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Estimation of Item Difficulty Index Based on Item Response Theory for Computerized Adaptive Testing. Authors : Shu -Chen Cheng,. Guan-Yu Chen. Outline. 1. Introduction 2. Literature Reviews 3. Methods 4. Experiments and Results 5. Conclusions. 1. Introduction (1/2 ).
Estimation of Item Difficulty Index Based on Item Response Theory for Computerized Adaptive Testing Authors:Shu-Chen Cheng, Guan-Yu Chen
Outline 1.Introduction 2.Literature Reviews 3. Methods 4. Experiments and Results 5. Conclusions
1.Introduction(1/2) • Computerized Adaptive Testing • Item Response Theory • Advantage: Personalized test, Shorter test length. • Shortcoming: The number of pre-test samples. • IRT-1PL: 20 items, 200 testees(Wright & Stone, 1979) • IRT-2PL: 30 items, 500 testees(Hulin et al., 1982) • IRT-3PL: 60 items, 1000 testees(Hulin et al., 1982) ( There are 1,513 items in our item bank!)
1.Introduction(2/2) • Test System = Item Bank + Item Selection • Item Difficulty Index Answers Abnormal Rate • Dynamic Item Selection Strategy Particle Swarm Optimization
2.Literature Reviews 2.1Computerized Adaptive Testing 2.2 Item Difficulty Index 2.3 Item Response Theory
2.1 Computerized Adaptive Testing(1/2) • To select the item that its difficulty is most consistent with testee’s ability. • To assess testee’s ability immediately. • The difficulty of next item is affected by previous answer.
2.1 Computerized Adaptive Testing(2/2) • To test for different abilities through dynamitic item selection strategy. • High ability testee No too easy items. • Low ability testee No too difficult items. • A personalized test.
2.2 Item Difficulty Index (1/2) • Method 1: P : Item difficulty. R : The number of correct answers. N : The number of total testees.
2.2 Item Difficulty Index (2/2) • Method 2: P : Item difficulty. PH : Correct rate of high score group. PL : Correct rate of low score group. (Generally take 25%, 27%, 33%, etc.)
2.3 Item Response Theory(1/2) • Item Response Theory (Lord, 1980) • To estimate testee’s ability, aptitude, or location of other continuous psychological interval by the information of their item responses. • Ability location Item response (Psychometric theory) • In addition to the model of IRT, without any other information to describe the item responses.
2.3 Item Response Theory(2/2) • Three-Parameter Logistic Model(Birnbaum, 1968) Pi(θ) : Correct probability of item i for ability θ. ai: Discrimination parameter of item i. bi: Difficulty parameter of item i. ci: Guess parameter of item i.
3. Methods (1/4) • Answers • Testees’ ability>Item difficultyindex Most testees are supposed to answer correctly. • Testees’ ability<Item difficultyindex Most testees are supposed to answer wrong. • Testees’ ability=Item difficultyindex The correct answer rate is 50%.
3. Methods (2/4) • Answers Abnormal • Violations of any one of these above 3 assumptions among answers are answers abnormal. • 1st group with wrong answers.(Testee’s ability >Item difficulty) • 2nd group with correct answers. (Testee’s ability <Item difficulty) • 3rd group, correct answer rate ≠ 0.5. (Testee’s ability =Item difficulty)
3. Methods (3/4) • Answers Abnormal Rate :Answers abnormal rate of item i with difficulty j. • h :1st group (Testee’s ability >Item difficulty). • l :2nd group(Testee’s ability <Item difficulty). • e :3rd group (Testee’s ability =Item difficulty). T:The number of correct answers. F:The number of wrong answers. N :The number of total testees.
3. Methods (4/4) • Item Difficulty Difficulty j, let be the smallest. : Item difficulty index of item i. : Answers abnormal rate of item iwith difficulty j. 15
4. Experiments and Results 4.1 System Descriptions 4.2 Experiment Descriptions 4.3 Results and Discussions
4.1 System Descriptions (1/3) http://ilearning.csie.stust.edu.tw/EST/Dedault.aspx
4.1 System Descriptions (3/3) PSO Dynamic Item Selection Strategy • Item Difficulty • Knowledge Weights • Item Exposure Rate
4.2 Experiment Descriptions • Method: Online test • Item Bank: • Items: 1,513 • Initial Difficulty: 0.5(9 levels, 0.1~0.9) • Participants: • Students: 51 • Initial Ability: 0.2(9 levels, 0.1~0.9) • Periods: 6weeks
5. Conclusions • Each test item is treated as independent, and the item difficulty can be estimated individually. Therefore, the item bank can be expanded easily at any time. • The estimation based on the answers abnormal rate proposed in this study can estimate the item difficulty index quickly and reasonably without too many pre-test samples.
The End ~ Thanks for your attention!