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Hawaii Coral ID

Discover the fascinating world of Hawaiian corals, including stony corals, jellyfish, and sea pens. Learn about reef builders and unique species such as rice coral and rubber coral. Dive into the vibrant marine life in Hawaii's waters!

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Hawaii Coral ID

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hawaii Coral ID

  2. Phylum Cnideria Class Hydrozoa-hydroids Class Scyphozoa- jellyfish Class Cubozoa- box jellies and sea wasps Class Anthozoa Subclass Hexacorallia- zoanthids, hermatypic corals Order Scleractinia- reef builders Order Zoanthidea- zoanthids Subclass Ceriantipitharia- tube anenomes, black corals, thorny corals Subclass Octocoralia- ahermatypic, octocorals, blue coral Order Helioporacea- blue coral Order Alyconacea- leather corals Order Pennatulacea- sea pen

  3. “True” Stony Corals Hermatypic- reef building, zooxanthellae • Common species: • Acroporidae- table • Acroporidea- rice • Agariciidae- flat lobe, corregated • Faviidae- crust, ocellated • Fungiidae- humpback, mushroom • Pocilloporidae- lace, antler, cauliflower • Poritidae- finger, lobe, plate • Thamastreidae

  4. Order Zoanthidea - zoanthids Zoanthus pacificus Palythoa tuberculosa - rubber coral

  5. Order Scleractinia Family Acroporidae: rice coral Montipora patula Montipora flabellata Montipora verrucosa Montipora capitata

  6. Order Scleractinia Family Acroporidae Table coral Acropora cytheria

  7. Order Scleractinia Family Agariciidae: flat lobe coral, corrugated coral Flat lobe Pavona duerdeni corrugated Pavona varians

  8. Order Scleractinia Family Faviidae: crust coral, ocellated coral Leptastrea bottae Cyphastrae ocellina Leptastrea purpurea

  9. Order Scleractinia Family Fungiidae: Humpback coral, mushroom coral mushroom Fungia scutaria

  10. Family Pocilloporidae: Lace coral, antler coral, and cauliflower coral Order Scleractinia lace Pocillopora damicornis antler cauliflower Pocillopora eydouxi Pocillopora meaandrina

  11. Order Scleractinia Family Poritidae: Finger coral, lobe coral, Evermann’s coral, plate and pillar coral Porites lobata Porites evermanni Porites rus Porites compressa

  12. Order Scleractinia Family Thamastreidae Psammocora stellata

  13. Non Reef-Building Corals ahermatypic

  14. Family Dendrophyllidae Orange cup coral Tubastrea coccina

  15. Family Antipathiidae Black coral, wire coral, - not an octocoral Black coral Wire coral Both feed on zooplankton

  16. Phylum Cnidaria • Class Anthozoa • Subclass Octocorallia • Order Alcyonacae- soft coral • Order Coenothyecalia- blue coral (not found in Hawaii) • Order Gorgonacea- sea fans • Order Pennatulacea- sea pens • Order Telestacea- snowflake corals

  17. Soft coral Alcyonacae

  18. Sea fan- Gorgonacae Sea pen- Pennatulacea

  19. Telestacea Snowflake coral

  20. QUIZ

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