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2014 Legislative Session Recap. March 2014. Agenda. K-12 Operating Budget Pupil Transportation General Apportionment Policy Legislation Bills with Fiscal Impacts Other K-12 Related Bills Non-interactive sites can email questions to daniel.lunghofer@k12.wa.us. General Apportionment.
2014 Legislative Session Recap March 2014
Agenda • K-12 Operating Budget • Pupil Transportation • General Apportionment • Policy Legislation • Bills with Fiscal Impacts • Other K-12 Related Bills Non-interactive sites can email questions to daniel.lunghofer@k12.wa.us
General Apportionment K-12 Operating Budget
2014-15 Transportation Funding • STARS Fully Funded • Report 1026A, Line D.5. shows what you would have received this year • Exception: alternate funding system districts at 92.91% of prior year expenditures this year • Stay tuned for additional information
Transportation --- Transition 2.0 • $558K statewide • Only for those districts losing under STARS • Only for districts with efficiency ratings over 95% • OSPI process (to be determined) will be by application
SHB 6552 – Improving Student Success • Increases funding in the 2014-15 school year as follows: Lab Science Class Size Enhancement, MSOC enhancement for Grades 9-12, Increased Prototypical High School Guidance Counselor Allocation. • Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) students benefit from these funding increases through the running start rate.
SHB 6552 – Lab Science Class Size • Provides an enhanced class size of 19.98. • Students generating additional teachers equals all 9-12 enrollment, including Vocational and Skill Center enrollment. • Multiply the student enrollment by 0.08333. • Enhancement calculation is as follows: (Enrollment * ((1/19.98)-(1/28.74))*(1 + 0.2))
SHB 6552 – MSOC Grades 9-12 • Students enrolled in grades 9-12 including CTE and Skill Center Students generate an additional $164.25 in MSOC. • This additional funding is provided through the general education allocation, and does not increase Vocational minimum expenditures or Skills Center allocations.
SHB 6552 – Guidance Counselors • Increases the allocation of guidance counselors per prototypical high school from 2.009 to 2.539. • Increases the other CIS per 1,000 funding ratio for Vocational programs from 2.02 to 2.72 and for Skill Centers from 2.36 to 3.06.
Impact on Running Start Rates • ALE enrollment generates a per student allocation based on the regular running start rate, even if the ALE enrollment is in a vocational or skill center program.
K-1 High Poverty Class Size “For grades K through 1 the superintendent shall, at a minimum, allocated funding to high poverty schools for the 2014-15 school year based on an average class size of 24.10 full-time equivalent students per teacher. The superintendent shall provide funding for a class size reduction in grades K through 1 to the extent of, and proportionate to, the school’s demonstrated actual average class size up to a class size of 20.3 full-time equivalent students per teacher.”
K-1 High Poverty Class Compliance • Rules hearing was held this morning on the original proposed WAC language. • Changes were made prior to this morning’s rules hearing which eliminate planning time from the compliance calculation. • A CR-102 has been signed off, requesting a new rules hearing on the language without the planning time portion of the calculations. • Notification of the new rules hearing will be posted to the SAFS webpage.
Bills with a fiscal impact Policy legislation
E2SHB 2207 – Basic Ed. Funding • Eliminates the reduction in state basic education funding that occurs in counties with federal forest lands • Prohibits OSPI from offsetting basic education allocations with a district’s federal forest revenues if the school district has a poverty level of at least fifty-seven percent to the extent that those revenues do not exceed $70,000. • Provides that OSPI may offset the portion of revenues in excess of $70,000.
HB 2276 – Residential School/ESDs • Specifies that for the purpose of chapter 28A.190 the term school district includes any ESD that has entered into an agreement to provide a program of education for residential school residents or detention facility residents on behalf of the school district
SHB 6552 – Other Provisions • Requires the OSPI to develop curriculum frameworks for a selected list of career and technical courses that may be offered by high schools or skill centers whose content is science, technology, engineering, and mathematics is considered equivalent in full or in part to science or mathematics courses that meet high school graduation requirements.
SHB 6552 – Other Provisions • Requires districts to, at a minimum, grant academic course equivalency in mathematics and science for a high school CTE course from the list approved by the state board beginning with the 2015-16 school year, and requires school districts to make at least one CTE course available that is considered equivalent to a mathematics or science course, and provides a waiver opportunity from this requirement in the case of districts that have less than 2,000 students.
