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Putnam County Educational Service Center IEP Compliance Training. 2013 Tim Calvelage & Karen Maag EMIS - Julie Selhorst. Table of Contents. Front Page-Slides 1-2 IEP Time Line and Effective Dates 3 EMIS – Slide 4 IEP Graduates, Summary of Performance – Slide 5 Amendments – Slide 6
Putnam County Educational Service Center IEP Compliance Training 2013 Tim Calvelage & Karen Maag EMIS - Julie Selhorst
Table of Contents • Front Page-Slides 1-2 • IEP Time Line and Effective Dates 3 • EMIS – Slide 4 • IEP Graduates, Summary of Performance – Slide 5 • Amendments – Slide 6 • Other Information- Slide 7 • Section 1 Future Planning- Slides 8-10 • Section 2 Special Instructional Factors- Slide 11 • Section 3 Profile- Slides 12-13 • Section 4 & 5 Transition- Slides 14-27 • Section 6 Present Levels, Goals, and Objectives- Slides 28-41 • Section 7 Specially Designed Services- Slides 42-54 • Section 8, 9, 10- Slides 55-57 • Section 11 LRE- Slide 58 • Section 12 Testing- Slide 59 • Section 13 & 14 Signatures- Slide 60 • ESC Teacher Information- Slide 61 • Resources- Slide 62
Page 1-IEP Time Line & Effective Dates IEP Meeting Date Hold IEP Meeting one day less than prior year’s Meeting Date. Example: If last IEP Meeting Date was 5-14-2012, hold this year’s Meeting on or before 5-13-2013. Effective Dates NEW FOR 2012-2013 SCHOOL YEAR IEP’s should be written for full twelve months and become effective as of IEP Meeting Date. The “Effective Start Date” will be Meeting Date. (No longer August to August) Example: IEP Meeting Date 5-6-2013 IEP Effective START Date: 5-6-2013 IEP Effective END Date: 5-5-2014 IMPORTANT: Pay close attention to Meeting Dates and Effective Dates especially for move in students.
EMIS Form and Master Code Sheet Handout EMIS – Education Management Information System http://putnam.noacsc.org/index.php?page=download-forms Special Education Events Reported in EMIS Determine… • Special Education Funding • An active ETR & IEP must be in place and effective as of December 1 to receive: State Funding Federal Funding - December Child Count • Special Education Compliance & Accountability • Office of Exceptional Children (OEC) uses Special Ed. Events reported in EMIS for compliance monitoring • Dates reported in EMIS must match dates on IEP & ETR forms • During on-site data verification and monitoring, OEC compares sample EMIS data to actual IEP & ETR documents. If reporting inaccuracies exist, OEC will make a finding of non-compliance with IDEA. • Special Education Profile OEC annually develops a Special Education Profile displaying each district’s performance on State Performance Plan indicators. EMIS is the data source for many of these indicators.
IEP Graduates, Summary of Performance & EMIS FIEP Handout IEP Graduates, Summary of Performance & EMIS FIEP http://putnam.noacsc.org/uploads/forms/Special%20Education%20Forms/IEP_Graduates_SOP_FIEP.pdf • If IEP due within 2 months of graduation AND if no changes need made to existing IEP for remaining days left in school year: At IEP meeting, document this on Page 1 in Other Information Section of current IEP. Team re-signs and re-dates Section 13. Obtain signature on the Change of Placement line on Section 14. Record meeting date as a FIEP Event on line 11 of EMIS Form. • Graduation constitutes a Change of Placement requiring prior written notice. If parent/(student 18 or older) signs “Change of Placement” line on Section 14 of IEP, this serves as the Prior Written Notice and then you would not need to prepare a separate PR-01 Prior Written Notice addressing graduation unless there is a disagreement. • Please see Handout (above link) for complete step-by-step instructions on these procedures along with examples and exceptions. • Summary of Performance – A summary of academic achievement and functional performance including recommendations on how to meet student’s postsecondary goals. This form is now available in SpS and we recommend that you use this form.
