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The water-and wind power can be used for producing electricity .

The water-and wind power can be used for producing electricity . The solar and geothermal energy are mainly used for heating buildings .

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The water-and wind power can be used for producing electricity .

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  1. The water-andwindpowercan be usedforproducingelectricity. The solar and geothermalenergyaremainlyusedforheatingbuildings. Thesesources of energydonotcauseanypollution, sotheyare an excellentsolutionforcoveringtheenergyneeds of mankindfor a longtime.

  2. Geothermalenergy is thermalenergygenerated and storedwithintheEarth. The geothermalenergy is unlimited. Itsextraction is relativelyinexpensive and itdoesnotpollutethe air . Thisenergycan be usedforproducingelectricity, forheatingbuildingsorgreenhouses.

  3. Conscious shopping means that you have to decide beforehand what to buy. Buy local products and always use recycle bags. Buy fresh food and try to choose the best products.

  4. Withcompostingwecanreducetheamount of thetrashofthehousehold, and atthesametimeweimprovethesoilquality. Thiswaywecouldusefullythrowawayourherbalwastetotherecycle of thenature Duringthecompostingwedon’thavetobuyanyartificialsforthegarden, and wedon’thavetopayforcarrying of thegreengarbage Toreducetheoffalmountains is all of ourresponsibility.Wecanreducethewastebyselectivewastecollection.

  5. Our video is aboutkillingprotectedanimals. People hunt rhinocerosforitshorn, tigers and bigmammalsfortheirtusks, whalesforfood. Stop killingprotectedanimals. Punishthepoachesfortheircrime. Saveallanimals!

  6. A non-renewable resource is a resource that doesn't renew itself . Examplesare coal, oil, natural gas, and uranium.Non-renewable sources pollute the environment. Renewable energy is theonethatcomes from resourceswhich are naturally replenished such as sunlight, wind, rain and geothermal heat.

  7. After the cars appeared, it developed steadily. The cars became more aerodynamic , and so these don't pollute environment so much. Nowadays people develop a lot of environmentally-friendly technologies for example: biofuels, electric cars hybrid propulsion and so on. This helpsfor the environment, but these don't solve everything.

  8. It is veryimportanttoprotectanimals and plantsotherwisetheyaregoingtoextinct..

  9. Weneedtoprotectourwaters. Factories and human activitiescanpollutethenature. It is veryimportanttosavenotonlythewatersbuttheanimalslivinginit. Manysharksaremurdered and fewercoralsareinourwaters.

  10. Wedon’tusevehiclespreferablyweselectthepublictransportorthewalkingorride a bike. Ifwethinkweneedthevehiclestheninstead of petrolweusebiofuel.

  11. The greenhouseeffect is a processbywhichthermalradiationfromaplanetarysurface is absorbedbyatmosphericgreenhousegases, and is re-radiatedinalldirections. Since part of thisre-radiation is back towardsthesurface and theloweratmosphere, itresultsin an elevation of theaveragesurfacetemperatureabovewhatitwould be intheabsence of thegases.

  12. Pollutingthe air mightinfluenceotheraspects of thenature and our life. The ozonelayer is gettingthinner and thinner. Unfortunatelymanyrespiratorydiseasescanevolve.

  13. Withrecycledpaperwesave a lot of water and electricity. Fromtherecycledplastictheydohalfdoneproducts and packagesTheymelttheglassandtheymakebrandnewproducts of it. Theymeltthe metal and theyreturnittothemanufacturingforrecycleitfornewproducts Withrecyclingwecouldsavelots of rawmaterial. THE BEST WASTE THAT DOESN’T WASTE!

  14. Wehavetopay more attentiononcollectingrubbishselectively. Don’tthrowthelitteraway! Itmightcausediseases and oursourcesmightdry out. Prevention is more inportant.

  15. Forestation. The problem is thatforestsaredestroyed. Thiscausescan be economicdifficulties, subsistenceconstraint, urbanization, populationgrowth. The consequences: soilerosion, globalwarming is an increase, air pollution, plant and animalextinction, conversion of naturalvegetation. Howcanweprevent and treatthis? Weshouldincreaseforestedareas, weshouldmakewoodlandinthecities. It is veryimportantthatweshouldwarnthegrowinggenerationtheseproblems.

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