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Sensori a Fibre Ottiche nell'apparato sperimentale CMS al CERN. Salvatore Buontempo INFN Napoli on behalf of the FOS4CMS Group. CERN Ginevra (Svizzera). CNR Napoli. Uni Sannio Benevento. Uni Federico II Napoli. ATOMKI Debrecen (Ungheria). NIKIET Mosca (Russia). OptoSmart
Sensori a FibreOttichenell'apparatosperimentale CMS al CERN Salvatore Buontempo INFN Napoli on behalf of the FOS4CMS Group CERN Ginevra (Svizzera) CNR Napoli Uni Sannio Benevento Uni Federico II Napoli ATOMKI Debrecen (Ungheria) NIKIET Mosca (Russia) OptoSmart Napoli
FOS and CMS/HEP CMS Collaboration @ CERN Fiber Optic Sensor Community (academic and industrial partners) FOS4CMS Group FOS4HEP Project SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Outline • FBG concept • Overview of FOS sensors in CMS • FOS Infrastructure in CMS • Temperature measurements in CMS with FOS • Silicon Tracker Bulkheads • CMS Underground cavern (UXCsite) • Cathod Strip Chamber (CSC-ME4/1) • Pixel Luminosity Telescope(PLT) • Strain measurements in CMS with FOS • Hadron Forward Calorimeter support • Additional CMS T and strain FOS installations planned in 2013 LS1 • T on RPC Forward • Strain on YE4 disk • T and Strain on new central Beam Pipe • Development of new sensors for HEP based on FBG technique(FOS4HEP) • Relative Humidity • T and Strain Measurement in Cryogenic environment SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) Concept TEMPERATURE CHANGE Thermal expansion for Termo-optic effect for STRESS Where: neffis the effective refractive index of the fiber, Λ is the grating pitch and λBis the reflected Bragg wavelength. Elasto-optic effect for Direct Strain for SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) Concept T STRAIN AND TEMPERATURE Sensitivity : FBG Spectral Response (Temperature) FBG SPECTRAL RESPONSE: Temperature Shift Temperature Sensitivity ≈10pm/°K @ λB=1550nm SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) Concept ε STRAIN AND TEMPERATURE Sensitivity: FBG Spectral Response (Axial Strain) FBG SPECTRAL RESPONSE: Axial Strain Shift Strain Sensitivity ≈1pm/με @ λB=1550nm SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment in CERN P5 site (Cessy - France)
FOS Sensors in CMS • Sensors placed to the following areas in CMS (133 sensors): • HF region negative side (Raiser and Castor table 10 + 6 sensors) • Tracker bulkhead on both side (10 +10 sensor) • Experimental Cavern (60 sensors) in January 2011 • PLT T-sensors (13 sensors) 2012 • T/RH tests in the cavern/cooling plants, (12+12 sensors) 2012 in 2009 Aim: • demonstrate feasibility in very hostile environment • monitor mechanical deformations induced by field (HF-) • monitor T in detector and in the environment SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
FOS infrastructure in CMS site Second interrogator for additional 16ch being installed in these days CMS today can read up to 2000 FBGs ! • A backbone of 72 fiberswasinstalledbetween X1 near and S2C18 • New patchpanel is added toS2C18 • New 1U 16 channel interrogator in the system Service Cavern (USC) 70 m underground Detector Cavern (UXC) 100 m underground 120 m fiber lenght distance SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Temperature sensors on the Silicon Tracker Bulkheads SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Position of BulkHead Temperature sensors Positive side: • Goal: • check the T distribution on bulkhead • and along the cable tray • Compare T distribution before (FOS) and after (electronic sensors) bulkhead SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Position of BulkHead Temperature sensors Negative side: 20 sensors installed in July 2009. Installation time: 4 hours Additional cables: 1 fiber split in two to reach positive and negative bulkheads SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