Amendments • May be done without a face-to-face meeting and may occur as a telephone conference • Have all IEP team members initial in participant box • Make changes throughout IEP and list on front page the sections that were amended • Change of placement may be done through the amendment process as long as parent signs the “change of placement” section on the last page of the IEP-section 14. • If LRE, Secondary Planning Element, Testing Requirements, Graduation Requirement, or when adding or stopping a related service complete EMIS Form #6 AIEP.
Section: Other Information This section includes additional information that the school district finds to be useful DO NOT LIST THE CHILD’S DISABILITY For Example: • Brief Educational History- (previous school attended if any, transfer student) • Language other than English is spoken in the home and includes information regarding that language • Medications the child is taking- (Do not list the actual name of the drug) • If a behavior plan is in place • May list the attempts to contact the parents to attend IEP meeting If there is nothing to include in this section write Not Applicableso that it is understood that this section has been discussed by IEP team.
Section 1: Future Planning • This is the 1st step in transition planning • Statement or short paragraph that summarizes child’s skills and interests in relation to goals for education and employment after high school. • Must be based on a discussion with child and the child’s family about the approaching school year and child’s life after graduation from high school • The parents would like to see………... The students would like………… What is this evidenced by? Conversation? Question/Answer Form?
Section 1: Future Planning Questions for IEP team to consider: • What interest does the child have? • What strengths and needs does the child have? • How can these interests, strengths, and needs be supported and incorporated into the child’s educational program? • How can these skills be improved and used in the child’s educational program? • What does the child want to do after high school in terms of working, living, and learning? • What do the parents want the child to do after high school? • What coursework, job coaching opportunities, and career-tech programs will assist the child in accomplishing his or her goals after high school?
Section 1: Future Planning Samples • In a conversation with Tim, he would like to graduate from high school with his diploma, have developed employability skills as well as the functional skills which he will need to live independently. Tim and his parents would like for him to learn how to drive a car and earn his drivers license. They would also like him to obtain an ability-based job and become an independent and productive member of his community. • Karen and her mother want her to graduate and go to college in the medical field. She will work competitively and live independently upon graduation and completion of college. During Karen’s Senior year of high school, she should pass all of her courses toward graduation and narrow her career choice so she can find colleges that offer her area of study. She should also take the ACT again to try and improve her score.
Section 2: Special Instructional Factors • If you check YES in one of these areas, you MUST: address it in the profile, AND address it in a goal or in the service area
Section 3: Profile • Provide a “big-picture” of the child and MUST pass the “stranger test” • Summarize strengths and weaknesses • Include background information about the child • Include concerns of parents for education of the child • Include child’s interests, relevant medical and safety information • Include needs that have been identified in the ETR and that the team has determined will NOT be addressed during the duration of this IEP • Include results of any state or district assessments, i.e. OAA, OGT • Include information related to adult living, working, and learning for students of secondary transition age • DO NOT put entire ETR in Profile • Avoid broad statements, i.e. well below grade level, appropriate • Strategies that work - Be specific Safe Place??? • Include information if checked a “yes” in special factors section • How does the disability affect progress in the general curriculum?
2 Identify the child’s interests, future plans, and concerns of the parents 1 3 Past Provide a brief educational history of the child. Include relevant medical and safety information as appropriate Provide a summary of the strengths and weaknesses as identified in the recent ETR , and other evaluations Profile “BIG Picture” 4 Describe educational strategies and services that are provided. “The student learns best when given… Summarize any special factors that were identified in Section 2 such as Behavior, communication etc. Provide a statement of how the disability impacts the student’s progress in the general curriculum (OAA or OGT results) 6 5
2 Summarize Age Appropriate Transition Assessments for ALL three areas. Post-Secondary, Employment, and Independent Living 1 3 The Transition Statement At age 14 or beginning with 7th grade. (This is a statement about what the child needs to start the process.) Measurable goals -Post-Secondary -Employment -Independent Living (as appropriate) The Transition Plan Post-Secondary Education Employment Independent Living 4 Who is responsible and when the service will occur Include Course of Study List of Transition Services which will be provided 6 5
Section 4: Postsecondary Transition - Statement • MUST be in place by age 14 • For Putnam County, we recommend that the Transition “Statement” be in place starting with the IEP written for the student’s 7th grade school year. • Addresses child’s transitional needs to and through the first years of high school • MUST address course of study • This statement needs to be linked back to information from Section 1 Future Planning and Section 3 Profile • MUST match student’s preferences, interests, and needs
Section 4: Postsecondary Transition - Statement Questions for the IEP Team to consider: • What classes will the child need to prepare for the intended job/career? • Does the child intend to go to college? • Is the child planning to enroll in a career/tech program during high school? • What classes will provide the child with skills needed in order to achieve the child’s post-school goals? • Does the child need accommodations and/or services to support achievement and progress in the child’s course of study? • How does the child’s plans for the future match up with the child’s preferences, interests, needs, and skills? • Are the accommodations and services the child currently receives providing opportunities for the child to attain the level of independence needed as an adult? • Does the child know how to: describe to others how his or her disability affects his or her learning, working, and living? Can the child self-advocate for appropriate accommodations?
