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Fundamental Programming. Data Processing and Expressions. Status. this week we are starting to: developing familiarity with the C++ language developing skill in software development (in lab) providing an introduction to some fundamental programming concepts
Fundamental Programming Data Processing and Expressions Fundamental Programming 310201
Status • this week we are starting to: • developing familiarity with the C++ language • developing skill in software development (in lab) • providing an introduction to some fundamental programming concepts • in the last class we started to look at some C++ syntax – the grammar rules • today we look at some fundamental concepts common to all programming languages Fundamental Programming 310201
Review • a program performs a sequence of input, output and assignment statements • selection and repetitionstatements control which of the program’s input, outputand assignment statements are performed • selection(if-then-else) statements provide alternate pathways through the program • repetition(while) statements control the number of times a blockof statements is performed Fundamental Programming 310201
Data Processing • we said that computers are data processing devices – they convert input data into output data • where does all the data processing occur in a program? • recall our sample program... Fundamental Programming 310201
Sample Program write “Number of marks: “ read NbrMarks write “Student’s mark: “ read StudentMark set ProportionOfMarks to StudentMark / NbrMarks set PercentageOfMarks to ProportionOfMarks * 100 write “ Student’s percentage: “ write PercentageOfMarks • in this program, all the data processing occurs in assignmentstatements Fundamental Programming 310201
Anatomy of an Assignment • let’s analyse the assignment statement… • here, the two assignment statements are: set ProportionOfMarks to StudentMark / NbrMarks set PercentageOfMarks to ProportionOfMarks * 100 • that is: set < variable > to < value of interest > • here, the values of interest are: StudentMark / NbrMarks ProportionOfMarks * 100 Fundamental Programming 310201
Expressions • we use the term expressionto mean: • the description of a value of interest • we describe the value that we wish to assign to a data object in an expression • so: StudentMark / NbrMarks ProportionOfMarks * 100 • are two expressions Fundamental Programming 310201
Data Processing • so, where does the data processinghappen? • answer: someof ithappens in assignmentstatements • it can also happen in outputstatements… Fundamental Programming 310201
Alternative Design write “Number of marks: “ read NbrMarks write “Student’s mark: “ read StudentMark set ProportionOfMarks toStudentMark / NbrMarks write “ Percentage: “ write ProportionOfMarks * 100 Fundamental Programming 310201
Anatomy of an Output • the anatomy of our assignment statement is: set < variable > to< expression > • the anatomy of our output statement is: write < expression > • so, where does all the data processing happen? Expressions! Fundamental Programming 310201
Expressions • clearly, expressions are important - that’s where the dataprocessing happens • let’s take a closer look at expressions • previously, we said that data was numbers and text -for now, we just deal with expressions to process numbers • the anatomy of an expressionis one we’ve seen before... Fundamental Programming 310201
Expressions as a Black Box • we can think of an expression as a black box • expressions have one or more input values and produce one output value - theinput-process-output model again • example: StudentMark / NbrMarks input process output StudentMark ? NbrMarks(a single value - depends on inputs) Fundamental Programming 310201
Operators • we use the term operatorto mean: • a symbol, or name, used to represent an operationthat can be performed on data • in the two expressions: StudentMark / NbrMarks ProportionOfMarks * 100 • the operators are: • / for division • * for multiplication • + and -are used for addition and subtraction • +, -, *, / all work in C++ as you would expect Fundamental Programming 310201
Operands • we use the term operandto mean: • an input to an expression • in the two expressions: StudentMark / NbrMarks ProportionOfMarks * 100 • the operands are: • StudentMark and NbrMarks • ProportionOfMarks and100 Fundamental Programming 310201
Binary Operators • in the following examples: StudentMark / NbrMarks ProportionOfMarks * 100 NbrMarks - StudentMark StudentMark + 10 • each operator is used with twooperands • so / , * , - and + are binaryoperators –they can all be used with twooperands Fundamental Programming 310201
Unary Operators • the + and - operators are also unaryoperators (they can be used with just one operand) • examples: -273.15as inset AbsoluteZero to-273.15 +100as inset BoilingPointOfWater to+100 expression - 273.15 operand operator Fundamental Programming 310201
Numeric Expressions • expressions that evaluateto a number are called numericexpressions • numeric expression come in all shapes and sizes: • a number by itself – a literal: set NbrTimesTold to0 • the name of a variable: write Percentage • expressions that use operators: set NbrTimesTold toNbrTimesTold + 1 Fundamental Programming 310201
