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Your Friendships. Qualities of Friendship. common interests caring empathy (understand and identify with what the other person is feeling). 4. Respect 5. Dependability 6. Forgiveness 7. Reciprocity (mutual exchange- each person gives as well as receives). Making Friends.
Qualities of Friendship • common interests • caring • empathy (understand and identify with what the other person is feeling)
4. Respect 5. Dependability 6. Forgiveness 7. Reciprocity (mutual exchange- each person gives as well as receives)
Making Friends • meeting people *something in common • starting a conversation *show interest *speak, listen, give feedback *Ask open-ended questions. (require more than a yes/no answer)
ACTIVITY Choose a partner that you do not know very well and get to know him or her. Use the steps we just covered.
Making Friends • take the next step *phone, internet, text, hangout • handling rejection *Be yourself even if you get rejected. * However, constant rejection can alert you that YOU need to change something.
Diversity in Friendships • diversity- variety • friends like you *help you gain confidence and develop a positive self-concept • friends who are different *help you accept and respect differences
ACTIVITY Reflect on your friendships. Are you all the same? Do you have diversity in your friendships?
Strengthening Friendships • Do not take them for granted. • Make time for each other. • Confide in each other.
4. Communicate openly and honestly. 5.Admire each other’s strengths and accept each other’s weaknesses. 6. Forgive each other.
Changes in Friendships • People/friendships change over time. • grow apart (part of growing up) • ending a friendship *(lack of respect, no longer enjoy the person’s company, abuse)
ACTIVITY Reflect on a time when you lost a friend. Why did the friendship end? Do you think there was something you could have done to save the friendship? Explain.
Peer Relationship Problems • Cliques- a small, exclusive group that restricts who can join *give a sense of identity and importance *create barriers to relationships with other people (us vs. them) *Practice including other people not excluding them.
ACTIVITY Which clique are you or have you been involved in? Did you exclude people? Why? How did it make you feel?
Gangs *promote distrust and hatred of outsiders *engage in antisocial and unlawful behavior
teasing and harassment *intended to irritate, anger, embarrass someone *harassment (persistent hostile behavior directed at a specific person) *Bullies seek power and attention by being intentionally cruel. *Sexual Harassment- gestures, touching, name-calling, sexual jokes, making comments about someone’s body, pressuring someone for sexual activity
4.peer pressure *can be positive or negative *A strong self-concept and trusting your own judgment will help you resist peer pressure. * BE YOUR OWN PERSON!
ACTIVITY Reflect on a time when you participated in something because of negative peer pressure. What did you do? How did you feel about it?
ACTIVITY Reflect on a time when positive peer pressure influenced you. Explain what happened. How did you feel?