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Explore the rise of the German Empire under Bismarck's leadership and the challenges faced by Republican France during a tumultuous period, including the Dreyfus Affair.
Responsive National State 1871-1914
The German Empire • New empire federal union of Prussia and 24 smaller German states. • Strong national government with a chancellor. Popularly elected lower house, the Reichstag. • Bismarck tried to maintain parliamentary majority. Relied on support of National Liberals.
Kulturkampf • “Struggle for civilization. • Alarmed by dogma of papal infallibility made in 1870. • Only saw limited success in the Protestant North. • Catholic Center party opposed legislation attacking the Church. Eventually came to make an alliance with Bismarck over economic reasons.
1873 Financial Crash • Led to greater tariffs worldwide in attempt to protect industries. • Bismarck attempted to halt the spread of socialism by ramming a law through the Reichstag strictly controlling socialist meetings and outlawing the Social Democratic party. • However, even though they were driven underground, they remained strong. Bismarck decided to take another tack.
Social Measures • Began to create social measures designed to win support of working class people and head off revolution. • 1883: Social Security laws. National sickness and accident insurance. Old age pensions and retirement benefits. Paid for through compulsory contributions by wage earners and employers as well as grants by the state.
Republican France • After the military disaster at Sedan, the radicals in Paris declared the birth of the Third Republic. Defended Paris with great heroism but were eventually starved into submission. • After the national elections sent a majority of conservatives and monarchists to the National Assembly as well as the humiliation of giving up Alsace-Lorraine, the Parisians declared the Paris Commune.
Paris Commune • Wanted to rule Paris without interference from the conservative countryside. • The National Assembly ordered the French army into Paris and brutally crushed the Commune. • 20,000 died in the fighting. • Third Republic was established in lieu of a monarchy because Bourbon candidate for king refused to rule unless under the white flag of his ancestor.
Republican government • Trade unions fully legalized. • Acquired a colonial empire. • Free compulsory elementary education for both boys and girls. • Education very important to building a unified nation. • Public school became secular, different from parochial schools previously controlled by the Catholic Church.
Dreyfus Affair • Alfred Dreyfus, Jewish captain in the French Army, falsely accused and convicted of treason. • Revived republican feelings.