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Unit 6: The Middle Ages Quizlet Link http ://quizlet.com/_gnvhe

Textbook pages: 287-307, 269-278, 317-361 Jarrett pages: 141-150, 103-118. Unit 6: The Middle Ages Quizlet Link http ://quizlet.com/_gnvhe. Concept Questions. 1. What were the political, economic and cultural developments in Tang and Song China?

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  1. Textbook pages: 287-307, 269-278, 317-361 Jarrett pages: 141-150, 103-118 Unit 6: The Middle AgesQuizlet Link http://quizlet.com/_gnvhe
  2. Concept Questions 1. What were the political, economic and cultural developments in Tang and Song China? 2. What caused the formation of medieval society in Europe and what effects did this development have on civilization? 3. What role did Christianity play in the development of Medieval Europe? 4. What changes brought about the end of the medieval Era in Europe? 5. What were the main characteristics of the Byzantine Empire? 6. What were the effects of the Mongol invasions?
  3. Progress Check: What have we learned? What’s next? From: River Valley Civilizations To Classical Greek & Persian civilizations To Roman & Han civilizations To the Rise of Islam To the Middle Ages or Medieval Period 500 -1500 To: the Renaissance Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment Age of Democratic Revolutions You Are Here
  4. Tang/Song China“The Golden Age”
  5. Tang Expanded China to former Han glory Borders extended north to Manchuria, south to Vietnam, east to Aral Sea Korea, Japan and Vietnam influenced as a tributary states Expanded trade on the Silk road and completed the Grand Canal Buddhism spread to Japan, Korea and Vietnam through trade Brought back the bureaucracy based on exams, created an intelligent and capable governing class (whose model?) Rise in urbanization Decline in status of women Golden Age of Art (same time as Islamic Golden Age) Success of Tang lasted until mid 700’s Philosophy combined Taoist and Buddhist elements with Confucianism Lost control of their vast empire - Invaded and finally overthrown
  6. SONG DYNASTY/JAPAN JAPAN Influenced by Tang/Song Adopted Confucianism & Buddhism Developed feudalism Shoguns, samurai SONG Smaller empire, but more stable Eventually lost control of northern China – rule limited to the South Southern China becomes a prosperous empire Introduced fast growing rice from Vietnam – created food surplus Vast cities
  7. Tang/Song Achievements China became the most populous country in the world Technological Advances – math, science, arts Block printing - Moveable type Gunpowder Porcelain Mechanical clock Paper money Magnetic compass – led to Chinese exploration
  8. Chinese Society Gentry New class of people, wealth based on civil service and education Many became wealthy enough to own land Middle Class - Merchants, skilled workers Laborers, Peasants Women Upper class women became more subservient Wealth enabled men to have a wife of beauty but was impractical They were crippled with foot binding Must obey men Divorce allowed if both agreed Could inherit land upon husband’s death Peasant women were valued for work since they helped farm for their family’s food
  9. Foot Binding
  10. MONGOL INVASION: Rise of Moscow
  11. Mongol Conquests Created the world’s largest land-based empire Controlled trade along the Silk Road Guaranteed safety of traders, period of stability – Pax Mongolica Movement across the steppe controlled by climate. Nomadic clans-Membership in clan determined by ancestry. United under Genghis Khan Organized Strategist New weapons/technology (catapults, gun powder) cruelty
  12. Rise of Russia Mongols had absolute power Practice later copied by Russian rulers Russian culture allowed to flourish as long as tribute paid to Mongols (attacked/demolished Kiev) Demanded slavish obedience and massive tribute (taxes) Pay or die Isolated from Western Europe Prevented the spread of new ideas and inventions Behind Europe in developing Moscow rises as a major trade city Ancestor Ivan III claimed title of Czar (Caesar) Ivan IV stopped tribute to Mongols, ended in bloodless standoff to emerge as independent from Mongols
  13. China Ogadai Immediately following his fathers death, conquered northern China Kublai Khan Conquered southern China, united it Yuan dynasty Political stability Islamic government officials replaced bureaucracy Opened China to foreign traders Marco Polo Visited and was sent on missions Stories of China put in book that most Europeans believed was fantasy Chinese technologies spread to Europe – led to exploration
  14. Islam Hulagu (grandson of Genghis) Captured Baghdad – ended the Abbasid dynasty Many Mongols converted to Islam Poor administration of the conquered lands eventually leads to the rise of the Ottomans (Unit 5) Decline of Mongol Empire ends the post-classical period End of major nomadic empires
  15. Ming CHINA
