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It’s All School Improvement

It’s All School Improvement. LKSD Site Administrator Meeting October 11, 2014. LKSD Leadership Year-Long Goals. Implement the Framework’s Data Driven Decision Cycle to enhance district-level and site-level High-Performance Teams and influence coherence in decision making

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It’s All School Improvement

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  1. It’s All School Improvement LKSD Site Administrator Meeting October 11, 2014

  2. LKSD Leadership Year-Long Goals • Implement the Framework’s Data Driven Decision Cycleto enhance district-level and site-level High-Performance Teams and influence coherence in decision making • Function as High-Performance Teams • Leadership Level • Site Level • Identify best practices and solutions to adaptive challenges and technical problems that have been experience in our district and expand the use of these best practices • Build a shared understanding of the Instructional Framework and the RTI decision process to result in coherence in decision-making that accomplishes commonality yet honors the need for diversity among sites

  3. Objectives for this meeting • Input school improvement work into STEPP • Practice HPT skills that can be used to lead continued school improvement efforts at sites • Continue to build a shared comprehensive view of school improvement and how all the initiatives around improvement are linked • Leave with a plan for continued leadership in school improvement involving staff and ASB

  4. Self Skills for Successful Collaboration

  5. LKSD School Improvement Concentrated Technical Assistance Work

  6. Technical Assistants

  7. Critical Friends Problem Solving Version

  8. Vocabulary Review Technical Problem Adaptive Challenge Requires new learning, innovation, and new patterns of behavior. Sharon Daloz-Parks • Can be solved with knowledge and procedures already at hand, though it may be complex. Check out Page 27 of Field Guide For more info

  9. Critical Friends Protocol • Person on the Couch 8 Minutes: • Identify and describe a problem that you are working on. Use the terms technical problemand adaptive challenge when appropriate. • Clarifying questions 7 minutes • Ask questions of P on C for clarification and digging deeper. • Friends Talk 10 Minutes • Friends discuss the problem while P on C listens.

  10. School Improvement Putting it All Together

  11. Standard 3 …ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. The principal compiles reports from classroom observations showing aggregate areas of strength and areas in need of improvement without revealing the identity of individual teachers. INTELLECTUAL STIMULATION The principal engages parents and the community in the improvement process. Standard 1 A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. 5 KEY AREAS COMMUNICATION DISCIPLINE 14 STRATEGIES TO TURN AROUND YOUR SCHOOL The principal models and communicates the expectation of improved student learning through commitment, discipline, and careful implementation of sound practices. The principal makes sure everyone understands the school’s mission, clear goals, and their roles in meeting the goals. 8 THINGS THAT GREAT PRINCIPALS DO DIFFERENTLY SITUATIONAL AWARENESS OPTIMIZE The principal spends at least 50% of his/her time working directly with teachers to improve instruction including classroom observations. Technical and Adaptive Leadership IDEALS/BELIEFS FOCUS Standard 4 … collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources. The principal challenges unsound teaching practices and supports and monitors the correction of them. AND DON’T FORGET… 66 PRACTICES… REALLY?...21 RESPONSIBILITIES???? SERIOUSLY? Standard 5 …acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner. The principal communicates the likelihood of success based on the plan and hard work. RESOURCES THE 753 EXPERIENCES YOU SIMPLY MUST HAVE BEFORE YOU DIE OUTREACH Educator Effectiveness The principal develops the leadership capacity of others in the school. 6 SECRETS FOR LEADING SUCCESSFUL CHANGE MONITOR/EVALUATE 3 EASY STEPS TO IMPROVE STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT CHANGE AGENT AFFIRMATION The principal offers frequent opportunities for the critique of the school’s progress and suggestions for improvement. The principal plans opportunities for teachers to share their strengths with other teachers. CONTINGENT REWARDS The principal monitors curriculum and classroom instruction regularly. Teaching and Learning Standard 2 …advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to  student learning and staff professional growth. 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY STRESSED OUT PRINCIPALS VISIBILITY The principal provides incentives for teacher and school accomplishment. District and School Structure and Culture ORDER Standard 6 … understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context The principal celebrates individual, team, and school successes, especially related to student outcomes. The principal participates actively with the school’s teams. INPUT KNOWLEDGE OF CURRICULUM, INSTRUCTION AND ASSESSMENT THE 5 THINGS ALL GOOD LEADERS SHOULD KNOW INVOLVEMENT IN CURRICULUM INSTRUCTION AND ASSESSMENT The principal keeps a focus on instructional improvement and student learning outcomes. RELATIONSHIPS FLEXIBILITY CULTURE Family and Community Involvement

  12. LKSD School Improvement

  13. Key Actions to SPUR Change

  14. S P U R

  15. 4A’s Data & Evidence Use Process Ask Ask questions to focus the inquiry This process can be applied to any situation. We use it in each stage of SPUR. Acquire Gather data and/or evidence Analyze & Interpret Make sense of the data Arrive Reach a decision