Section 4: Postsecondary Transition Statement - Sample • Mike plans to graduate from high school and work on his family farm or possibly in the construction field. His parents expect him to attend some post-secondary training in skilled trade. He plans to take the general education courses including art and vocational agriculture electives. He should work to pass his classes toward graduation. • Tim will participate in a modified High School Curriculum that places emphasis on functional academics, vocational skills, and employability skills. Tim will explore career options through the Vocational Agricultural Classes and Work Study (Culinary and Catering, Gardening and Landscaping, Recycling and Janitorial). Tim will begin to explore options he may be interested in.
Section 4: Postsecondary Transition - Age Appropriate Transition Assessments • Transition plan must be in place by age 14 or if student will be turning 14 within IEP effective dates. • Must have a documented assessments for ALL 3 transition areas: Education, Employment, and Independent Living • Include type of assessment conducted, the person or agency conducting the assessment, date which the assessment was given, and summary of the results • Informal assessments • Formal assessments • Education Assessments - OGT, IQ, OAA, Aptitude Test, CBA • Independent Living Assessments - Adaptive Behavior, ADL, Social Skills • Employment - Interest Inventories, Observations in Work Experiences, Temperament Inventories • TRANSITION SERVICES provided during previous IEP Must be summarized with detailed results
Section 4: Postsecondary Transition - Age Appropriate Transition Assessments Questions to Consider: • What do we know about the child’s preferences, interests, needs and strengths? • What skill levels are required for the child’s future intentions and how do the child’s current levels compare? • Does the child have the stamina, dexterity, coordination, and other skills needed to meet the physical demands of the postsecondary environments of future plans? • How do the child’s current behavior skills compare with those expected in the child’s postsecondary environments? • Can the child solve everyday problems and make decisions as expected in the postsecondary environment including independent living and employment situations? • Is the child able to self-advocate and effectively communicate needs in the postsecondary environment? • Does the child need to become more independent by gradually removing any school accommodations currently in place?
Section 4: Postsecondary Transition- Age Appropriate Transition Assessments Quick Book Of Transition Assessments http://www.tslp.org/docs/QuickbookIEPChecklistFinal091407.pdf Employability/Life Skills Assessment http://www.edresourcesohio.org/transition/docs/resources/assessment14-21.pdf http://www.nsttac.org/products_and_resources/tag.aspx Ohio Careers Information System- if your schools use this http://ocis.ode.state.oh.us/
Section 4: Postsecondary Transition- Age Appropriate Transition Assessments - Sample Education In conversation with Tom on 9-28-12, he would like to be a Chemist and is interested in pursuing a vocational school and/or the courses that would help him prepare for a career in this field. Tom is currently taking and passing Biology with a C. He scored a 400 (Proficient ) on his Science OGT. On 9-30-12, Tom completed an Interest Profile on the Ohio Career Information System. The results indicated Tom's highest interest area to be in the area of investigative with a score of 20. His other interest scores include: artistic-7, enterprising-4, conventional-2, social-1, realistic-1. In the interest area of investigative, Tom would like to work with ideas and thinking more than the physical activity. He would also like to be able to search for facts and figure out problems mentally rather than to persuade or lead people. According to these results, Tom's interest area of investigative matches his occupation interest of being a Chemist. Tom’s parents report that his independent living skills are quite adequate. His mom reports that he can prepare his own meals and snacks, uses a credit card and is responsible enough to keep expenses within the budget his parents have established, uses the cell phone responsibly by not going over his allotted minutes, and is able to shop independently to purchase clothes and other personal items. Employment Independent Living
Section 5: Postsecondary Transition Services - Postsecondary Education & Training • Transition Plan must be in place for a child who will be 14 or older during the time the IEP will be in effect. • REQUIRED that the child be invited to the IEP meetings where transition will be discussed. Appropriate sections on the invitation MUST be checked. • Postsecondary transition planning requires making plans over the span of the child’s high school years into the first few years beyond graduation. • Transition plan is a multi-year plan. • IEP team MUST review the postsecondary transition plan each year and make revisions
Section 5: Postsecondary Transition Services - Postsecondary Education & Training Questions to Consider: • Has the child been invited to attend IEP meetings where transition is discussed? • Is there time for the IEP team to plan for transition with the child? • Is the child actively involved in making plans for the future? • Are the child’s current future plans a good fit for the child’s preferences, interests, needs, and strengths? • Does the child need assistance in developing an achievable future direction? • Are the child and the child’s family in agreement regarding the child’s plan for the future?
