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Balanced Literacy . Independent Reading. Writing. Balanced Literacy. Word Work. Supported Reading.
Independent Reading Writing Balanced Literacy Word Work Supported Reading
Teachers choose material for students to read and a purpose for the reading, and then guide them to use appropriate reading strategies. Teachers provide guidance in a variety of whole class, small group, and partner formats. Supported Reading Supported Reading can include but is not limited to: • Guided Reading • Comprehension Work (whole class, small group, peers) • Shared Reading • Read Alouds and Interactive Read Alouds
Writing Through various writing experiences, students develop writing strategies and skills, learn about the writer’s craft, and use writing as a tool for learning and communication. Students compose a variety of texts, and explore different genres and formats for a range of purposes and for a variety of audiences. Writing can include but is not limited to: • Writer’s Workshop • Interactive Writing • Shared Writing • Journaling and Reflections • Writer’s Notebooks in the content areas
Students read a variety of self-selected texts for extended periods of time. Students construct meaning and make personal connections as they learn about and fromtext. Opportunities are provided for children to share and respond to what is read. Teachers hold individual conferences with children about their books. Independent Reading Independent Reading can include but is not limited to: • Reader’s Workshop • Independent Reading/Self-selected Reading • Individual & Small Group Conferences
Students explore the particulars of language across multiple genres including literature, informational texts, and poetry. They investigate the meaning and structure of words, and the conventions and forms of written language through authentic text and a variety of word study strategies. Word Work Word Work can include but is not limited to: Words Their Way Month-by-Month Phonemic Awareness activities/Phonics Vocabulary Work
Words Their Way What is Words Their Way? • Adevelopmental spelling, phonics, and vocabulary program. • Intended to be a part of a balanced literacy plan. • Words Their Way is an open-ended individual process. • An assessment is given to determine where to begin instruction. • Students are actively constructing their own knowledge of spelling patterns. • Students learn features by completing activities such as word sorting, word hunts, games and drawing and labeling. • Students work individually, with partners, and in small groups to encourage cooperative learning and individual responsibility.
Universal Screeners Assessments that are… • School-wide; • Conducted in Intervals (Fall, Winter, Spring); • Able to identify students in need of enrichment, on-grade level instruction, and remediation; • Helpful for students and teachers in setting instructional goals; • Able to compare data within the classroom, grade level, school, district, state, and nation.
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