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CBM Simulation Initiative and Status @ India. Introduction Installation of CBM Simulation Software Macros to run Simulation What we look at ? Discussion with some of previous results Present Status Plan. Talk Layout.
CBM Simulation Initiative and Status @ India Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
Introduction Installation of CBM Simulation Software Macros to run Simulation What we look at ? Discussion with some of previous results Present Status Plan Talk Layout Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
Dilepton pairs from vector meson decays are notoriously difficult to measure, due to: the very small branching ratios & the large combinatorial background in heavy-ion collisions. Muons The dimuon mass spectrum can be divided into three domains: - the low mass region including ρ, ω andφ resonances, - the intermediate mass region between φ and J/ψ, - the high mass region including the J/ψ and ψ’ decay dimuons. Signals from vector mesons Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
CBM analysis framework – cbmroot UrQMDevent generator - used to simulate Au + Au central collision events at 25 GeV/nucleon – to simulate background. PLUTO event generator – to simulate signal muons. UrQMD events, embedded with PLUTO events are transported through STS (with magnetic field on) and Much. Track reconstruction in STS in done with Cellular Automaton Method. Reconstructed tracks in STS are extrapolated in the Much through matching by Kalman Extrapolation and Filtering. Simulation Tools Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
CBM Muon chamber (Much) - Layout Detector layers STS within Dipole Magnet M u c h Absorbers Segmented Absorber with detectors in between :Idea is to catch low momentum muons Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
/cbmroot2/much/ subdirectory contains much-related classes ; much track finder CbmL1MuchFinder.cxx and analysis routine CbmMuchAnalysys.cxx are located at /cbmroot2/L1/OffLineInterface. Geometry files (for sts, much and other detectors and modules) are located at cbmroot/geometry Run simulation for MUCH in cbmroot/macro/much where you have macros for the simulation chain Partha (next talk) will talk more about the structure of software Process of the typical MUCH analysis includs 4 major steps: MC transport of UrQmd event with embedded signal through sts and choosen MUCH geometry STS track reconstruction (L1CATrackFinder, L1TrackFitter, PrimaryVertexFinder) Much track reconstruction, based on Kalman filter technique Analysis (invariant mass spectra, "Super Event", etc.) MUch CHamber Simulation Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
Official versions of codes can be obtained by svn. SVN is replacement of CVS Consult http://subversion.tigris.org/ Or, can have the required tarballs from http://www.veccal.ernet.in/~pmd/FAIR/cbm.html and follow the installation procedures. However, latest codes related to muon-chamber are not available in svn. We are Using Private version. In CBM it is SVN and not CVS Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
Download the latest version of codes, cbmsoft.100107.tar.gz, cbmroot.tar.gz and input.tar.gz - in use at VECC, from the following address:http://www.veccal.ernet.in/~pmd/FAIR/cbm9.htmlPut these .tar.gz files in your cbm directory and then unzip and untar files. Input is a sub-directory in cbmroot Follow the following steps: mv input cbmroot/ cd cbmsoftsource configure.shsource SetEnv.sh cd ../cbmroot(Don’t forget to put input within cbmroot as a sub-directory) mkdir build (this is there in the tar file. You can remove this directory and start your own)./reconf cd build../configure --prefix=$PWD --enable-geant3 --enable-geant4. ./config.shmake install Private version of CBM software for MUCH-simulation Recently, codes have been installed also at Calcutta University, SINP and BARC Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
// ---- Load libraries ------------------------------------------------// gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/basiclibs.C"); basiclibs(); gSystem->Load("libGeoBase"); gSystem->Load("libParBase"); gSystem->Load("libBase"); gSystem->Load("libMCStack"); gSystem->Load("libField"); gSystem->Load("libGen"); gSystem->Load("libPassive"); gSystem->Load("libSts"); gSystem->Load("libTof"); gSystem->Load("libMuch"); Simulation Macro: much_sim.C Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
