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Enhancing Workplace Safety: Rules, Hazards, and Protective Equipment

Explore essential workplace safety vocabulary, understand hazards and risks, and learn about personal protective equipment (PPE). Discover why safety rules and training are crucial for protecting yourself and others in the workplace.

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Enhancing Workplace Safety: Rules, Hazards, and Protective Equipment

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  1. Safety in the Workplace

  2. Workplace Safety Vocabulary Hazard • A situation that could result in injury, disease, or death. Risk • The possibility of losing or having a problem. Rules Training Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  3. Hard hats are used when there is danger from falling or flying objects. Ear plugs or ear muffs protect the hearing of machine operators and other workers in noisy factories. Gloves and aprons protect workers when they use dangerous chemicals. Sturdy work boots with rubber soles protect people’s feet from falling objects and from slipping on slippery floors. Machine operators need goggles or safety glasses to keep flying particles out of their eyes. Respiratory equipment is used when there are harmful dusts, fumes, or gases in the air. Face shields protect welders from flying particles off their faces. 

  4. Warning Signs

  5. Warning Signs in the Workplace

  6. Write S next to a safe work habit and write US next to an unsafe work habit. 1. __________ I wear safety glasses at the drilling machine. 2. __________ I run to my work station whenever I’m late. 3. __________ I take medication that makes me feel sleepy. 4. __________ I wear work boots with leather soles. 5. __________ I wear a hard hat in the hard-hat area. 6. __________ I leave some equipment out after work. 7. __________ I wash my hand before and after doing my work. 8. __________ I turn my equipment off when I don’t use it. 9. __________ I throw burning cigarettes in a wastebasket. 10. _________ I use frayed electrical cords. 11. _________ I know where emergency exits are. 12. _________ I keep my work areas neat and clean. 13. _________ I store tools and equipment safely. 14. _________ I drink alcoholic beverages when at work. 15. _________ I ask for help when lifting heavy loads.

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