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Explore how the integration of new information and communication technology (ICT) is transforming healthcare delivery in hospitals. Discover the power of big data, artificial intelligence, and digital networks in improving efficiency, decision-making, and patient care.
New Information and Communication Technology in medicine 28 june 2019
Where I come from ? Hôpitaux Champagne Sud : 7 hospitals : 6 public and 1 private 4400 workers 2700 beds and places 384 M€ budget 84% marketshare in a territorywith 340 000 inhabitants on 7000km²
One question : • Whodiscovered America ?
First wasprehistoric men in 25000 before JC No change for otherpeople in the world
Second was vikings around 1000 No change for otherpeople in the world
Third Christophe Colomb in 1492 Everything changes in the world because the printing pressallows to spread a lot of information about the new continent to many people.
What changes the world ? • To have a lot of informations about something • To sharethese informations with a lot of people
ITC : more informations thanever 1 exabyte = 1 billion gigabytes
New ICT : what changes in hospitals ? Fromanalogic to digital • Business as usual Exponentialnumbers of data • Create and manage Big Data Business & social networks • Build new relashionships
Business as usual but on a mobil way • The goal is to communicate : since 2014 there are more mobinautes than internautes • In 2018 people bought 263 millions of compucters (mobil or not) and 2,1 billions of smartphones and tablets • Everybody know how to use smartphone and tablet : soless training and les mistake • You don’tneed to buy the tool : youjust have to creat the application
The main medicaltools of the future An usual smartphone is one thousand time more powerfulthan Apollo 11 compucter
Store as much data as possible • All the informations canbeusefull • For exemple a schedule may be relevant information : withbig data, a team of Hopital Necker discovered that a shortening of operating times reduced the chances of success of kidney transplants.
Workwithspecialists of the algorithms There is now too much information to be processed by an individual.Discoveries will come from the appropriate use of algorithms.
Exemple : prediction of emergency use through analysis of the past (1/2)
Exemple : prediction of emergency use through analysis of the past (2/2)
Big data : a bigopportunity • New knowledges • Decision aids • Efficiency gains You willget Createyourown business network Collect as much data as you can Workwithalgorythemaspecialists
The five reasons of horizontal relationships Digital ageis time of contributoryintelligence. Since all the data could be important, the relevant sources multiply : not only doctors and nurses but also caregiver, patient himself, family… With artificial intelligence, the doctor will be less in diagnosis and prescription and more in care management An uninformed person is a subject, a knowledgeable person is a citizen. With internet, the patients will have more and more information, so they will be less obedient. With social network, people are more powerful in front of hospital. Chronic diseases will force the hospitals to work in network with city medicine, social and medico-social actors. And they will not obey to hospital manager.
Chronicaldiseasesage • Pre-industrialdiseases: violence, malnutrition, infections • Industrialdiseases: cancer and cardiologicdiseases • Post-industrialdiseases : chronicaldiseases
Two important books To understand our time To know the risks