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Honoring a legacy. Dr. George J. Thompson 1941 - 2011. “Today, it’s my mission to continue his legacy. In this complex and conflicted world, we need to speak his language of peace. “Doc, I’ll miss you. But believe me, you’ll be there in every class I teach.”
Honoring a legacy Dr. George J. Thompson 1941 - 2011
“Today, it’s my mission to continue his legacy. In this complex and conflicted world, we need to speak his language of peace. “Doc, I’ll miss you. But believe me, you’ll be there in every class I teach.” Gary T. Klugiewicz, Director, Vistelar Group
“To all who knew Dr. Thompson, I thank you for your thoughts, your loyalty, and the respect you paid him. Honor his dream, in this life and the next.” Lee Fjelstad, Vice PresidentVerbal Judo Institute
“George Thompson was the ‘one,’ the true ‘Peace Warrior.’ His teachings have saved countless lives and careers. Well done my friend, your memory and legacy will live on!” Bob Willis, NWTC Technical Collegeand Verbal Defense & Influence Advisor
“We will all miss Doc, but he will not be forgotten. “I start each of my classes with a Doc video and telling my audiences about him. I don’t stray from the cross, and I close my classes with Doc’s ‘They were safer by our presence’ video. “This is a tradition that I will proudly continue in the years to come.” Tony Pinelle, Senior ConsultantVerbal Defense & Influence
“Doc, I have stopped praying for you and started talking to you in eternity. I know you will be with me as I always hear your voice within myself. “I will always remember you … One whose teaching has helped so many people to stay safe and to be happier in life. “Non Soleus (Never Alone)” Coach Bob Lindsey, Advisory BoardVerbal Defense & Influence
“Though he always said that he was merely a translator of classical rhetoric, he was more than that. He added his own voice to that of Plato, Aristotle, and Kant. Though I had studied the classics, for the first time I understood them. “His gentle wisdom made me a better protector, a better leader, a better father, a better mentor, and a better man.” Joel Lashley, Advisory BoardVerbal Defense & Influence
“The genius of Doc was his ability to take complex theories and ideas and make them relevant for everyone: “‘Small thinkers make the simple complex and great thinkers make the complex simple.’ “Doc was truly one of the great thinkers.” Darcy Pennock, Verbal Judo Canada
“It is no understatement to say that my combat-related disabilities became RE-abilities as a direct result of our friendship and your love for me as a person, as a friend, as a brother, and as your “Special Forces Son.’” Greg Walker, Senior Wounded Warrior AdvocateUnited States Special Operations Command
“Everyone who came in contact with Dr. Thompson came away a better person, simply by the way they spoke and the way they listened. “The secret was empathy and he taught millions of us how to employ it and how to develop it in others.” Patrick Bucher, Senior ConsultantVerbal Defense & Influence
“His brilliance in the creation and delivery of groundbreaking Verbal Judo Tactical Communication programs is unsurpassed, as was his unwavering determination to train people (especially police / law enforcement officers) to use skill to reduce conflict and violence and treat people with REspect.” Will KingVerbal Judo Australia
“He changed my life, the lives of my family and, through his teachings, allowed me to change the lives of tens of thousands as I taught his material to others over the last 16 years.” Mike Manley, Senior ConsultantVerbal Defense & Influence
“With all the work he has done in understanding and using language, it makes it possible for my Security Officers to have some real skills when dealing with people that are combative. “Language is powerful … use it wisely.” Lee j. GuilianiDCJS Instructor
“His book completely transformed my thinking, communicating and training – especially the easy, difficult and wimp personality styles. “I am so sorry to hear of his passing, however I am happy to know that his teachings will live on.” Monica Lloyd, Zephyr Development
“I have a violent, emotionally disturbed child I’ve raised for most of his 16 years, and using some of his tactics here at home certainly helped situations.” Daniel Heusler, Sr., Auburn, NY
“Sorry to hear of George’s passing. He came to Vancouver PD here in Canada in the mid-eighties and his course was the most important one that I ever took. Woosha!” Ret. Cst. Al Arsenault Author, Chin Na in Ground Fighting
“While attending Doc’s class I was blown away by his passion, and desire to not just instruct us, but to instill in us a fundamental change in not only how we communicate in our profession, but more importantly in our lives. “Empathy, the Golden Rule, REspect, his personal stories, his mistakes and his triumphs all brought this concept of Tactical Communication to light.” Gus R. Hitz Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Center
“I had the wonderful opportunity to work with George as the publisher of his book. He was deeply dedicated and tremendously sincere in trying his very best to help others. “The results of his lifelong efforts will carry on through the lives of countless people who continue to benefit from his wisdom.” Mary Loughrey, Looseleaf Law Publications
“I am saddened by your departure and strengthened by your presence.” Douglas Whiddon Gainesville PD, Georgia
“His greatest work was convincing his students to practice their new skills at home with the ones they loved most, so that words that rise readily to their lips would do no harm. “I am committed to ‘leaving people better than I found them at their very worst.’” Chief Harry P. Dolan Raleigh Police Department, North Carolina