Section 5: Postsecondary Transition Services - Postsecondary Education & Training Postsecondary Education and Training * Measurable Postsecondary Goal: http://putnam.noacsc.org/uploads/forms/Special%20Education%20Forms/Postsecondary%20Goals-Education%20Training.pdf * Courses: Identify the course of study that the child needs for instruction during the school day such as college preparation, career technical, Ohio core courses. *Transition Service/Activity: http://putnam.noacsc.org/uploads/forms/Special%20Education%20Forms/Transition%20Services.pdf *Number of Annual Goal- Which goal does this area link back to on the IEP? *Projected Begin Date- When does the transition activity start? *Projected End Date- May use “single occurrence” or “school year” *Person/agency responsible- List by title, DO NOT put parent or student
Section 5: Postsecondary Transition Services - Postsecondary Education & Training Employment * Measurable Postsecondary Goal: http://putnam.noacsc.org/uploads/forms/Special%20Education%20Forms/Postsecondary%20Goals-Employment.pdf What type of employment (competitive, supportive, sheltered) * Courses: Identify the course of study that the child needs for instruction during the school day such as college preparation, career technical, Ohio core courses. * Transition Service/Activity: http://www.nsttac.org/tm_materials/m83employmenttransitionservices.aspx
Section 5: Postsecondary Transition Services- Postsecondary Education & Training Independent Living * Measurable Postsecondary Goal: http://putnam.noacsc.org/uploads/forms/Special%20Education%20Forms/Postsecondary%20Goals-Independent%20Living.pdf What type of living arrangements? (supervised group home living, independent living, supervised apartment living) * Courses: Identify the course of study that the child needs for instruction during the school day such as college preparation, career technical, Ohio core courses. * Transition Service/Activity: http://www.nsttac.org/tm_materials/m84independentlivingtransition.aspx
Section 5: Postsecondary Transition Services - Postsecondary Education & Training Developing annual IEP goals to support the postsecondary goals • At least one annual IEP goal should be in place to support each identified measurable postsecondary goal area. • Annual goals to support post-school activities can be written within the general curriculum (a math goal) or outside the general curriculum. • A given IEP goal may support more than one postsecondary goal. • http://www.edresourcesohio.org/transition/transition_steps.php
Where is the child functioning in relation to their grade level standards ? • Look at the student’s grade level in the Common Core State Standards for Math and ELA or the revised ACS in Science or Social Studies. • Page back to lower grade standards -until you find what the student can do. Look at those “I can” Statements (ELA,SS, Science) or Standard Statements (Math). Then… • Identify the next prerequisite skill they struggle with. This is a building block skill which will become your goal. • Collect measurable baseline data for this skill using curriculum based assessments or other progress monitoring tools.
Section 6: Measureable Annual Goals- Present Levels • Only include information in the PLOP that is specifically related to that goal. • Include measurable baseline data such as results of curriculum-based assessments, formative assessments, results of progress monitoring of the current IEP goals, and any other information included in section 3: profile. • Suggestion is to Identify the skill(s) you want to address in the goal and work backwards to write the present levels.