  16. Ming China (1368-1644) Hongwu (1st Emperor) –drove Mongols out in 1368 Built magnificent palace – Forbidden city Influenced world trade Imported silver in return for Chinese goods Controlled the world’s silver supply – considered foreign goods inferior High demand for silver funded European wars but caused severe inflation Yonglo- sent out 7 voyages of world exploration: 1405 - 1433
  17. Voyages of Zheng He: Huge ships –to impress the world & collect more tribute Some Chinese nobles resented the waste of resources and the voyages were stopped – China became isolationists Gave trade opportunity to Portuguese merchants (European exploration) Only govt. allowed to trade – 3 ports only China did not industrialize, preferring old ways and placing a higher value on agriculture rather than manufactured goods
  18. Results of the Fall of Rome Collapse of Roman Empire leaves power vacuum – Disruption of trade (outlaws!) Downfall of cities (no govt.) Population shifts (return to agriculture) Decline of learning (only priests could read & write – in LATIN!) Rise of Feudalism Political system – hierarchy between social classes Trading land for loyalty and service Created a type of security Loss of Roman achievements Loss of a common language: development of Romance languages from Latin– Italian, French, Portuguese, Spanish English is a Germanic language! Clovis, adopts Christianity to rule the Franks Monasteries – monks & nuns (educated) Pope Gregory I –used secular power of church
  19. Muslim invasions: From Africa into Spain from 711- 1492 & Northward into France until: Battle of Tours, 732- defeated by Charles Martel, (Charlemagne’s grandfather) his military strength established the Carolingian dynasty: Charlemagne’s Empire
  20. Charlemagne’s Empire: Development of Modern Europe Civil war divided his kingdom into 3 parts: Treaty of Verdun: 843 Lothair – Central Kingdom Charles the Bald – West Frankish Kingdom (France) Louis the German – East Frankish Kingdom (Germany)
  21. Early Medieval Society
  22. Manors: the Economic side of Feudalism The Lord’s estate Self-contained world Manors are self-sufficient, little or no trade Serfs –could NOT leave the land Tithe: 1/10th of income – tax to the church
  23. The Age of Chivalry: Warriors on horseback: knights Saddles & stirrups, & warhorses Paid fiefs & became vassals to Lords Gave 40 days of military service Education of knights: Page (7) Squire (14) Knight (21) War games: tournaments (jousts, mock battles) Real battles: mostly sieges of castles
  24. Castles & Siege Weapons: Weapons: Siege towers Battering rams Trebuchet Bodies (disease)
  25. Knights & Samurai Warriors: Knights’ Code of Chivalry: Displayed courage & valor in combat Devotion to lord Respect toward women Epic poetry: song by troubadours Women: viewed by church as inferior to men Their status declined in Europe Domestic chores Infant mortality extremely high Had many children, few survive to adulthood Some noble women received educations
  26. Rise of the church Unifying force Religious and social center Church services Social gatherings Festive celebrations Cared for the sick and poor Towns competed over the building of large cathedrals
  27. Cathedrals: Cities of God
  28. Rose Window
  29. Justinian Code: Roman Law Byzantium Created by Emperor Justinian & wife Theodora Absolute monarch & head of church Uniform legal code of laws: Justinian Code in 533 5000 Roman laws written down
  30. Creating the Imperial capital Massive building projects: Hagia Sophia – proved connection between church and state So beautiful it convinced visiting Russian nobles to adopt Byzantine Christianity City wall of Constantinople Palace expansion, baths, aqueducts, courts, schools, hospitals
  31. Hippodrome – chariot races & circus acts Often sparked riots by opposing team fans
  32. Byzantium- Education boys went to school girls home schooled to be professors, doctors, mathematicians, philosophers or historians Studied classics of Greek & Roman literature
  33. Justinian’s Empire Mysterious Plague of Justinian Palace intrigues Street Riots The Crusades Why Byzantium Fell Disease Rise of Islam
  34. Russians Adopt Byzantine Culture Slavs – north of the Black Sea Traded with Greeks, blending of cultures Later, Viking chief becomes their king Society divided into peasant masses and boyars (nobles) Princess Olga (city of Kiev) Converted to Christianity Vladimir (grandson) Sent out teams to investigate the major world religions Report from Byzantium convinced him to become Orthodox Forced all citizens of Kiev to convert Imported teachers to instruct the new faith
  35. Kiev Kiev marks the first important Russian unified territory Yaroslav the Wise Son of Vladimir Valued trade – married off daughters and sisters to create trade alliances Legal code valued property rights over all else Kievan state declined with his death Divided amongst his sons who fought over the best territories Sons continued to divide the land so fighting continued Crusades disrupted trade which added to their troubles Mongols invaded