2012 data • 20 sensors running without any problem since July 2009 24h, 7/7. Only pause is due to Maintenance Winter shutdown (25 days in January). • High radiation dose: no effect of LHC ON/OFF, no aging detected so far • High Magnetic Field (3.8T): no effect of B field ON/OFF • No interference with other subdetectors and electronics close by SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Comparison of FOS and Tracker sensors SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale Trk 512 – pBH 8 Tracker temperature data are measured by the Tracker Team (AndromachiTsirou et al.) Overshooting and ‘notperfect’ correlationbetweenthetwodatasetsareduetotherelativelylargedeadbandsdefinedfortheTrackertemperaturedata. Trk 548 – pBH 8 Trk 512 – pBH 8 Tracker temperature data are measured by the Tracker Team (AndromachiTsirou et al.) Overshooting and ‘notperfect’ correlationbetweenthetwodatasetsareduetotherelativelylargedeadbandsdefinedfortheTrackertemperaturedata. Trk 548 – pBH 8 Left, far Right, near Trk 564 – pBH 8 Trk 556 – pBH 5 Left, far Right, near Trk 564 – pBH 7 Trk 556 – pBH 10 Trk 564 – pBH 8 Trk 556 – pBH 5 Trk 564 – pBH 7 Trk 556 – pBH 10 Trk 518– pBH 9 Trk 572 – pBH 9 Trk 518– pBH 9 Trk 572 – pBH 9
Temperaturesensorsinthe UXC cavern SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Additional T sensors in UXC • Additional60 FBG T sensors were installed in 2011 inUXC, • positioning a single fiber (2km long ) in 3 days: • 23 sensors on wall near side • 3 sensors on wall +Z side • 23 sensors on wall far side • 8 sensors on shaft far side • 3 sensors on wall -Z side FOS operation in CMS
Shalf - far side 16.4 16.4 16.6 16.9 16.8 17.1 17.5 18.6 All values in °C SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
UXC T monitoring in CMS control room panel SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Temperaturesin 2012 Top of shaftfeelsthesummer… Shaft Far SideonBalcony YB0 YB Gap-3 HF+ YB Gap+3 HF- NearSideonBalcony -END X0 +END SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Temperatures in Shalft open zoom zoom Shaft Shalf open S7 S8 S6 zoom Happens at the same time (every day a bit later than before): Direct sunlight effect on top shaft sensor S7 ! S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Temperature sensors on Cathod Strip Chamber (ME+4/1) SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
ME+4/1 temperatures Goal: measure T on electronic frame (not cooled and cooled areas) vs the beam collision rate Very fast Installation : 1h to install a Y splitter one of existing fiber and put 2 new T sensors on the new fiber SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
ME+4/1 temperatures Result : No T effect on CSC electronics induced by beam on/off nor by beam interaction rate SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
PLT (Pixel Luminosity Telescope) Temperature measurements SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
T on PLT LHC pipe ~ 10 cm Goal: Monitor T on PLT electronic card vs beam collision intensity in an independent mode. FBG installation VERY close to LHC beam pipe, in a very forward region (very high radiation dose mostly due to non ionising particles) SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Parasitic use of esisting DAQ optical links No additional FOS clear fibers were installed in the PLT Zone Instead of installing a new monomode clear fiber dedicated for FOS, we tried to use a spare PLT DAQ existing optical link PLT link goes directly to USC, therefore only a short patch cable had to be installed in USC between the PLT and FOS racks Inaddition FC/APC connectors had to be changedto MU (only MPO-MU fanoutsareaccessible) SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
T on PLT NearSide (Array1) Array could be installed without any problem. Spectrum is as clear as it was read out close by interrogator PLT monitor in CMS control room SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
PLT hybridtemperatures SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
PLT hybridtemperaturesin 2012 • ~2 degC T driftsince march (beam ON) • On/off status has no effect on T drift • Cavern T looksquitestable • PLT warmsup? • Any other effect? ... Still under evaluation SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Strain measurements on Forward Hadronic Calorimeter SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Position of CASTOR Platform sensors Castor detector dismounted in Dec 2011 Monitor the mechanical effect SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Position of sensors on the Raiser IP side (positive) Not IP side (negative) SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
