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REPORT SAKAI ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE PROJECT. Presented by Martin m. Kamwanza Data analyst . District livelihood zones. Makueni district comprises of the following livelihood zones i) Mixed Agriculture zone:- Kilungu, Kilome, Kaiti and Mbooni divisions
REPORT SAKAI ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE PROJECT. Presented by Martin m. Kamwanza Data analyst
District livelihood zones Makueni district comprises of the following livelihood zones • i) Mixed Agriculture zone:- Kilungu, Kilome, Kaiti and Mbooni divisions • ii) Agro-pastoral zone I :- Kisau, Matiliku, Mbitini, Kasikeu, Wote, Kee and Tulimani divisions • iii) Agro-pastoral zone II :- Nguu, Kathonzweni, Kalawa, Makindu, Kibwezi and M/Andei divisions
Climate and rainfall reliability amounts and distribution Climate and rainfall The area has two seasons short rains (October – December ) and long rains ( march – may) does not do well. The area has an average area of 971.9mm of rainfall for the last 5 years. The rainfall gotten cannot sustain a crop to its maturity levels(ie. Maize and beans-hybrids. Crops grown in the zone Food crops: maize, beans, cowpeas, pigeon peas, green grams, and tubers cassavas and sweet potatoes.) Traditional foods such asmillets, (pearl millets, sorghum and finger millets are not commonly grown. There's a believe of cultural beliefs associated to these foods. the production given per a piece of acre is less than 4bagsof 90kg (maize) and 2 debes of beans. Cash crops Cotton is the source of income for the area though it is not of good quality.
Livestock and their production • Cattle , goats, sheep and chicken. • The area has a population of 149 herds of cattle with an average of 2 herds per household. These are local breeds. The products gotten from the animals (cattle )are: • Milk- which is not efficient for the family • Manure- not enough for the piece of land cultivated. • Hides and skins- fetch low prices due to lack ready market. • Meat • The cattle prices depends on the breed of the animal (3500 to 12,000).
Goats and sheep • The population is high compared to cattle • The household average is 3:4 depending on the piece of land owned • The products gotten from sheep are • Milk- not commonly used by the people • Manure- of good quality for the crops • Meat- not taken especially for sheep • It is also a source of income to the community or household. the prices ranges between 750-1800 per head. Chicken kept • There are few chicken kept in the zone due to small sizes of land. • there are some households with no chicken at all while others have an average of 3-6 kept in the house. • There products are eggs and chicken meat. • It’s a source of income for the community and house. • the prices ranges btw 80-200 per bird.
Social economic factors • Big number are Christians with a smaller number who are traditional believers of less than 5% with a population of 5065 persons. • 7-9 is the household population with more females than men. • 80% of the community members depend on farm products and livestock sales for their source of income. • Poverty levels are below 40.2% compared to other zones. • The major economic activities done is farming, livestock keeping and small-scale trading in the nearby market centres.
Transport and communication (infrastructure) • All are weather murram road networks passing through the feeder roads in the zone are poor which are not passable in the rainy season. Water sources and distribution • Water available is gotten from: • Seasonal rivers. • Shallow Wells (only one). • Man-made dams.
Main factor that causes livelihood vulnerability in the project area is inappropriate faming methods caused by:- • Inadequate knowledge by some farmers on appropriate crop varieties; • Limited access to quality seed (most of dry land crop varieties are not commercially available. In addition, prices of the available seeds are relatively high and this limits access to quality seed); • Limited knowledge on appropriate crop husbandry practices including effective use of climate and weather information.