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FIELD STUDY 3 EPISODE 5 Paper Works (Preparing Handouts ) Submitted by : Alejandro E. Raterta III Jhanin D. Lidres Leah Mae B. Aguilar Herlyn Chenette Galvez Marie Sol C. Cagobcob. HAND-OUT PLAN Subject Matter: Softball Grade/Year Level: Fourth Year High School Outline:
FIELD STUDY 3 EPISODE 5 Paper Works (Preparing Handouts) Submitted by: Alejandro E. Raterta III Jhanin D. Lidres Leah Mae B. Aguilar HerlynChenette Galvez Marie Sol C. Cagobcob
HAND-OUT PLAN Subject Matter: Softball Grade/Year Level: Fourth Year High School Outline: What is Softball? A. History B. General Description Skills and Players A. Skills 1. Pitching 2. Batting 3. Fielding 4. Throwing 5. Base Running B. Players Equipment Rules Terms References: http://nwms.ohsd.net/encore/pe/softballhandout1.pdf http://cats.k12.il.us/ghs/pe/softball_handout.pdf http://www.google.com.ph/search?um=1&hl=en&biw=853&bih=555&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=softball+wallpaper&oq=softball+wallpaper http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Softball
History and General Description Softball is an adaptation of baseball. Originally played indoors: The bat was made smaller, the ball softer and the baselines and pitching distances shorter. Some of the basic rules adopted by the YMCA in the 1900’s were the ball being pitched underhand and base stealing was not permitted until the ball left the pitcher’s hand. Over the years, the National Recreation Association of America was in need of a game that could be adapted to small outdoor spaces and played by people of all ages. It took on such names as playground ball, kitten ball, recreation ball, and ladies ball, but in 1933 the name softball was officially adopted and the ASA was formed. Also, in 1933 the first set of official softball rules were standardized. Today, it is the single most play co-educational recreational activity in America. A softball team is made up of ten player positions: catcher, pitcher, first basemen, second basemen, third basemen, shortstop, right- center- left fielder’s and a rover. The period of time during which both teams have been up at bat and have retired after three outs in called an inning. A compete game of softball consists of seven innings.
Skills Pitching In slow-pitch softball, the ball is delivered underhand and must make an arch that ranges between 6’ – 12’ as it travels to the batter. The arching pitch gives the pitcher more control and accuracy. Batting The batter must follow the flight of the ball toward him/her, make a judgment as to when and how to swing, and swing so as to generate the biggest force. Also, the batter must maintain control of the bat during the swing. The batter must always take a full swing at the ball. There are no bunts, fouling, free base if hit by a pitched ball. Throwing In the game of softball, throwing is one of the most important skills and is used in almost every play. The overhand throw is used when speed and distance are required. The underhand throw is used for short distances and to pitch. Remember to grip the ball with the fingers.
Skills Base Running The four bases in softball are first, second, third and home. The base runner must have good running form and speed. The runner must have agility and maintain control of his/her moving body. Remember to hit the ball and RUN! Run through or past the first base and turn to the right on a close play. Always touch each base as you run by it. A player must remain on base until the ball reaches home plate. A player is awarded first base after four balls. A runner must be aware of the action of other base runners so that he does not jeopardize their play. There is no stealing, sliding or leading off in P.E. classes. Players There are ten players on a team. They are the: Pitcher Catcher First baseman Second baseman Short stop Third baseman Left fielder Center fielder Right fielder
Equipment Used 1. The bat: Shall not be more than 34” in length and not more than 2 ¼ “ in diameter at its largest part. 2. Ball: The official ball shall be a regular smooth seam, flat surface ball of any type, 16’ in circumference. It shall not weigh more than 10 oz. 3. The Bases: The bases, other than home plate, shall be 15” square. 4. 4. Gloves Fielding positions: P = pitcher C = catcher 1 = 1st basemen 2 = 2nd basemen 3 = 3rd basemen SS = short stop R = right fielder C = center Fielder L = left fielder
TERMS Backstop– The fence behind the catcher Base runner - A player who has finished his/her turn at bat and reached first base Batted ball – Any ball that hits the bat or is hit by the bat intentionally or not Batting order – A list of players in the order in which each player must come to bat Catch – A ball caught with the hand or glove Defensive team – The team in the field Double play – Two offensive players are put out by the defense in continuous action Fly ball – any ball batted into the air Force out – A base runner loses the right to the base he is occupying Infield– The are located inside the boundaries of the four bases Inning– After three outs, teams alternate offense and defense. Offensive team – The team at bat Outfield – That portion of the field within the foul lines and beyond first, second, and third bases Overthrow – A ball thrown from one fielder to another and goes into foul territory on a play at first, third, or home base Strike zone – The area between the batter’s armpit and the top of his knee Strike– A batter swings at a pitched ball and misses, or fails to swing at a pitch that falls within the strike zone. Out – A batter is out when there are three strikes, a batted ball is caught a runner is tagged out, or a force out
Field Dimensions
Second Baseman Catcher Pitcher Throwing Batting Left Fielder First Baseman Players Shortstop Pitching Right Fielder Skills Center Fielder Third Baseman Base Running Fielding SOFTBALL Bat Equipment Bases References: http://www.sportsknowhow.com/softball/dimension/softball-field-dimensions.html http://www.google.com.ph/imgres?q=softball+field+measurements Ball Gloves
Analysis • 1. What are the good features of a handout? • Features of a good handout: • A strong title • Topic that is easily recognized • A clear layout • In bullet form instead of narrative form • Presence of subtitles • Presence of diagrams and illustrations • Orderly presentation of topics • Keywords in bold or italic • Not more than 2 fold types in a single document • All important information are present • 2. Which of these features are present in the handout we made? • Our handout has a good title and a very useful topic for general usage. The layout is clear and outline is presented in bullet form, though some parts are narrative like the history and description, to maximize explanation. Subtitles are present to make reading and understanding easier. Diagrams and illustrations provide clearer presentation of the topic. Important information are emphasized by use of bold letters. 3. Which features are not present in the handout we made? We admit that the handout we made does not contain much graphics which actually plays a great role in catching students’ interest in the topic.
Reflections • What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the handouts? How did you overcome them? • Raterta • The difficult part in making an effective handout is in the order of the presentation of the topic, for you have to make a lot of considerations to ensure that the target students of the handout not only gain learning but also maximum attention and interest. Through the use of an outline, I was able to make a clear picture of the whole learning experience. • Lidres • Making a handout is not easy because you have to think wisely for you to come up with an effective and better output. The most difficult part is outlining, for you need to make it in such a way that it will be easy for the students to read and comprehend to the whole presentation as well as designing it to make it more attractive for the target audience. • 2. What tips can you give teachers regarding presentation of handouts? • Raterta • Before making a handout, look for as many references as possible, and compile them in such as way that it is short or concise, but it should contain the fundamentals of the topic you are discussing. Include graphics and other visual presentations which do not only add beauty to the design but also arouses interest from target readers.
Lidres In making handouts you should make it short yet informative. You can also use flowcharts and graphic organizers to make it clearer and easier for the students to comprehend.