Present Level Checklist • Does the PLOP reflect the grade level content standards? • Does the PLOP describe how the child is performing in relation to the grade level standards? • Does the PLOP describe the child’s strengths/needs in relation to learning the standards? • Does the PLOP describe how the child’s disability affects involvement & progress in the general curriculum? • Does the PLOP describe what other needs, beyond academics, have an impact on the child’s involvement/progress in the general curriculum? • Does the PLOP describe strategies, accommodations, interventions that have been successful in assisting the child to make progress in the general curriculum? ODE Developed
Present Level Checklist • Is the PLOP based on current evaluation reports, statewide testing, teacher reports and checklists, current progress data and parent information? • Is the PLOP written in a clear and understandable manner than avoids vague or unclear words or phrases? • Does the PLOP provide instructionally relevant information about the child? • Is the PLOP written in objective, measureable terms? • Does the PLOP reflect the priorities and concerns of the child and his/her parents for the child’s education? • Does the PLOP identify where the child is now so a clear picture is given as to what has to be learned next and what supports and services are needed to get there? • Does the PLOP provide the basis for goals? • Does the PLOP reflect transition service needs? ODE Developed
2 Identify the SKILL the child needs to master the curriculum. 1 3 For review IEP’s What is the child’s progress on the current goal for this area? Present quantifiable measurable baseline datafor this skill using assessments and progress monitoring tools PLOP (Present Level Of Performance) What are the strategies and accommodations that have been successful? State how this compares to his same age peers and the grade level standards. How does this affect involvement and progress in the general education curriculum? 6 4 5
2 Who This is the Student 1 3 Conditions. This is the given statement. When given… Will do What. An observable behavior describing what he/she will do. Goals And Objectives 4 How will it be measured The method used for measuring progress. To what level of degree. Includes criteria stated in accuracy and trials In what length of time By the end of the school year 6 5
1 Under What Conditions • Situation (during circle time, given a familiar object/ experience, when student’s hand is placed on the switch, with hand over hand support • Setting (Small group, classroom, 1:1, on the playground) • Required Material, Given… (an auditory/visual/ written prompt, graphic organizer, teacher notes, a topic, given 5th grade vocabulary words)
3 Measurable Verbs Also see http://www.adprima.com/examples.htm
4 To What Level or Degree • Includes Criteria- how many times the behavior must be observed/measured before it is considered to be mastered • Frequency • ___ times weekly • in ___out of ___ attempts/opportunities • ___ consecutive trials/weeks • Duration • For __ minutes/repetitions • Accuracy • _____% accuracy • ___ out of ___ trials • Latency/Speed • within ___ minutes • with less than ___ errors per minute/paragraph • Intensity • With __intensity so _ can be heard
Criteria and Mastery • Although not law, best practice includes both accuracy and trials. (i.e. 80% on 3/5 opportunities) • Unless stated, the implication is without error or 100% performance. (100% on 3/5 opportunities) • This same criteria should be what is reported for progress reports (PLOP-Goal-Progress). (percentage on _/5 opportunities)
5 In what length of time • This is the time frame in which the goal/objective will be completed. • If it is not listed it is assumed to be the length of the IEP (throughout the school year)
6 How will progress be measured? • Selected from the list, or write your own in the text box (Methods)
Objectives Goal Step • A smaller, more manageable learning task that a child must master as a step toward achieving an annual goal • Objectives break the annual goal into discrete components • May be sequential steps or implemented simultaneously • Should include condition, clearly defined behavior and performance criteria- measurable information • MUST be written the same way as goal Step Step Step Goal Step Step Step
Section 7: Description of Specially Designed Services Purpose: To provide anyone who is involved in the education of a student with a disability, an all inclusive list of the supports and services that will be provided to that student during the life of that IEP. Supports and Services: • These supports and services are necessary for the child to access and progress in the general education curriculum to the best of his/her ability. • There is data available to support the fact that the services are necessary and beneficial. • These supports and services are linked to the needs, goals, and objectives of the child. • Everything the child will be receiving is in one spot…attainable and understandable by all.