  36. The Church is Power: Church claimed authority over both political and spiritual affairs “The Age of Faith” All Christians were Catholic canon law – laws of the church applied to all medieval people Punishments: excommunication – banishment from the church Interdict – refused sacraments to King’s country/ people
  37. Kings & Popes fight for supremacy Lay investiture: right to appoint church officials – often appointing non-spiritual people to high positions Henry IV of Germany was excommunicated for appointing bishops Famous trip to Canossa in 1077 to plead forgiveness –waited 3 days in the snow! Concordat of Worms – compromise allowed church to appoint bishops, but kings got land
  38. Split in the Christian church Roman Catholic & Eastern Orthodox – debate over whether icons should be allowed Patriarch: head of Eastern bishops Icons: religious images banned by emperor Iconoclasts: “icon breakers” destroyed images in churches Excommunication: outcast from church East-West Schism:1054 the 2 Christian churches split Thomas Aquinas – semi-theologian Believed truth came from faith and reason Belief in universal laws based on reason and independent of government
  39. 2 Different Christian traditions Roman Catholic In Latin Pope over church Pope over kings Priests celibate No divorce Eastern Orthodox In Greek/vernacular Patriarch is one of group heading church Emperor if over patriarch Priests marry – Bishops may not Divorce is OK
  40. The Crusades: Holy War
  41. The Crusades: Causes: economic & religious motives – “sign of the cross” – God’s will Got rid of over abundance of knights Merchants made money 1st crusade: 1097 to Constantinople & then captured Jerusalem, & crusader states 2nd crusade: lost all to Saladin, Muslim leader 3rd crusade: Richard the Lion-Hearted –truce 4th crusade: looted Constantinople, caused split in the church (Eastern Orthodox v. Catholic)
  42. Revival of Learning: Crusades brought western Europeans into contact with Muslim scholars & writers: “university” –meeting of scholars Development of Vernacular – everyday language Dante Alighieri: The Divine Comedy (1321) in Italian Geoffrey Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales (1400) in English
  43. Trade, Towns & Finances: Better farming methods = more food 3 field system & horses = able to feed more city folks Guilds: association of people who worked at same occupation Jews often were the bankers: usury City government: burghers – town dwellers
  44. Guilds: (like unions) Craft specialists: Monopolies
  45. England Develops: England is invaded by the French – THE NORMAN Conquest: William the Conqueror –1066 Battle of Hastings – Later Henry II married Eleanor of Aquitaine to double the size of England’s land in France She is famous for ruling England in his absence
  46. 1066
  47. The Magna Carta: 1215 Monarchy: Henry II, two sons-Richard the Lion-Hearted, to brother- John John ruled from 1199 to 1216: Lost all French lands, called “Lackland” Abused his absolute power (“Robin Hood”) Lost war with his nobles, & forced to give up his absolute power: Signed the Magna Carta (Great Charter) gave Parliament right to make & collect taxes Became common law – applied to every citizen: protected basic legal & political rights
  48. France Develops: Capetian Dynasty ruled in France, 987 Philip II: increased size of France, 1220s Louis IX: creates strong central govt, 1260s Philip IV: creates a Parliament called the “Estates General” & allowed the commoners “Third Estate” to participate
  49. A Century of Turmoil: Church problems: division – King Philip IV of France weakens Pope’s power by taking Boniface VIII prisoner Philip then names a new French Pope who stays in Avignon, France Western Schism: the Cardinals name a new Roman Pope – then TWO popes! Split the Roman Catholic church
  50. Heretics challenge the Church: John Wycliffe: in England, translated Bible into English so Pope & clergy were not needed for salvation – just Jesus Died of stroke, body dug up, burned and thrown in the river *the church is serious about heresy! Jan Hus: German, burned for supporting Wycliffe’s ideas, 1415
  51. The Black Death Bubonic & pneumonic Plague 1/3 or more of Europe died “Ring around the rosies” Spread from Asia – along trade routes- by rats/fleas Think Youtube song!
  52. Spread of Plague
  53. Bodies were burned, people fled, families destroyed
  54. Death toll: Europe 25 million, *Asia 4 million, *China 35 million
  55. Social Results of Plague Peasant revolutions End of serfdom Demand by laborers for higher wages Due to low number of serfs left alive
  56. Result of Hundred Year’s War1337 – 1453 Fight between French and English over legitimate ruler of France and land New monarchs had: *greater centralization *fixed national boundaries *stronger representative bodies Battle of Crecy: English archers win victory w/ longbow, but France wins war
  57. Joan of Arc: 1429 Developing Nationalism Puts Henry V on throne of France Won Battle of Orleans Burned by English as witch & heretic End of Hundred Years’ War = end of Middle Ages
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