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Explore the Sacraments of Initiation and their role in incorporating us into God's family. Discover how Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist empower us to live as disciples of Christ.
Opening Questions We all belong to a family. How did you become a part of your family?
Opening Questions What groups or clubs do you belong to? How did you become a member?
Opening Questions What promises came along with becoming part of a family or other group? What challenges? What new role or mission did you receive?
Like with any other group, we also receive a new role and mission when we become a part of the Church. The Sacraments are essential to that Christian mission.
We divide the seven Sacraments into three types: Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist Healing: Anointing of the Sick and Penance or Reconciliation At the Service of Communion: Holy Matrimony and Holy Orders
Why do we call them Sacraments of Initiation? Many of us are part of groups or organizations, or our children are parts of groups or organizations that have initiations. Think about some of the things these initiations have entailed: taking an oath, passing a challenge, enduring a trial, etc.
The Sacraments of Initiation do this on a supernatural level. They bring us permanently into God’s family and give us the graces we need to live as disciples of Christ.
Baptism Begins with baptismal promises. Through grace we are made members of Christ’s Body. We receive our mission.
Confirmation Baptismal grace is perfected. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are strengthened.
Eucharist We receive the Body and Blood of Christ. We are nourished in our mission.
The Sacraments of Initiation insert us into the life and mission of the Church
What are disciples of Christ called to do? To be saints To evangelize
We are called to be Saints “So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matt 5:48). “You shall love the Lord, your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt 22:37-39).
We are called to Evangelize Evangelization is the sharing of the Gospel by word and example. The word “Gospel” means “good news.” We live out the call to evangelize by sharing the good news of how Christ has worked in our lives.
“Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives us access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and are made sharers in her mission: Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water and the word.” Catechism of the Catholic Church,1213
What takes place at Baptism? The minister (usually a priest) immerses or pours water over the person being baptized three times and says, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” That person is cleansed from their sins and is formally brought into the church.
Baptism Prefigured: The Old Testament The spirit of God hovers over the primordial waters. Noah builds an ark and survives the Flood. The Israelites cross the Red Sea.
Baptism Instituted: The New Testament The beginning of Christ’s public ministry starts with His Baptism. Then, at the end of His ministry, Christ commands his disciples: “Make disciples of all nations, baptizingthem in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” (Matt 28:19).
The Fruits of Baptism Our sins are forgiven and we are freed from the stain of Original Sin. We receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We are made partakers of the divine nature. We are made members of the Church. An indelible mark is placed on our souls.
Whom does the dove represent? Whose hands are those above it?
The entire Blessed Trinity is present in this painting, reminding us that Jesus is God as well as man. Did Jesus need to be baptized? Why didn’t He baptize Himself?
What example was Jesus setting for us by being baptized? What does His baptism tell us about what happens when we are baptized?
Key Points in Our Readings this Month To be initiated means to be made a member of a group. The Sacraments of Initiation are Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. These Sacraments make us members of the Church, strengthen us for our life’s journey, and give us our vocation as Christians.
Key Points in Our Readings this Month As disciples of Christ we are called to be holy and to evangelize. To evangelize means to share the good news of Christ by word and example.
Key Points in Our Readings this Month Baptism is the gateway to the Christian life, and is necessary for salvation. The Sacrament of Baptism is prefigured in the Old Testament and instituted by Christ in the New Testament. In Baptism, our sins are forgiven, we are reborn in Christ and made children of God, made members of the Church, and receive an indelible mark on our souls.