End 2011-2012 dataset – Raiser Lastramp down in 2011 Lastramp down in 2011 FirstrampupinMarch FirstrampupinMarch SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
10/2011-2012 dataset – Green Platform • Lower and upper sensors behave different with (2011) and without (2012) Castor Detector Lastramp down in 2011 FirstrampupinMarch SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Ramp up — Raisers non IP side Very visible effect of CASTOR removal B fieldresult: simmetricExtensioneffect on bothsides Near side Far side (greylines: lasttworampupsin 2011) SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Ramp up — Raisers IP side Very visible effect of CASTOR removal B fieldresult: simmetricCompressioneffect on bothsides (greylines: lasttworampupsin 2011) Far side Near side (greylines: lasttworampupsin 2011) SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Ramp up — Green platform Very visible effect of CASTOR removal on UP sensors Near side Far side (greylines: lasttworampupsin 2011) SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Ramp down — Raisers non IP side Visibleeffect of CASTOR removal Near side Far side (greylines: lastthreerampdownsin 2011) SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Ramp down — Raisers IP side Visibleeffect of CASTOR removal Fastdump (green line) didnotdivergefromtheslowdumpbehavior Far side Near side (greylines: lastthreerampdownsin 2011) SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Ramp down — Green platform Very visible effect of CASTOR removal on UP sensors Near side Far side (greylines: lastthreerampdownsin 2011) SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
@ 3.8T 5mm (4.5mm) 0.5÷1.5mm displacement 13mm 13 (10) mm Rear of CASTOR 1.5mm BP Support 13,36m extension Strain ε~80 µm/m Strain ε~ -50 µm/m compression 0mm 0mm
Strain Monitoring : Green Platform vs B field In the conditionswithout B field the calculationsdoneusing FOS data correspondtothosedonewith Previous ANSYS analysis. In B fieldconditions FOS data are the only source of info aboutrealforce inducedby B field. B fieldsimulations are availablebut itisverydifficultto include all the effects ofpresentmetallicstructure.
Fibers on the Collar Platform and on the Table S2 S4 S1 S3 S1;S2;S3;S4 T1;T2 Strain ε~50 µm/m S5;S6;S7;S8 T3 Conclusion: the Collar Platform and the Table are strong enough; all displacement of Forward Zone depends on raiser tower deformation only.
CMS survey report confirmed the displacements 4.4mm 1.9mm 1.3mm -1.4mm @ 3.8T Data byJoaoAntunes
Additional CMS T and strain FOS installations planned in 2013 LS1 SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Temperaturesensorson RE4 SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
T measurement on RPC endcap disks 2.0m 1.0m 1.4m Goal: monitor T on RPC strips for each of 72 detector chambers in a disk endcap SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
RPC FOS Array Layout 2 independent arrays: Array R2: 36 FOS 1.4m distant each, tails 8m each with connectors on both ends Array R3: 36 FOS 1.8m distance each, tails 6m each with connectors on both ends Lambda distribution in each array should allow to have 72 picks (36 R2 + 36 R3)uniformly distributed in 80 nm bandwidth (to be checked) On each array : Max attenuation on sensor n.36 (last) is 10 dB On arrayR2+array R3 in serial mode: Max attenuation on sensor n.72 (last) is 20 dB No magnetic element in FOS packaging andsplicing. Array R2 2.0m 1.0m 1.4m Array R3 SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale
Installation Layout RE4 RE3 Two arrays installed on each disk with both connectors on the near side rack panel (4 connectors on each disk) 4 clear fibers + 2 spare to be positioned from each disk up to disk 1 rack panel = 18 fibers for each endcap (all in near side passing in mini cable chain) 18 + 18 = 36 clear fibers to be positioned from disk 1 up to CMS FOS patch panel in X1. Path being discussed with Integration Office. RE2 Disk 1 CMS FOS Rack In total: additional 72x6= 432 T sensors to be installed and read out SIF XCVIII CongressoNazionale