// ----- Create detectors and passive volumes ------------------------- // if ( caveGeom != "" ) { CbmModule* cave = new CbmCave("CAVE"); cave->SetGeometryFileName(caveGeom); fRun->AddModule(cave); } if ( pipeGeom != "" ) { CbmModule* pipe = new CbmPipe("PIPE"); pipe->SetGeometryFileName(pipeGeom); fRun->AddModule(pipe);} if ( targetGeom != "" ) { CbmModule* target = new CbmTarget("Target"); target->SetGeometryFileName(targetGeom); fRun->AddModule(target);} if ( magnetGeom != "" ) { CbmModule* magnet = new CbmMagnet("MAGNET"); magnet->SetGeometryFileName(magnetGeom); fRun->AddModule(magnet);} if ( stsGeom != "" ) { CbmDetector* sts = new CbmSts("STS", kTRUE); sts->SetGeometryFileName(stsGeom); fRun->AddModule(sts);} if ( muchGeom != "" ) { CbmDetector* much = new CbmMuch("MUCH", kTRUE); much->SetGeometryFileName(muchGeom); fRun->AddModule(much);} Simulation Macro: much_sim.C Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
// ----- Create PrimaryGenerator -------------------------------------- CbmPrimaryGenerator* primGen = new CbmPrimaryGenerator(); CbmPlutoGenerator *plutoGen= new CbmPlutoGenerator("Jpsi25_mu_1k.root"); primGen->AddGenerator(plutoGen); CbmUrqmdGenerator* urqmdGen =new CbmUrqmdGenerator("/home/cbm/work/cbmroot/macro/urqmd/auau/25gev/centr/urqmd.auau.25gev.centr.0000.ftn14"); primGen->AddGenerator(urqmdGen); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create simulation run ---------------------------------------- CbmRunSim* fRun = new CbmRunSim(); fRun->SetName("TGeant3"); // Transport engine fRun->SetOutputFile(outFile); // Output file fRun->SetGenerator(primGen); // PrimaryGenerator // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create media ------------------------------------------------- fRun->SetMaterials("media.geo"); // Materials // Simulation Macro: much_sim.C Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
// ---- Load libraries ------------------------------------------------- gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/basiclibs.C"); basiclibs(); gSystem->Load("libGeoBase"); gSystem->Load("libParBase"); gSystem->Load("libBase"); gSystem->Load("libMCStack"); gSystem->Load("libField"); gSystem->Load("libGen"); gSystem->Load("libPassive"); gSystem->Load("libSts"); gSystem->Load("libGlobal"); gSystem->Load("libMuch"); gSystem->Load("libKF"); gSystem->Load("libL1"); Reconstruction Macro: sts_reco.C Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
// --- STS digitizer ---------------------------------------------------- CbmStsDigitize* stsDigitize = new CbmStsDigitize("STSDigitize", iVerbose); fRun->AddTask(stsDigitize); // --- STS hit finding ------------------------------------------------- CbmStsFindHits* findHits = new CbmStsFindHits("STS Hit Finder", iVerbose); fRun->AddTask(findHits); CbmStsMatchHits *matchHits = new CbmStsMatchHits("CbmStsMatchHits", iVerbose); fRun->AddTask(matchHits); // Kalman Filter CbmKF *KF = new CbmKF(); fRun->AddTask(KF); // L1 CbmL1 *L1 = new CbmL1(); fRun->AddTask(L1); //******************* track finder *************** //CbmStsTrackFinderIdeal* trackFinder = new CbmStsTrackFinderIdeal(); CbmL1StsTrackFinder* trackFinder = new CbmL1StsTrackFinder(); CbmStsFindTracks* findTask = new CbmStsFindTracks(trackFinder,iVerbose); fRun->AddTask(findTask); //****************** track fitter ************* CbmStsKFTrackFitter* kalman = new CbmStsKFTrackFitter; CbmStsFitTracks *fitTask = new CbmStsFitTracks(kalman,iVerbose); fRun->AddTask(fitTask); //****************** vertex finder ************* CbmPVFinderKF *vfinder = new CbmPVFinderKF; CbmFindPrimaryVertex *vTask = new CbmFindPrimaryVertex(vfinder); fRun->AddTask(vTask); //***************** Sts<->MC track match ********* CbmStsMatchTracks *match = new CbmStsMatchTracks(); fRun->AddTask(match); fRun->Run(0,1000); Reconstruction Macro: sts_reco.C Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
// ---- Load libraries ------------------------------------------------- gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/basiclibs.C"); basiclibs(); gSystem->Load("libGeoBase"); gSystem->Load("libParBase"); gSystem->Load("libBase"); gSystem->Load("libMCStack"); gSystem->Load("libField"); gSystem->Load("libGen"); gSystem->Load("libPassive"); gSystem->Load("libSts"); gSystem->Load("libGlobal"); gSystem->Load("libMuch"); gSystem->Load("libKF"); gSystem->Load("libL1"); MUCH reconstruction Macro: much_reco.C Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
// ----- Reconstruction run ------------------------------------------- CbmRunAna *fRun= new CbmRunAna(); fRun->SetInputFile(inFile); fRun->AddFriend(stsRecoFile); fRun->SetOutputFile(outFile); // ----- Parameter database -------------------------------------------- CbmRuntimeDb* rtdb = fRun->GetRuntimeDb(); CbmParRootFileIo* parInput1 = new CbmParRootFileIo(); parInput1->open(parFile.Data()); CbmParAsciiFileIo* parInput2 = new CbmParAsciiFileIo(); TString stsDigiFile = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR"); stsDigiFile += "/parameters/sts/vassiliev_old.digi.par"; parInput2->open(stsDigiFile.Data(),"in"); rtdb->setFirstInput(parInput1); rtdb->setSecondInput(parInput2); fRun->LoadGeometry(); MUCH reconstruction Macro: much_reco.C Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