Power of Expressions • the arithmeticoperators+, -, * and / give us a powerful language to process numbers • the power comes from the ability to nestlittle expressions inside bigger expressions • instead of: set ProportionOfMarks toStudentMark / NbrMarks write ProportionOfMarks * 100 • we can write: write StudentMark / NbrMarks * 100 • question: which operator is applied first here? and, does it matter? Fundamental Programming 310201
Nested Expressions • which operator is applied first here? • is the division first? StudentMark / NbrMarks* 100 divide StudentMark by NbrMarks, then multiply by 100 • or is the multiplication first? StudentMark / NbrMarks *100 multiply NbrMarks by 100, then divide StudentMark by result of multiplication • Activity: does it matter? Fundamental Programming 310201
Activity Break Fundamental Programming 310201
Activity Feedback • using StudentMark = 50, NbrMarks = 100… • division first: (StudentMark / NbrMarks) * 100 = (50 / 100) * 100 = 50 • multiplication first: StudentMark / (NbrMarks *100) = 50 / (100 * 100) = 0.005 • will a C++ program do it in the correct order? Fundamental Programming 310201
Order of Use • there are rules to decide the order in which operators in an expression are applied • unary operators before binary operators • multiplication (*) and division (/) before addition (+) and subtraction (-) • otherwise, left to right • evaluate the following: 4 * -2 + 3 2 + 12 / 4 * 3 • will the following be evaluated correctly? StudentMark / NbrMarks * 100 Fundamental Programming 310201
Activity Break Fundamental Programming 310201
Activity Feedback • evaluate: 4 * -2 + 3 • unary operator first (- applies to 2) • * multiplication before addition (4 * -2) + 3 = -8 + 3 = -5 Fundamental Programming 310201
Activity Feedback • evaluate the following: 2 + 12 / 4 * 3 • multiplication and division before addition • left to right otherwise – so division before multiplication here 2 + (12 / 4) * 3 = 2 + 3 * 3 • multiplication before addition = 2 + (3 * 3) = 2 + 9 = 11 Fundamental Programming 310201
Activity Feedback • will the following be evaluated correctly? StudentMark / NbrMarks * 100 • yes it will – since the division occurs before the multiplication, this is the same as: (StudentMark / NbrMarks)* 100 Fundamental Programming 310201
Order of Use • avoid errors by using parentheses: (4 * -2) + 3 2 + ( ( 12 / 4 ) * 3 ) • sometimes you can rewritean expression to make it easier to read – instead of: StudentMark / NbrMarks * 100 • you can write: 100 * StudentMark / NbrMarks • is this easier to understand? if so, why? Fundamental Programming 310201
Activity Break Fundamental Programming 310201
Activity Feedback • the expression: 100 * StudentMark / NbrMarks • may seem easier to read than: StudentMark / NbrMarks * 100 • possibly because, in the first expression above, the order in which operators are applied doesn’t matter – left for student to check • always keep you code as simple as possible Fundamental Programming 310201
Activity • the following program is designed to convert temperatures between Fahrenheit and Centigrade • it has a logic error – fix it… Fundamental Programming 310201
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main (void) { intConversionType = 0; float Temperature = 0; cout << "Select conversion - (1) C to F, (2) F to C ==> "; cin >> ConversionType; cout << "Input temperature ==> "; cin >> Temperature; if (ConversionType == 1) { cout << 32 + Temperature * 1.8; cout << " degrees Fahrenheit"; } else { cout << Temperature - 32 / 1.8; cout << " degrees Centigrade"; } getchar(); return 0; } Fundamental Programming 310201
Activity Break Fundamental Programming 310201
Feedback #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main (void) { intConversionType = 0; float Temperature = 0; cout << "Select conversion - (1) C to F, (2) F to C ==> "; cin >> ConversionType; cout << "Input temperature ==> "; cin >> Temperature; if (ConversionType == 1) { cout << 32 + Temperature * 1.8; cout << " degrees Fahrenheit"; } else { cout << Temperature - 32 / 1.8; cout << " degrees Centigrade"; } getchar(); return 0; } problem here: division occurs before subtraction Fundamental Programming 310201
Feedback #include <iostream.h> void main (void) { intConversionType = 0; float Temperature = 0; cout << "Select conversion - (1) C to F, (2) F to C ==> "; cin >> ConversionType; cout << "Input temperature ==> "; cin >> Temperature; if (ConversionType == 1) { cout << 32 + (Temperature * 1.8); cout << " degrees Fahrenheit"; } else { cout << (Temperature – 32) / 1.8; cout << " degrees Centigrade"; } } clarification: parentheses make intention clear a solution: enclose subtraction in parentheses Fundamental Programming 310201
C++Syntax Summary • input: cin >> <variable>; • output: cout << <expression>; • assignment: <variable> = <expression>; • aselection statement: if ( <test> ) {<if-block statements> } else { <else-block statements> } • a repetition statement: while( <test> ) {<while-block statements>} Fundamental Programming 310201
Summary • data processing happens in expressions • expressions appear in assignmentand output statements • different types of expressions – literals, variables names, ones that use operators… • arithmetic operators are: +, -, *, / • rules control order of application • parentheses are used to impose ordering • computing has a lot of jargon! Fundamental Programming 310201