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The California FFA Record Book

The California FFA Record Book. Mind Moo-ver. Objective: Students will be able to identify the purpose and relevance of the California FFA Record Book. QOD: Why is it important to keep and maintain records? Provide specific examples. I. What is the record book?.

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The California FFA Record Book

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  1. The California FFA Record Book

  2. Mind Moo-ver • Objective: Students will be able to identify the purpose and relevance of the California FFA Record Book. • QOD: • Why is it important to keep and maintain records? Provide specific examples.

  3. I. What is the record book? • The Record Book is the “Golden Book” • DO NOT throw it around • DO NOT draw on it • It can help you with: • Earning awards • Earning degrees • Teaches you to be responsible • Teaches you record keeping skills

  4. II. The Cover • Must be PERFECT – first impressions • Letters must touch line, not above or below • Use capital and lower case letters • Must be done in BLUE or BLACK INK • There are only TWO pages done in pen! • FRONT COVER • BUSINESS AGREEMENT


  6. III. The Introduction Page • Use a PENCIL • Print neatly • Fill in projects, spelling correctly • Each project goes on a separate line

  7. You can have one or multiple projects

  8. IV. The Calendar of Events • Keep track of important dates • Done in PENCIL • Each month has its own page • Label month and year at the top of each page • In some months you will put 2 days in one square • Use an arrow to mark a span of days

  9. Span of days 2 days in 1 square

  10. Warm-Up • What is the purpose of a record book? • What is one thing the record book can help you earn? • Where are the two places you can use pen in your record book? • What information do you record in your record book? OBJECTIVE: By the end of the period, students will be able to identify events on the record book calendar relating to FFA and SAE activities as well as define business agreements, their types, and key terms.

  11. Calendar Dates January • January 21st – No School  • January 24th – FFA Chapter Meeting- dodge ball • January 28th – State Degree Scoring February • February 12th – Sectional Public Speaking • February 18th – No School  • February 19th-23rd – National FFA Week • February 22nd – FFA Chapter Meeting & Sectional Dance March • March 1st-2nd – UC Davis Field Day • March 7th – Drive Thru BBQ

  12. Calendar Dates March • March 8th – No School  • March 15th-16th – Merced Field Day • March 20th – FFA Chapter Meeting • March 22nd – Regional Finals King City • March 22nd-23rd – Modesto Field Day • March 24th – State Degree Ceremony April • April 1st-8th – Spring Break • April 12-13th – Reedley Field Day • April 18th – State Public Speaking Contest • April 20-23rd – Fresno State Conference • April 25th – FFA Chapter Meeting

  13. Calendar Dates May • May 4th – State Judging Finals • May 7th – Sectional Officer Elections • May 9th – Sectional Project Competition • May 15th – Nipomo FFA Spring Awards Banquet June • June 7th – Last day of school 

  14. V. Business Agreements • Business Agreements are needed any time 2 parties agree to work together. • Purpose: to write out all details that have to be settled between the 2 parties. • 2 Types of Business Agreements: • Ownership: Ex: market hog • Placement: Ex: turf management

  15. V. Business Agreements cont. • Key Terms: • Agreement – written statement explaining details of a business venture • Capital – money • Enterprise – project • Management – decision making having to do with the project • Other Party – other person involved in the agreement

  16. Friday Warm-Up • Why would you complete a business agreement? • What kind of information should be addressed in the business agreement? • Should it be completed in pen or pencil? • What are the 2 types of business agreements? OBJECTIVE: By the end of the period, students will be able to create a budget for an SAE project by completing the budget form in the record book

  17. V. Business Agreements cont. • How to complete business agreement: • Must be done in INK • Discuss agreement before entering it in the record book • Have teacher approve agreement before it goes in the book • Write neatly • Should be done BEFORE you start the project

  18. Example Ownership Enterprise Agreement

  19. Example Placement Enterprise Agreement

  20. VI. Budget • Purpose: to anticipate costs, compare to income, and make sure you will make $$!! • Needs to be done BEFORE project starts • Need to complete a budget to receive a bank loan

  21. VI. Budget cont. • Terms: • Budget – estimated expenses, income, and net income for project • Estimate – predicted price • Expense – cost of something • Interest – money charged for borrowing money

  22. VI. Budget cont. 5. Net Income – income-expenses (what you keep) • Income – money received • Receipt – money received (same thing as income)

  23. VI. Budget cont. • How to complete the budget: • Round money to the nearest dollar • Do not enter zeroes…leave it blank • Do not use dollar signs • Use a PENCIL • Estimate expenses higher and income lower • DO NOT change the budget

