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Reflexive Pronouns & Verbs

Reflexive Pronouns & Verbs. The Relationship Between Verbs and Direct Objects. What are reflexives?. In both English and French, reflexive verbs are special because the subject DOING the action is ALSO the direct object RECEIVING the action: I wash MY hair. Je me lave les cheveux .

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Reflexive Pronouns & Verbs

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  1. Reflexive Pronouns & Verbs The Relationship Between Verbs and Direct Objects

  2. What are reflexives? • In both English and French, reflexive verbs are special because the subject DOING the action is ALSO the direct object RECEIVING the action: • I wash MY hair. • Je me lave les cheveux. • I brush MY teeth. • Je me brosse les dents. • I perjure MYSELF. • Je me parjure.

  3. Reflexive Pronouns:Je me laveTute lavesIl/elle/on se laveNous nouslavonsVousvouslavezIls/ellesselavent

  4. Reflexive Pronouns:Negative: Je ne me lave pasPassé Composé: Je ne me suis pas lavé(e)~ Note that Reflexive verbs take Être in the past tense.~ If the subject is plural, add an ‘s’ to the end of the past participle to make it agree.

  5. Reflexive Verbs:Se Faire Couper les Cheveux: to have one’s hair cutSe Réveiller: to dreamSe Lever (lève): to get upSe Laver: to washSe Sécher: to drySe Peigner: to comb one’s hairS’Essuyer: to wipeS’Habiller: to get dressedSe Promener (promène): to walkSe Reposer: to restSe Coucher: to go to bedSe Brosser: to brushSe Maquiller: to put on make-upSe Raser: to shaveSe Couper: to cut S’Amuser: to have funS’Arrêter: to stopSe Dépêcher: to hurryS’Excuser: to apologizeSe Souvenir De: to remember

  6. Reflexive Verbs:S’Asseoir: to sit downS’Approcher de: to come closerS’EnAller: to go awayS’Embêter: to get boredS’Impatienter: to get impatientS’Énerver: to get upsetS’Inquiéter: to worrySe Mettre en Colère: to get angrySe Sentir (adjective): to feel _____S’Appeler: to be called/namedSe Trouver: to be locatedS’Intéresser à: to be interested inS’Occuper de: to be busy with/ to take care ofSe Rappeler: to remember, to recallSe Tromper: to make a mistakeSe Taire: to be quiet

  7. Rules for Reflexives: Me, te, and se change to m', t', and s', respectively, in front of a vowel or mute H: Ex: je m’essuye les mains. Like object pronouns, reflexive pronouns are placed directly in front of the verb in nearly all tenses and moods: Ex: Nous nousparlons. Ex: Ilsne s'habillent pas.

  8. Rules for Reflexives: In the imperative, the reflexive pronoun is attached to the end of the verb with a hyphen: Ex: Lève-toi! (Get up!) Reflexive pronouns always have to agree with their subjects, in all tenses and moods - including the infinitive and the present participle: Ex: Je me lèverai. (I will get up.) Ex: Nous nous sommescouchés. (We went to bed.) Ex:Vas-tuteraser? (Are you going to shave?) Ex:Enme levant, j'ai vu... (While getting up, I saw...)

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