  16. Ask: What did we learn from this experience to take forward? Acquire: LT impact data; stakeholder reflection data Analyze & Interpret: observations, sensemaking Arrive at Decision: what to sustain; direction for next inquiry Ask: How are we doing? Is it working? Ask: What do we want to improve? Acquire: classroom assessment data; implementation data Acquire: outcome/ impact & demographic data Analyze & Interpret: observations, sensemaking Analyze & Interpret: strengths and weaknesses, root causes Arrive at a Decision: implementation adjustments Arrive at a Decision: goal for improvement Ask: How are we going to make the improvement? Acquire: program/ perception data; research evidence Analyze & Interpret: observations, sensemaking Arrive at a Decision: strategy to implement; support conditions

  17. Sort and Elaborate Individuals • Make 3- 5post it notes from the LKSD School Improvement/RTI/SPUR change cycle Table Groups • When all are ready, one person places a note in the center of the table saying, “This make sense to me because…” • Another person places a note connecting to the first saying, “This makes sense to me because…and it relates to the first one in these ways…” • Repeat the pattern, or start a new pattern. Structured Dialogue

  18. Reflect on the Process • What are some ways the structured dialogue helped your thinking or allowed for group process? • Under what conditions might you use, or not use, this strategy with your staff atyour site? Structured Dialogue

  19. Field Guide Dispositional Thinking 1 Thinking and Acting Interdependently 2 5 Seeking Support and Feedback Effective and Timely Individual and Group Communication 3 Metacognition and Flexibility 4 Gathering Information for Improvement and Innovation 6 Commitment to Continuous Growth and Thinking with Precision

  20. Thinking and Acting Independently Read page 76 Complete the 1st Table Each HPT member share One quality and example/non-example Read 77-79 Complete 2nd Table and last question Trust Application Share

  21. D 2-Seeking Support & Feedback Creates a professional system of support and actively engages in collegial networks. Teamwork is Essential. It allows you to blame someone else. “First and foremost for a team to function well there needs to be the desire by each principal to commit to participating and contributing fully as a team member.” Pg. 85 Field Guide

  22. D 3- Metacognition & Flexibility • The “why” behind triads or PLCs • Planning • Problems Solving • Reflecting • Rehearsing

  23. BREAK When you return, move right into Critical Friends

  24. Critical Friends Protocol • Person on the Couch 8 Minutes: • Identify and describe a problem that you are working on. Use the terms technical problemand adaptive challenge when appropriate. • Clarifying questions 7 minutes • Ask questions of P on C for clarification and digging deeper. • Friends Talk 10 Minutes • Friends discuss the problem while P on C listens.

  25. AK STEPP Self-selected Basic Advanced Groups Lets get that Great work into the State Website! • 1. Must update existing tasks • 2. Must upload Needs Assessment • 3. Put in any new work on tasks that you developed Thinking of this process- how can you build the website practice into the year

  26. Lunch • Learn about two exciting things happening: • ANE Grant! 2. Taco Bell Leadership

  27. Leadership- Ability to hear the potential symphony while working with the individual players and sections of the band Think Big, Act Small

  28. D4: Gathering Information for Improvement and Innovation • Read page 93-94 • Use rubric on pg 95 to assess your site • Reference 150-159 • Reference Graphic Organizer What is your next step as a leader to move your staff along the continuum? • Use worksheet- starting with a “question” generated from the Keynote data… what data is needed for the data investigation and where do you get it?

  29. Acquire Different Kinds of Data Demographic Outcome Program Perception

  30. Effective & Timely Individual & Group Communication • Draw a line at the bottom paragraph on Page 100… “We have discovered” • Read ONLY up to the line

  31. Purpose of the Conversation Dialog Discussion Purpose is to refine thinking to lead to a decision • Purpose is to expand thinking Steven Johnson - Where Good Ideas Come From http://youtu.be/NugRZGDbPFU

  32. Practice Dialogue Purpose is to expand thinking Dialogue District level role in this change process Do a circle web… no talking

  33. Effective & Timely Individual & Group Communication • Remember the line at the bottom paragraph on Page 100… “We have discovered” • Now read after the line • Take notes about your site

  34. Protocols

  35. Practical Work • OK… I am inspired to lead all this but what happens when I get back to site and suffer the tyranny of the urgent? • MAKE a Calendar Plan for Data Analysis and broader work of school improvement and implementation of HPT

  36. LKSD School Improvement

  37. Ideal ASB-AK STEPP plan

  38. Hypothesis Building Cause Effect If we implement intensive school-wide vocabulary instruction in all classrooms so that all teaches are purposefully teaching the top 100 academic words for grades 4-6, we will see an increase in progress • Our middle grade reading students are not progressing as fast as we would like because they do not have the vocabulary needed to keep up with the academic expectations of their grade level

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