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AMSA’s END OF LIFE EDUCATION FELLOWSHIP. STUDENT PROJECT PROPOSAL Emily J. Gilmore, M4 University of New Mexico School of Medicine (UNM-SOM) July 30, 2004. GOALS:. To use the infrastructure already in place at UNM-SOM: Cross-cutting Themes Subcommittee on Palliative Medicine

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  1. AMSA’s END OF LIFE EDUCATION FELLOWSHIP STUDENT PROJECT PROPOSAL Emily J. Gilmore, M4 University of New Mexico School of Medicine (UNM-SOM) July 30, 2004

  2. GOALS: • To use the infrastructure already in place at UNM-SOM: • Cross-cutting Themes Subcommittee on Palliative Medicine • Department of Internal Medicine, Palliative Care Section • Scattered lectures throughout Phase I • Hospice panal, Native American Elders panal, Lectures about Dementia and Delerium, End Stage Renal Disease, and Pain • PIM, general and specialty sessions • Death and Dying, Law in Medicine • Phase III clinical electives in Rural Hospice or Palliative Medicine • Cadaver Memorial Service • Medical Muse/Literature in Medicine • To present comprehensive curriculum changes to the Subcommittee for suggestions and ultimately integration/implementation.

  3. Curricular Activities • Undergraduate Medical Education: • Continue working with the Cross Cutting Themes Curriculum Subcommittee on Palliative Care on the following projects: • Organize lectures throughout Phase I (1 per block, except for Transitions) and propose lectures/readings to be implemented in Phase II. • Pair medical students with dying patients to follow throughout the course of their life. • Brainstorm with the PIM Death and Dying working group for the upcoming spring session. • Picturing your own death. • A writing session similar to what we did with Dr. Hauser.

  4. Curricular Activities continued: • Advocate for continued integration of end of life cases into the current PBL curriculum. • Coordinate with the organizers of ‘Law in Medicine Day’ to discuss the Legal and Ethical issues around End-of-Life care, particularly palliative care options of last resort (PAS, VSED, VAE and TS). • The session would start with filling out your own advanced directive. • Publicize the current 4th year electives in Rural Hospice and Palliative Medicine. • Maybe 1-2 students participate per year—thus raise the question as to whether a 2 week required rotation could be initiated for 4th medical students?

  5. Curricular Activities Continued: • Graduate Medical Education: • Use my medical student research project to provide feedback to current IM and FP residency programs directors regarding the efficacy of current End-of-Life Education. • On-line training modules? • Use of standardized patients? • Design and deliver a power point presentation on “Understanding the Hospice Benefit” at noon conference.

  6. Extracurricular Activities: • Compose a reading list for the Literature in Medicine Group: • Tuesdays with Morrie, The Death of Ivan Ilych • Revitalize the Death and Dying Interest Group started during my first year: • Organize two movie nights to show ‘Wit’ and ‘To Live until I die.’ • Have the on campus Medical Muse dedicate one of its issues to writings about death and dying: • Solicit junior medical students to write about their cadaver experience and senior medical students, residents and faculty to write about their experience on the wards.

  7. Future Directions: • Incorporate the EPEC training modules as required curriculum for both the medical students and interns at UNM? • Thoughts, comments, feedback?

  8. Special thanks to: Joan Hedgecock and The AMSA Foundation, Dr. Mike Marsche, Brittany and Cari, And the staff at Horizon, HOI and VITAS For making this great experience possible!

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