SHB 6552 – Other Provisions • Increases the instructional hours requirements for student in grades 9-12 from 1,000 to 1,080 beginning in school year 2015-16 and to 1,000 for students in grades 1-8, and specifies that these hours may be calculated using a district-wide annual average of instructional hours over grades one through 12 beginning in the 2015-16 school year. • Requires school districts to provide instruction that provides the opportunity to complete 24 credits for graduation beginning with the graduating class of 2019
SHB 6552 – Other Provisions • Five day exemption for seniors is retained • Eliminates the culminating project beginning with the class of 2015 • Requires the SBE to adopt rules to implement the career and college ready requirement • Permits school districts to apply for a waiver to implement the career and college ready graduation requirements for the class of 2020 or 2021 instead of the graduating class of 2019 • Requires the WSSDA to adopt a model policy and procedure for granting waivers to individual students for up to two credits required for high school graduation
Other K-12 Related Bills Policy legislation
2SSB 6062 – School Data Internet Access • Requires each school district to post a copy of its collective bargaining agreements on its website by September 1, 2014, and to update these documents within thirty days of there approval, renewal, or amendment. • Requires any school district with an associated student body program fund to publish fund and account information on both the district’s web site and the websites of each school with an account within the fund by August 31, 2014.
HB 2575 – Teacher Assignment Data • Requires that teacher course assignment information submitted to OSPI by school districts must include dates of teacher assignment and reassignment beginning in the 2014-15 school year
SSB 6074 – Homeless Student Ed. Outcomes • Requires OSPI to work with organizations to develop or acquire a short video that provides information on how to identify signs that indicate a student may be homeless by July 1, 2014. • Requires OSPI to adopt and distribute to each school district best practices for choosing and training school district-designated homeless liaisons by July 1, 2014. • Requires school districts to strongly encourage all school staff to review the video posted on the OSPI website on an annual basis, and for every district-designated homeless liaison to attend training provided by the state to ensure that homeless children are identified and served • Requires school districts to include information about services for homeless students in materials already made available at the start of the school year Adds “identified homeless status” to the categories of students districts must disaggregate dropout data by
SB 6093 – Background Checks/ DEL Cards • Allows school district, ESD, WA State Ctr. for childhood deafness, school for the blind staff and their contractors who hold a valid portable background check clearance card issued by DEL to provide a copy of their WA State Patrol and FBI back ground report results to OSPI to satisfy their K-12 background check requirements
SB 6128 – Student Medications Delivery • Requires that beginning July 1, 2014 any unlicensed school employee who is asked to administer medications or perform nursing services not previously recognized in law shall file a voluntary letter of intent stating their willingness to administer the new medication or nursing service. • Provides protections from liability for employees and the district • Requires school districts to designate a licensed staff person to coordinate with students’ parents and health care providers and to train and supervised the unlicensed staff people who will administer medication or provide nursing services, and provides that these staff shall not perform such services until they have received this training.
SSB 6129 – Paraeducator Development • Requires the PESB to convene a work group to design program specific minimum employment standards professional development opportunities, and a career ladder, for paraeducators • Requires that beginning in the 2015-16 academic year any community or technical college that offers an apprenticeship program or certificate program for paraeducators must provide candidates the opportunity to earn transferable course credits with the program, and that the programs must incorporate the standards for cultural competence developed by the PESB.
2SSB 6163 – Expanded Learning • Provides a definition of expanded learning opportunities (ELOs) • Creates the expanded learning opportunities council • Requires OSPI to convene the council to advise the Governor, the Legislature and OSPI regarding ELOs • Create the summer knowledge improvement pilot program
SB 6321 – PERS, SERS, TRS Contribution Rates • Removes a statutory provision that allows members of plan 3 of the PERS, SERS, and TRS to select a new contribution rate option each year
SB 6424 – Seal of Biliteracy • Establishes the Washington state seal of Biliteracy • Encourages school districts to award the seal to graduating high school students who meet the criteria established by OSPI • Requires OSPI to adopt rules establishing criteria for awarding the seal, and specifies that the standardized high school transcript may include a notation of whether a student has earned the WA State Seal of Biliteracy • Requires OSPI to submit a report to the Legislature that compares the number of students awarded the Seal of Biliteracy in the previous two school years and the languages spoken by those students to the number of students enrolled in or previously enrolled in the transitional bilingual instruction program
SB 6523 – The Real Hope Act • Expands eligibility for the state need grant to include: • Any person who has completed their full senior year of high school and obtained a diploma in Washington • Any person who has received the equivalent of a high school diploma; has lived in the state for at least three years before receiving the diploma or its equivalent; and has continuously lived in the state after receiving the diploma or equivalent until they are admitted to and enroll in an institution of higher education
Important Links • Legislative Budgets http://leap.leg.wa.gov/leap/default.asp • Budget Driver (John Jenft) Rate Sheet http://www.k12.wa.us/SAFS/14budprp.asp • Pivot Table http://www.k12.wa.us/SAFS/14budprp.asp • Bus Depreciation https://eds.ospi.k12.wa.us/BusDepreciation/default.aspx