// Kalman Filter CbmKF *KF = new CbmKF(); fRun->AddTask(KF); CbmMuchHitProducer *MuchHitProducer = new CbmMuchHitProducer(); fRun->AddTask(MuchHitProducer); CbmL1MuchFinder *MuchFinder = new CbmL1MuchFinder(); fRun->AddTask(MuchFinder); CbmL1MuchFinderQa *MuchFinderQa = new CbmL1MuchFinderQa(); fRun->AddTask(MuchFinderQa); CbmMuchAnalysis *MuchA = new CbmMuchAnalysis(); fRun->AddTask(MuchA); fRun->Init(); fRun->Run(0,1000); MUCH reconstruction Macro: much_reco.C Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
Slides from previous talks for information on recent activities at VECC Detector C-absorber Fe-absorber W-absorber Schematics of three MUCH-geometries studied in recent past much_3st.geo Detector thickness = 1 cm 3st - W5+Fe10+Fe20+Fe30+C120 CW_V65 – (C75+W6)+C60+C70+(C80+W6) CWFe04 – (C75+W6)+C30+Fe40+(C80+W6) e.g. Fe10 means 10cm thick Iron absorber much_CW_V65.geo much_CWFe04.geo Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
much_3st much_CW_V65 much_CWFe04 Slides from previous talks for information on recent activities at VECC # of Detector-layers & hit-density 16 detectors 13 detectors 13 detectors Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
Slides from previous talks for information on recent activities at VECC Reconstructed Muon tracks from PLUTO (omega) Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
Slides from previous talks for information on recent activities at VECC Background tracks from 1k UrQMD events Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
Study with omega Slides from previous talks for information on recent activities at VECC Comparison of three MUCH versions cw_v65.geo S/B = 0.12 eff. = 3.4 3st.geo S/B = 0.16 eff. = 3.7 cwfe04.geo S/B = 0.15 eff. = 2.9 Super-Event Analysis sts-7strips.geo Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
C much_3st.geo Fe much_WFe01.geo Slides from previous talks for information on recent activities at VECC Cuts in variables • cut_chi2 = 5.0 • P = 0.5 • Pt = 1.0 • Opening Angle = 1.0 • Scalar Product = [-2.4, -2.05] • cutChiPrimary = 3.0 Starting of J/Y Study much_WFe01.geo -> Material of last absorber of much_3st.geo is changed from Carbon (120 cm) to Iron (120 cm). 10k PLUTO and 1k UrQMD events analysed. Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
Slides from previous talks for information on recent activities at VECC Preliminary results - J/Psi Study eff. = 22.49 eff. = 11.11 Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
Decision during last January at GSI Momentum-dependant tracking to catch low-momentum signals is not yet feasible because of large background. Study is confined with “Hard” tracks, which pass through all the absorbers. The MUCH should be as compact as possible to minimize number of on-flight decayed muons. Gaps in-between detectors can be reduced and MUCH can be shifted towards STS. In terms of hit-density and number of detectors – advantage to VECC version. There has been good development, by GSI collaborators, in method for background (punch through pions /kaons) rejection using ToF information. Plan for improvement in tracking performance using GEANE. Optimization of Geometry configuration: For low mass vector meson at GSI For J/Psi at VECC – by adding extra thickness of absorber to maintain modular configuration of the geometry Activities thereafter New MUCH Geometry, much_compaq.geo is studied at GSI for low mass vector messon. Obtained Latest codes from GSI (Private version) and test the much_compaq.geo for J/Psi Next step: Optimization of geometry for J/Psi in terms of Hit Density, Track Reconstruction Efficiency, Signal/Bacground Parallel efforts to incorporate granularity. Plan to continue study with absorber configuration (as shown) that gave lower hit density Present Status on MUCH Simulation Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
At VECC Study J/Psi with much_compact.geo to match results from GSI – Chekcing Study with muons decayed from pions /kaons Present activities • At BARC • Study J/Psi with Silicon as option for first few detector layers. • At Calcutta University and SINP • Framework just installed. Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
All Fe absorbers First three layers – 20cm each Second one 30cm and third one is 35cm thick much_compact.geo Gap between two detectors for GSI-study was 5 mm and for us it is 10mm. Figure is taken from Anna’s Talk (GSI), presented yesterday Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
Momentum of Reconstructed muons Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
Acceptance of Reconstructed muons Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
Invariant Mass of J/Psi with much_compact.geo Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata
Clearly signals from J/Psi is a good possibility We should have official version of the codes Should form a group of Indian collaborators Thank You Premomoy Ghosh, VECC - Kolkata