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Industrial Design 7T552 Assignment 1 – Column’s in Building

Industrial Design 7T552 Assignment 1 – Column’s in Building. Rick van Veghel - 0719020 - BT Joost Klaasen - 0727802 - UT Joost van Ravesteijn - 0721974 - BT 23-02-2011 Begeleiders M.H.N. van den Berg Prof.Dr.Ir . J.J.N. Lichtenberg. I ndex.

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Industrial Design 7T552 Assignment 1 – Column’s in Building

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  1. Industrial Design 7T552Assignment 1 – Column’s in Building Rick van Veghel - 0719020 - BT JoostKlaasen - 0727802 - UT Joost van Ravesteijn - 0721974 - BT 23-02-2011 Begeleiders M.H.N. van den BergProf.Dr.Ir. J.J.N. Lichtenberg

  2. Index Analyzeexisting column · Other/extra functions · Design of innovative column system 01 02 03 Industrial Design – 7T552 - Rick van Veghel–JoostKlaasen - Joost van Ravensteijn- 23.02.2011

  3. 01 02 03 AnalyzeExisting Column Analyzeexisting column • Function • Structural element : • Forceremittance • Aestheticvalue Industrial Design – 7T552 - Rick van Veghel–JoostKlaasen - Joost van Ravensteijn- 23.02.2011

  4. 01 02 03 AnalyzeExisting Column Analyzeexisting column • History • timeline is not exactly determined • famous and old buildings have columns • more aesthetic value • columns had/have a large size • as long as people are building columns are built Industrial Design – 7T552 - Rick van Veghel–JoostKlaasen - Joost van Ravensteijn- 23.02.2011

  5. 01 02 03 AnalyzeExisting Column Analyzeexisting column Materials Steel Iron steel Masonry Concrete Timber Industrial Design – 7T552 - Rick van Veghel–JoostKlaasen - Joost van Ravensteijn - 23.02.2011

  6. 01 02 03 AnalyzeExisting Column Analyzeexisting column • Produced • History: In workNowadays: Prefab • Labour intensive Accurate • Faster • Designed • Structuralrequirements • Aestheticrequirements Industrial Design – 7T552 - Rick van Veghel–JoostKlaasen - Joost van Ravensteijn - 23.02.2011

  7. 01 02 03 AnalyzeExisting Column Analyzeexisting column • Subsystems • Compressive force • Buckling load • Stability • Interface/conect • Remittance of floor load down (Constant + Variable) • Remittance of the façade load (wind + own weight) Industrial Design – 7T552 - Rick van Veghel–JoostKlaasen - Joost van Ravensteijn- 23.02.2011

  8. 01 02 03 AnalyzeExisting Column Analyzeexisting column • Advantages of columns in buildings • Open structure • More gross floor area • - Easy to fit different functions • - More light invasion, compared with load-bearing walls • Disadvantages • - Additional stability facilities necessary • - If there is a closed façade, back padding needed Industrial Design – 7T552 - Rick van Veghel–JoostKlaasen - Joost van Ravensteijn- 23.02.2011

  9. 01 02 03 Other/extra functions Other/extra functions • Secondary functions: • - More Aesthetic • Removable / Flexible • Transit facilities (ventilation, rain water, pipes, electricity) • Integration of sun protections • Generate energy/Heat generation Industrial Design – 7T552 - Rick van Veghel–JoostKlaasen - Joost van Ravensteijn - 23.02.2011

  10. 0102 03 Design of innovative column system Design of innovative column system Variant 1 Industrial Design – 7T552 - Rick van Veghel–JoostKlaasen - Joost van Ravensteijn- 23.02.2011

  11. 0102 03 Design of innovative column system Design of innovative column system Variant 2 Industrial Design – 7T552 - Rick van Veghel–JoostKlaasen - Joost van Ravensteijn- 23.02.2011

  12. 0102 03 Design of innovative column system Design of innovative column system Variant 3 Industrial Design – 7T552 - Rick van Veghel–JoostKlaasen - Joost van Ravensteijn- 23.02.2011

  13. 0102 03 Design of innovative column system Design of innovative column system Final version Industrial Design – 7T552 - Rick van Veghel–JoostKlaasen - Joost van Ravensteijn- 23.02.2011

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