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Navigating Social Media: Harnessing the Power for Good Amidst the Chaos

This title emphasizes the importance of positive engagement in the digital realm from religious and personal perspectives, giving guidance on responsible usage and highlighting the consequences of misuse. It draws parallels between the teachings of the Bible and the modern landscape of social media to provide a holistic approach towards online presence. By showcasing the dual nature of social media as a tool for both good and evil, the narrative underscores the need for vigilance, reflection, and adherence to moral values in the digital age, resonating with individuals seeking a balanced approach to their online behavior.

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Navigating Social Media: Harnessing the Power for Good Amidst the Chaos

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  1. Social media can be used for good and evil • Rom. 7:12-13 law is good when used properly, but. . . . • 1 Tim. 4:4 everything created by God is good (Ja. 1:17) • 1 Tim. 1:8 our responsibility, use social media lawfully • social media is being used for good in the kingdom

  2. Social media can be used for good and evil Parents have responsibility to train children • Eph. 6:4 parents train and discipline • Eph. 6:1-3 children obey, have long life

  3. Social media can be used for good and evil Parents have responsibility to train children Social media is a reflection of who you are • Matt. 7:15-20 you are known by your fruits

  4. Social media can be used for good and evil Parents have responsibility to train children Social media is a reflection of who you are • Matt. 7:15-20 you are known by your fruits • Col. 3:17 God’s laws apply online • we must proactively manage our social networking sites

  5. Social media can be used for good and evil Parents have responsibility to train children Social media is a reflection of who you are Protect yourself against addiction • 1 Cor. 6:12 all addiction is sin • social networking sites encourage addiction • addiction to social networking sites is growing • avoid addiction by taking breaks

  6. Social media can be used for good and evil Parents have responsibility to train children Social media is a reflection of who you are Protect yourself against addiction Nothing is secret, your sin will find you out! • 1 Sam. 2:3 God knows everything (Ec. 12:14) • Num. 32:23 your sins will find you out

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