“The Saint Paul (Minn.) Police Department wishes to express their condolences on the passing of your friend and a pioneer in police communications.” Thomas E. Smith, Chief of Police
“Thanks Doc, for changing the attitudes of police officers all over the world. “You were a great teacher with a big heart (as big as your voice).” Sgt. Alan Green, Harrison Co. SO Mississippi
“George Thompson was a pioneering genius who expanded the concept of what it means to be tactical. “He took the most neglected skill in law enforcement — communication — and showed how purposeful speech can be a weapon in defusing volatile confrontations and forestalling attack.” Chuck Remsberg Author of the Street Survival Book series
“Gracias por habernos orientado en la búsqueda de otras maneras de resolver los conflictos.” Thanks for helping us improve our interaction with the public to whom we owe. Carlos Guillermo Blanco, Comandante Mayor (Ret) of the Argentinean National Gendarmerie
“Doc Thompson is one of the true giants in our times. In a rich and full lifetime of research and training, he made a quantum leap forward in human knowledge and understanding, and centuries from now his work will still be influencing lives and echoing across the generations to empower and enrich lives.” Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, USA (ret.) Author, On Killing and On Combat
“I have used Dr. Thompson’s Verbal Judo text, videos, and materials since 1996. The information is a significant part of my Superintendent/School Board Relations class.” Dr. Kip Sullivan, Professor, School Administration Sul Ross State University
“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” -Mohandas Gandhi “Doc shook the world – showing us the best and worst within us, inspiring us to change and grow beyond ourselves.” April Nietzschmann, Verbal Judo Canada AssociateCampus Relations Official, York UniversitySecurity
“Doc’s formulating of Verbal Judo has been simple yet ingenious. I particularly have appreciated his concern to nip bullying in the bud. The entire issue of teaching people how to take care of themselves in a society in which attacks, verbal and physical, are commonplace is a great contribution to have made.” Dr. Joe John Lang, Florida psychologist and teacher of rhetoric and persuasion
“Verbal Judo and your legacy with live through the countless lives you have saved in law enforcement and through the thousands of kids I have taught to deal with bullying.” Chan Lee, JK Lee Black Belt Academy Waukesha, WI
“I have tried to explain to those close to me the impact he had on me and the way I choose to approach my life from that point on …They can’t grasp the effect he had on me. “Doc showed me how to use my words and bleed energy I only thought I understood before. He gave me insight to harmony.” Don Underwood, Chief Ranger USACE, Tulsa District, Fort Supply Lake Office
“Little did Dr. Thompson realize how he has guided and influenced myself AND an entire college community. “We implemented a behavioral intervention committee in 2009 and in the process came across Verbal Judo. On many occasions, it has kept our community of staff and students safe and contributed to their satisfaction with our school.” Angela Boland Health Services Specialist, Riverside City College
“I consider myself one of the lucky ones to have gotten to know him and be trained by him. The Tac-Com training I received from Doc at the Syracuse PD in April of 09 has paid off in diamonds to my Dept. Such a change in morale and public intervention has been remarkable.” Sgt. Frank J Giampiccolo #100 Tarrytown Police Dept., Westchester County NY
“I now pride myself on the ability to generate voluntary compliance. And I owe it all to you Dr. Thompson. Thank you. “I’m sure that anyone that have who knew you, or understood what you taught will always hear the WOOSHA in the wind.” Randall Gerritson, WI Dept. of Corrections
“His groundbreaking approach to verbal defense and influence – not to mention his gigantic personality – have been one of the great gifts of my life. “Even heaven is a little safer because of your presence.” Jack Hoban, Resolution Group International
“Ti bai malefa nu hagu. Mas dankulo si yu’os ma’ase yan si yu’os emebenendisi hao yan if familia-mu.” I will never forget you. Thank you so very much. God bless you and your family. Sgt. Emily C. Charfauros, VJ Instructor, Guam Police Department
“My career of choice has been as a deputy Sheriff, and my other endeavors have been in firefighting and umpiring baseball … Dr. Thompson’s teachings have helped me to excel in all three professions.” Peter Jaskulski, Captain Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office
“While I will mourn the passing of his physical being, I will honor his life by choosing my words carefully and making sure I treat all others with dignity and respect.” Lynn Coressel, MHSCC
“Doc’s teachings have assisted me and will continue to guide my interactions in the school system, in the sports arena, and in my everyday life.” Doc always said this was not a program or training, but a way of life, the only way to teach it is to live it.” Katie Dill, Rockford, Ill.
“In 2007, I spent a week in Doc’s class at IPTM. When he said, “Make a note,” we did. I think I have two full note pads containing every word he spoke in that class. “Many officers owe their success/survival professionally and personally to his dedicated teaching.” Lt. John Yettevich Deer Park, TX, Police Department
To read these memorials and more, Visit www.VerbalDefenseAndInfluence.com/tributes