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Why the cost of food is on a drastic rise in Canada B y T rina S tauch

Why the cost of food is on a drastic rise in Canada B y T rina S tauch . The expected percentage for foods to go up by in the next year . Meat: 3.8 per cent Fish and seafood: -2.8 per cent Dairy products and eggs: 0.7 per cent Bakery products: 1.4 per cent Rice: -2.4 per cent

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Why the cost of food is on a drastic rise in Canada B y T rina S tauch

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  1. Why the cost of food is on a drastic rise in Canada By Trina Stauch
  2. The expected percentage for foods to go up by in the next year Meat: 3.8 per cent Fish and seafood: -2.8 per cent Dairy products and eggs: 0.7 per cent Bakery products: 1.4 per cent Rice: -2.4 per cent Pasta: 5.7 per cent Fruit and nuts: 1.7 per cent Vegetables: -3.0 per cent Read more: http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/TopStories/20110203/food-inflation-rate-set-to-rise-110203/#ixzz1hthWtrGu
  3. What is causing the rise in the market? The price of oil is going up effecting the cost of transportation for our foods Rising agriculture prices are effecting the costs in the markets There is a significant rise in the number of imports in countries such as China Disasters interfering with our food chain, Floods, earthquakes, oil spills Our food is not just being used to feed our people Population Growth Climate change
  4. How the cost of oil is increasing the prices in markets The cost of oil is affecting the cost of fuel and rises the cost of transportation for our foods The price of oil has had a spike in price the past few years and is expected to rise yet again
  5. Why agriculture is effecting our prices “At the interfaces of health, agriculture and agri-food, various policies can shape food supply and consumer demand in different ways. For example, policies may affect farm and agri-food input and technology costs, and thereby shape agriculture and agri-food products and services, by making some ingredients and/or methods cheaper or more easily accessible than others. Such policies include farm income and commodity-price support programs, trade policies such as quotas and tariffs, and public investment in R&D. Policies using taxation may affect consumer demand through similar economic mechanisms. Information policies affect consumer demand at the same time as they change the competition dynamics in markets. These policies include mandatory nutrition labelling, the Canada’s Food Guide, front-of-package labelling schemes such as the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada’s Health Check program, and the education campaign called 5 to 10 a day-For better health! Finally, policies that influence business practices have the power to shape both food supply and consumer demand. These include policies such as industry self-regulation and mandatory restrictions or bans on ingredients in processing or on advertising to children.”
  6. Natural and material disasters Oil spills that happen are effecting the food we get, it effects our population of aquatic animals which causes more of a demand for attaining them causing prices to rise. Flooding affects the cost of food in Saskatchewan because it ruins the crops, causing a shortage of produce making prices rise. Record breaking winds up to 150km/hr in November in some places of Alberta damaging crops.
  7. Our food is being used to feed others 36% of world grain goes to feeding fodder animals rather then people 30% of edible food is never eaten 19.5 billion dollars worth of food is wasted in Canada on an average year.
  8. The population continues to grow Canada’s population passes 34 million The worlds population is nearing 7 billion and is expected to increase within the next decade to shocking new numbers. With the worlds population continuing to grow so does the demand for foods, causing the prices to go up within 5% this upcoming year alone.
  9. Climate change Just this past year in 2011 there were 19 tropical storms that took place in the Atlantic Ocean effecting water levels and the food we eat. This was way above the average of 11 storms in a year.
  10. How are we going to stop the rise in the market? We need to stop wasting what we take for granted everyday Packages costs can be rudeced Gas prices need to go down Oil prices need to decrease
  11. Will the rise in food prices affect our health? The rise in food prices will effect peoples health, as prices of fresh nutritious food continue to rise people walk away from fresh produce and depend more on pre-packaged items. These pre-packed items can be high in fructose, corn syrup, and refined sugar non of which in high quantities are healthy. This will lead to a non balanced eating style which causes health concern.
  12. http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/TopStories/20110203/food-inflation-rate-set-to-rise-110203/ http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/TopStories/20110203/food-inflation-rate-set-to-rise-110203/ http://www.oxfam.ca/grow/learn/issues/food-prices http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=a+chart+showing+the+rise+in+oil+costs+from+the+year+2000+online&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&rlz=1R2SUNC_enCA363&biw=1366&bih=514&tbm=isch&tbnid=7jOelzLWofviiM:&imgrefurl=http://economistsview.typepad.com/economistsview/oil/&docid=q8gZ6g4ttfYI-M&imgurl=http://www.dallasfed.org/research/eclett/2011/images/el1111c1.gif&w=425&h=352&ei=iAECT7SlBqrn0QGJ-J2tAg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=863&vpy=149&dur=9010&hovh=204&hovw=247&tx=104&ty=85&sig=111795814214512499038&page=1&tbnh=147&tbnw=177&start=0&ndsp=11&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_vs._fuel http://www.capi-icpa.ca/converge-full/four.html http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/health-articles/2011/06/twelve-healthy-summer-snacks-for-your-children.htmlhttp://www.globaltvcalgary.com/historic+prairie+flooding+top+weather+story+of+2011/6442547513/story.html http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=grain&um=1&hl=en&rlz=1R2SUNC_enCA363&biw=1366&bih=514&tbm=isch&tbnid=EvzB8fITfHlcZM:&imgrefurl=http://www.growerdirect.com/crops-plants&docid=uKWGsKdAlp0OyM&imgurl=http://www.growerdirect.com/uploads/files/Gardening%252520with%252520Grower/wheatcrop.jpg&w=348&h=261&ei=9ZcCT4fqOKPj0QHCke2iAQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=63&sig=111795814214512499038&page=9&tbnh=135&tbnw=175&start=105&ndsp=13&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:105&tx=33&ty=29 http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/story/2010/06/28/canada-population028.html
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