Specially Designed Instruction is… • Adapting as appropriate to the needs of an eligible child. It describes the content, methodology or delivery of instruction to address the unique needs of the child. • Can anyone walk into the classroom and know what the student’s specially designed instruction is to entail? • Does the parent understand what it is and how it is different from the instruction in the typical general education classroom?
Specially Designed Instruction is NOT … • help with completing a homework assignment. • help with finishing a worksheet • checking the assignment notebook • completing a fill-in-the-blank study guide
2 Goal Addressed This is the “what” Identify what goal this instruction applies to 1 Type of Service Describe the specially designed instruction received by the student This tells how the instruction is delivered. This must include the methodology that is used to help the student acquire, remember and retrieve the information taught If being taught in a small group explain why. (to present material at instructional level, to provide more practice feedback and re-teaching.) 3 Provider Title This is the “who” The person or people providing the instruction Components of Specially Designed Instruction 4 Location of services This is the “where”. The physical location where the instruction is delivered Amount of Time and Frequency Tells when the instruction is provided 5
Specially Designed Instruction- Examples • Direct instruction, Small group instruction • Systematic Phonics Instruction • Modeling • Corrective Feedback • Repeated Practice • Repeated Reading • Vocabulary- Prefix, Suffix, Root Word, Compound Words • Comprehension Skill Development • Review Grade Level Word List • Analysis of word structure • Contextual analysis to determine the meaning of new words, • Guided repeated oral reading practice • Chunking • Priming • Unit Mapping • Prioritizing • Paraphrasing • Visualizing • Scaffold Instruction • Pre-reading http://putnam.noacsc.org/interventiondatabase/
Section 7: Description of Specially Designed Services- continued Assistive Technology • AT Devices: • “Any item, piece of equipment or product …that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a child with a disability.” • “The term does not include a medical device that is surgically implanted, or the replacement of such device.” • AT Services: Any service that directly assists in the selection, acquisition or use of an assistive technology device. The term includes: • The evaluation of the needs… • Purchasing, leasing, or otherwise providing for the acquisition of assistive technology devices … • Selecting, designing, fitting, customizing, repairing, … assistive technology devices; • Coordinating and using other therapies, … • Training or technical assistance for a child and family… • Training or technical assistance for professionals ,employers, or other individuals who provide services to, employ, or are otherwise substantially involved in the major life functions of that child.
Section 7: Description of Specially Designed Services- continued Accommodations • Provide access to the course content but does not alter the amount or complexity of information taught. It levels the playing field so students with disabilities can access and make progress in the general curriculum. • Accommodations are changes in the way materials are presented. • Examples: child seated near front of room, directions repeated orally, receive nonverbal cues from teacher in area of performance or behavior. • If a accommodation is provided only for a specific area the area should be specified in the accommodation i.e. extended time on classroom assessments. • Reference ODE Fact Sheet Statewide Assessment Accommodations • http://www.ode.state.oh.us/gd/templates/pages/ODE/ODEGoogleSearch.aspx?page=221&query=Statewide%20assessment%20accommodations&start=0&OriginatingURL=/GD/Templates/Pages/ODE/ODEDefaultPage.aspx?Page=1 • Accommodation Manual- http://putnam.noacsc.org/uploads/forms/Special%20Education%20Forms/AccommodationsManualFebruary2011.pdf • Avoid using a bucket list of accommodations
Accommodation Categories • Presentation- students may have access to information in alternate modes. • Response- students may complete work in different ways • Timing and Scheduling- students have flexibility in how time is organized to complete work • Setting-students may have changes to setting or conditions
IEP MUST specify when, where, how and under what conditions accommodations will occur. Review the following examples • Extended time when over 4 pages, not to exceed 2 hrs. • Read aloud written material which is above first grade readability via technology or a person • Scribe for written work when over 2 pages • Large print (24 font size) for all reading material (textbooks and tests) • Braille edition of all textbooks and classroom materials • Graphic organizers to mind map before writing • Visual schedules for all classes and visual mini schedules for tasks within classes • Use of slant board for all written work • Access to a portable electric spell checker for all classes