  24. Sheep Hogs B & S Purchase Sheep/Hog 2750 660 390 Feed 1375 Vet Costs 138 21 Supplies 50 75 60 Transportation 50 336 30 Equip. Dep. 100 Entry Fee 6 Rent 90 Clothing 64 Miscellaneous 20 4463 1332 420 5175 1368 Sell 9800 Bronco & Songs 5175 1368 9800 4463 420 1332 +712 +36 +9380

  25. Monday, January 14, 2013Warm-Up • What is the purpose of the budget? • When should it be completed? • Should dollar amounts amounts be rounded or not • Should $ be included? • Pencil or pen? OBJECTIVE: By the end of the period, students will be able to correctly complete a record book budget problem using the information provided.

  26. 37 Livestock Meat Cutting Bronco Purchase livestock/lambs 2750 660 390 Feed & Supplies 1375 64 State & Certification Fee 138 21 Equip Depreciation 50 75 60 Vet Costs- Lab Tests 100 30 336 Transportation 50 Building Rent 90 Shop License Fee 6 Rubber Boots 20 4463 1332 420 5175 1368 Sell 9800 Income 5175 1368 9800 4463 420 1332 +712 +36 +9380

  27. E-Record Book Review

  28. Tuesday, January 15thWarm-Up • What is the difference between INCOME and EXPENSE? • Are dollar signs ($) or decimals used in the budget? • When do we round amounts? (Before or after we do the math?) OBJECTIVE: By the end of the period, we will be able to correctly input information into the record book journal

  29. VII. The Journal • Used to record all income, expenses, and hours related to your project. • Only Ag related things are entered. • Unpaid hours that are Ag related can be entered. • FFA activities are NOT entered in the journal.

  30. 2013 2013

  31. VII. The Journal Cont. E. Record Keeping Tips • Neatness is important • Keep book up to date • Be consistent • Each month goes on a separate page

  32. 7 Correct 25-27 Correct 2/5 Wrong VII. The Journal Cont. • How to complete the journal • Use pencil • Fill in month and year at top of each page • Date Column – only enter the date or span of days…not the month or year **Do not enter “Jan 2” or “1-15” or “1/28”

  33. 1 bg 4.75/bg Correct Wrong (units must match) 4.75/ea 1 lb VII. The Journal Cont. • Description – Needs to be specific! • Units Column – list exact quantities and units. • Example Units: Bags, lbs, hours, bales, Head, sack, policy, etc.

  34. $3.75 3 75 $25.00 25 VII. The Journal Cont. • Income Column – use exact numbers. Use dollar and cent column correctly. • Expense Column – same as income.

  35. VII. The Journal Cont. • Hours Self Labor – Pay attention to paid and unpaid! - ROUND TO NEAREST HOUR!! • Completing bottom of page – Total each column and place answer in total for month row. (Row 21)

  36. Wednesday, January 16th Warm-Up • The journal records what 3 items related to your SAE? • Should you record an FFA chapter meeting in your journal? • Pen or Pencil? • Can unpaid hours be recorded? OBJECTIVE: By the end of the period, we will be able to accurately and completely fill out journal entries for January and February

  37. VII. The Journal Cont. • Total Brought Forward – Blank for Jan. Line 23 of first month = line 22 of following month. Jan 26 25 5 30 15 26 25 30 5 15 Feb 26 25 5 30 15

  38. VII. The Journal Cont. • Total to Date – Line 21 + Line 22 15 00 02 10 25 26 15 25 5 30 41 15 27 15 55

  39. VII. The Journal Cont. • Make sure book balances both sides • Gifts to you are considered expenses • Gifts given from you are considered income.

  40. VIII. Income Summary • The income summary sums up the money and hours for each project for the whole year. • It shows how much you profited or lost on each project.

  41. IX. FFA Activities • Page 14 • A – Record only the degree you received in that record book. • B1 – Record Parli-Pro Procedures • B2 – Record if you passed Parli-Pro Test • C – Record any public speaking • D1 – Record any offices held (mark level) • D2 – Record any committees you were on

  42. IX. FFA Activities Continued • Pages 15 & 16 • All FFA Activities are recorded here • Chapter level activities recorded on page 15. • Above the chapter level activities recorded on page 16. (Mark level)

  43. X. School & Community Service • List school activities (sports, dances, clubs, activities) • List community service you do and log hours (can be with school, FFA, church, or other clubs)

  44. Record Book Review Pencil SAE Expense Pen $ Golden Book Income Estimate

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