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Kept Safe by God

I will tell you what is good and right for you to do! Obey The Lord, and serve Him faithfully with all your heart! Remember the great things He has done for you! 1 Samuel 12 verses 23b - 24. Kept Safe by God.

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Kept Safe by God

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  1. I will tell you what is good and right for you to do!Obey The Lord, and serve Him faithfully with all your heart!Remember the great things He has done for you!1 Samuel 12 verses 23b - 24

  2. Kept Safe by God • The Story so farDavid was the youngest son of his father JesseHe spent his time looking after his father’s sheep

  3. Kept Safe by God • Even as a boy he learned to trust GodWhen a lion or a bear came after a sheep David attacked it and God kept him safe.

  4. Kept Safe by God • Samuel arrives at David’s family home and anoints him to be the future King of Israel

  5. Kept Safe by God Ugggh • Then there was the fight with GoliathDavid trusted God to help him defeat the giantHeadline:- David catapulted to fame!

  6. David had been welcomed into King Saul’s householdAs he grew up,With God’s help he had fought and won many more battles since the defeat of Goliath. Welcome

  7. While in Saul’s house hold, David...

  8. Kept Safe by God • But as time went by David found he had problems King Saul started to get angry! And…...

  9. I’ll get him!That upstart David! He wanted to kill DavidWhy the change?

  10. Grrrrrr!!!! Envy, Jealousy, Fear!David was getting too popular for the King’s liking!

  11. Saul plots against DavidBut God keeps him safeLet’s see how...

  12. The Plot’s against David • David as well as fighting, also played the harp for King Saul.David was doing this when …….

  13. The Plots against David • Saul in a fit of rage hurls his spear at David while he is playing. • Saul misses and David escapes.

  14. The Plots against David • Michal’s storyShe hears that Saul is sending Soldiers to kill her husband DavidShe helps him escape - and tricks the soldiers

  15. The Plots against David • Samuel’s storyDavid flees to find Samuel in RamahSaul sends 3 groups of soldiers to find and kill David • Saul then goes himselfGod prevents all of them from harming David

  16. The Plots against David • Jonathan’s story • Meets David to plan a way to check if Saul is still angry with him • He tells his father David can’t come to the feast • Saul threatens David and throws a spear at Jonathan

  17. The Plots against David • He misses!Jonathan escapes

  18. Kept Safe by God • Jonathan’s story • Jonathan goes out to the field that he knows David is hiding inHe fires his arrows to give the sign to David that he needs to escape

  19. Saul continued to try to hunt down David - But never managed to kill him

  20. God kept Him safe, and eventually the time came when as God had promised David became King

  21. What can we learn from this part of David’s life?Trust in GodServe and obey HimDon’t get jealousThank Him for His help

  22. I will tell you what is good and right for you to do!Obey The Lord, and serve Him faithfully with all your heart!Remember the great things He has done for you!1 Samuel 12 verses 23b - 24

  23. To finish we are going to hear a psalm that David wrote.It shows how he depended on God even …. Especially…. When the going got tough.

  24. Psalm 62I wait patiently for God to save me.I depend on Him alone.He alone protects and saves me,He is my defender, and I shall never be defeated.

  25. How much longer will all of youattack a manwho is no stronger than a broken down fence?You only want to bring him down from his place of honour;You take pleasure in lies.You speak words of blessing, but in your hearts you curse him.

  26. I depend on God alone; I put my hope in Him.He alone protects and saves me;He is my defender, and I shall never be defeated.My salvation and honour depend on God,He is my strong protector, He is my shelter!Trust in God at all times, my people.Tell Him all your troubles,For He is our refuge!

  27. Men are like a puff of breath,Great and small alike are worthlessPut them on the scales, and they weigh nothing:They are lighter than a mere breath! Don’t put your trust in violence:Don’t hope to gain anything by robbery;Even if your riches increaseDon’t depend on them!

  28. More than once I have heard God saythat power belongs to Himand that His love is constant.You yourself O Lord,reward everyone according to his deeds.Psalm 62

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