • Reconstructed K- stopping points • external layer: 8 targets • inner layer: microstrip ISIM modules K-stopping in ISIM are about 10% of the total due to a boost (≈ 13 MeV) of the Φ in the x direction 12.5 mrad
Experimental results π- spectra coming form different target materials π-spectrum contributions Clean hypernuclear structures can be seen in any target material Λ- hyp
-1.8<BΛ<11.MeV Looking for protons from the Non-Mesonic Λdecay all positive from K- vertex 12C target Particles coming from background processes can be easily rejected requiring: dE/dx in the proton region; pπ- >240 MeV/c
FINUDA future prospects The Segmented Clover Detector Ge crystals BGO Compton suppression shield active collimator (scintillator) Geometrical acceptance reduced to 72% @ L = 1033 cm-2 s-1 FINUDA can observe ~ 1.6 · 103 ev/h from YN g.s. • machine duty cycle: 75% • spectrometer acceptance: 72% • Ge acceptance: ~ 30% • εGe: ~ 30% ~ 1.87 · 103ev/d
Conclusions • Hypernuclear Physics has reached the status of a mature science • It helps in understanding BB weak and strong force allowing a detailed study into a SU(3) flavor symmetry environment • Some open problems still remain: • precise measurements of the spin-observables; • double Lambda hyp. binding force B; • Existence of neutron rich hypernuclei; • Survey on different targets of Γn /Γp.
Future activities • Jlab Hall A (HRS), Hall C (HKS) • DAΦNE FINUDA →DAΦNE2 with gspect. • KEK-PS, BNL-AGS (E930,E963,E964) SKS, Hyperball2,.. • J-PARC ・ Ξ hyp. Spectroscoy using K-K+ reaction ・ ΛΛ hyp. Study using π- seq. decay • GSI PANDA ΛΛ hyp. Ge spectroscopy
Bhabha events e+ e- e+ e- e+ e- e+ e- e- Ks + - e+ r0 + - e+ e- invariant mass (GeV/c)
Ks + -events - + - Ks +
Hypernuclear typical event - + - K- F K+ +
Momentum resolution K+ μ+νμ, π+πo From the width of the μ+ the spectrometer momentum resolution is evaluated. K+ + (236 MeV/c) Δp/p 0.9% After mechanical alignment Δp/p 0.4% K+ + o (205 MeV/c)
Background contributions TOT K- p+ - K- p-+ - n - K- n0 - K- n- p - K- (NN)- N - n -