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Good Morning! October 19, 2012 Our Problem-Solution Do Now!

Good Morning! October 19, 2012 Our Problem-Solution Do Now!. Chapter 7 Promoting Comprehension: Reader Factors. Reading is Thinking. Metacognition -thinking about your own thinking The purpose of reading is to understand what you read and to learn for the experience

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Good Morning! October 19, 2012 Our Problem-Solution Do Now!

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  1. Good Morning!October 19, 2012Our Problem-SolutionDo Now!

  2. Chapter 7Promoting Comprehension:Reader Factors

  3. Reading is Thinking • Metacognition-thinking about your own thinking • The purpose of reading is to understand what you read and to learn for the experience • Interpretation-as a result of two-way transaction between the reader and the text • To make sense of words to maintain interest • To

  4. METACOGNITIVE THINKING Wait ! What did that part of my brain just think ? Thinking about thinking !!!

  5. You as a Reader…. What you do when you are reading that works…. Struggles you have when you are reading…

  6. **Good readers think while they read!**They do different kinds of thinking.**These kinds of thinking are called strategies • .

  7. Listen while I read from the book…Do what good readers do…think while I am reading to you. Write down whatever thinking reactions you had!

  8. Readers Make Connections 3 types of connections • Text- to –self • Text-to –world • Text-to-text

  9. Effective Reading Teachers… • Good teachers modeling how to use strategies • Good teachers show their thinking • Good teachers use techniques that remind students to use strategies • Good teachers don’t use just one, they integrate their use as readers do

  10. Comprehension is a Process • Involves a series of behaviors that occur over time • Comprehension process begins during pre-reading… • Continues as students read, respond, explore, and apply their reading • A reader’s process uses prior experiences and the author’s text to construct meaning

  11. Quick Writes • An instructional procedure to aide in teaching comprehension • Usually done in a learning log • Record information, reflect, predict, summarize, recall, question, etc. • A quick way for a teacher to check comprehension In your Learning Log enter a Quick Write on “A Glow and A Grow” About Comprehension

  12. Prerequisites for Comprehension • Students must have… • Adequate background knowledge about the topic and genre • Being familiar with most vocabulary words in the text • Being able to read it fluently When any of these requirements are lacking, students are unlikely to comprehend what they are reading.

  13. Struggling Readers: • Lack the prerequisites • Are frustrated • Don’t like to read • Don’t understand what they are reading • Need differentiated instruction

  14. Comprehension Strategies:Cognitive (thinking)Metacognitive(thinking about thinking) The most important strategies: • Activate background knowledge • Connecting • Determining Importance • Drawing Inferences • Evaluating • Monitoring

  15. Strategies Continued… The most important strategies: • Predicting • Questioning • Repairing • Setting A Purpose • Summarizing • Visualizing

  16. Reading Strategies Q.ueenV.ictoria P.ops C.orn R.egularly

  17. Check Understanding Build Fluency Sense It Ask Questions Reading is Thinking Connect To Text Making Inferences/ Draw Conclusions Decide What’sImportant Expand Vocabulary Summarize/ Synthesize Predict and Prove

  18. An Important Note: “Although these strategies tend to be introduced independently, readers rarely use these in isolation when reading. These thoughts interact and intersect to help readers make meaning and often occur simultaneously during reading.” (Harvey and Goudvis)

  19. The Strategies Interact & Intersect • Pick a partner • You will be assigned one or two • of the comprehension strategies • Use pages 179-188 and page 191 • Fill in your assigned piece • of the puzzle with key • ideas about your strategy

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