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By Samantha Martinez. Animal testing for cosmetic products. ????. (2013). Best Beauty Products. [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://huffingtonpost.com/. (2014). Beauty. [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://www.pinterest.com/.
By Samantha Martinez Animal testing for cosmetic products
???? (2013). Best Beauty Products. [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://huffingtonpost.com/ (2014). Beauty. [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://www.pinterest.com/
Lin, L. (2013) An Ugly Dilemma for Beauty Companies. Bloomburg Businessweek. Retrieved from: from http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.manowar.tamucc.edu/
What exactly defines “animal testing for cosmetics”? (2007).A rabbit after a draize test. [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ (2013). Rabbits undergoing a skin draize test. [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://veganrabbit.com/ Eye Irritation Tests Skin Irritation Testirritation tests
I PERCEIVE THIS AS WRONG BECAUSE COSMETIC PRODUCTS ARE NOT ESSENTIAL TO OUR ECONOMY. TO REDUCE THIS UNNECESSARY ANIMAL CRUELTY, THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE TEST SOMETIMES CALLED “EPISKIN”, WHICH HAS SHOWN GREAT ACCURACY. • (Episkin Corrosion Test, 2013) claims that the studies has shown that this testing is “highly sensitive by 90% and specific by 80%” in finding the difference between “corrosive and non corrosive chemicals.” Jacquot, J. (2007). Episkin: Growing Skin in the lab. [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://www.treehugger.com/
Survey • I created a survey online using surveymonkey.com • I polled 12 males and 13 females
Did you know that thousand of animals die each year for tests towards cosmetics? 8%-Yes 88%-No. 4%-Undecided
How likely would you buy a cosmetic product that was not tested on animals? 56%-Very likely 20%-Not likely 24%-Undecided
Would you oppose animal testing for cosmetics if you knew there was an accurate non-animal alternative test that could be used? 96%-Yes 0%-No 4%-Undecided
Conclusion More beauty companies should adopt the alternative “Episkin” to use for testing their products. Since most people seemed to be uninformed about this issue, it would be helpful to start getting the word out or finding out how to get involved. (2013). Cruelty Free International. [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://www.pinterest.com/
references • Episkin Corrosion Test. (2013). Retrieved December 8, 2013. Retrieved from http://www.skinethic.com/ • Jacquot, J. (2007). Episkin: Growing Skin in the lab. [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://www.treehugger.com/ • Lin, L. (2013) An Ugly Dilemma for Beauty Companies. Bloomburg Businessweek. (issue 4348) pg. 31-32. Retrieved from http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.manowar.tamucc.edu/ • (2007). A rabbit after a draize test. [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ • (2013). Best Beauty Products. [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://huffingtonpost.com/ • (2014). Beauty. [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://www.pinterest.com/ • (2013). Cruelty Free International. [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://www.pinterest.com/ • (2013). Rabbits undergoing a skin draize test. [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://veganrabbit.com/