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A Career in Engineering - Is it the right choice for you?

A Career in Engineering - Is it the right choice for you?. Dr. Ed Hensel, Mechanical Engineering Dept. Head Rochester Institute of Technology. The World of Engineering!. What is an engineer? What do we do? Why are we needed? Where do we work? Engineering Careers

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A Career in Engineering - Is it the right choice for you?

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  1. A Career in Engineering- Is it the right choice for you? Dr. Ed Hensel, Mechanical Engineering Dept. Head Rochester Institute of Technology

  2. The World of Engineering! • What is an engineer? • What do we do? • Why are we needed? • Where do we work? • Engineering Careers • What are the various disciplines? • How can you know what to pursue? • High School Preparation • What do we look for? • How can you decide what to take in High School? • RIT Engineering Program • How can you learn more about engineering career opportunities? • What is an engineering college curriculum? • How do I know if Engineering is right for me? • Philosophies common to engineers. Earth From Apollo

  3. Seven Habits of a Highly Successful Species SSustaining UUnderstanding C Communicating C Controlling E Entertaining S Shipping S Selling Thomas Edison’s Light bulb 600,000 BC – Humanity Harnesses Fire

  4. Sustaining Agricultural Technology 1819 - Jethro Wood patents the iron plow with interchangeable parts 1862-75 – Horsepower replaces manpower. 18th century - Oxen and horses power crude wooden plows, all sowing by hand, cultivating by hoe, hay and grain cutting with sickle, and threshing with flail 1910-15 - Tractors come into extensive use in farming 1950 – One U.S. farmer supplies food for 15.5 people 2000 – One feeds more than 50

  5. Sustaining Health Care & Biotechnology Dissecting DNA to understand the Human Genome Assistive Devices for Quality of Life Extending our Own Life Pacemaker

  6. Belief Science Engineering Understanding Technology “To know thoroughly; grasp or perceive clearly and fully the nature, character, functioning, etc., of” Understanding • Evolution of Scientific Thought Liquid Crystalline DNA through the USF Scanning Electron Microscope Cloning

  7. Understanding – Our Universe Stanford Linear Accelerator Aricebo Radio Observatory 1500 BC Egyptian Sundial

  8. “To give or receive information, signals, or messages in any way, as by talk, gestures, writing, etc.” Intel 4004 Microprocessor JohannesGutenberg Communicating • 1450 -- The printing press was invented by the German inventor Johannes Gutenberg. • 1456 -- The first book printed on the new printing press was The Bible completed by August 15, 1456 in two hundred copies... • 1501 -- 1000 printing shops in Europe, which had produced 35,000 titles and 20 million copies. A.G. Bell - Telephone Underwood Typewriter

  9. Controlling “To exercise authority over; direct; command; hence, to curb or restrain.” • Control our environment • Heating and Cooling • Structures • Flooding • Control one another Refrigeration Hoover Dam Roman Coliseum M1A1 Abrams Tank Carrier Air Conditioner

  10. Entertainment IF: Necessity is the mother of invention THEN: Invention is the father of necessity Technology Entertaining “To hold the attention of; interest; divert; amuse.” • Entertainment • Entertainment drives technology innovation • Technology innovation from other habits invariably propagates to entertainment • Recreation • In most species, sport is a method of training for survival • In a thriving species, sport becomes a diversion itself

  11. Entertaining Technology Edison’s Movie Projector The escalator was first introduced as an amusement ride at a World’s Fair. Spectator Sports Drive Technology

  12. Shipping “The act or business of sending or transporting goods” Roman Sandals Schooner Tall Ship 1969 Apollo 11 Wright 1903 Flier

  13. Selling “To give up, deliver, or exchange (good, services, etc.) for money or its equivalent; part with for a price.” New York Stock Exchange Refrigerator Magnets Holographic Strip Roman Minted Coins 7 generations of PokeMon

  14. What do Engineers do? Everything ! • Engineers are involved in every product you use, all of the food that you eat, all of the clothes that you wear, and all of the buildings that you live in. • Aerospace – Land on the moon, Explore Mars, Send your creation to another solar system! • Transportation –Planes, Trains, and Automobiles! • Medical Devices – Pacemakers, Ultrasound, Dental Drills, Imaging Systems, Treatment Technologies • Electronic Devices – TVs, MP3 Players, Cell Phones, Computers – You name it! • WE TURN IDEAS INTO REALITY! Julie Jones Micro Air Vehicle Design Medical Diagnostic Lasers High Efficiency Vehicles

  15. Why do We Need Engineers? Vehicle Systems Aerospace and Defense Computing and Communications Technology Environmental Control Systems Consumer Products Industrial Products Appliances B&L Eyecare Products

  16. Where do Engineers Work? In Offices In Factories Wherever Needed Hospitals All over the World ! In Space!

  17. Engineering Disciplines • Mechanical • Electrical • Computer • Industrial • MicroElectronic • Chemical • Civil • Aerospace • Nuclear • Biomedical • Software

  18. High School Preparation • Desirable: • Advanced Algebra • Solid Geometry • Calculus Required: • Physics • Chemistry • Four Years of Mathematics • Intermediate Algebra • Plane Geometry • Trigonometry • Pre-Calculus Well Rounded Students! • A BONUS: • Project Lead The Way

  19. BS Engineering Programs • Four Years of Academic Study • Co-Op programs are often Five Year Programs, with a year of work experience • One year of University Physics • 2-3 Years of University Mathematics • College study in Chemistry, Biology, other sciences • Engineering Science = Applied Science • Design = Turn Ideas into Reality • Very Demanding • Very Rewarding

  20. Is Engineering Right for ME? Are you Creative? Are you willing to work hard to achieve your goals? Do YOU want to make the world a better place? Are you talented at science and math? Do you get joy from turning your ideas into reality?

  21. Questions?

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