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CHANCE FOR CHILDREN. STREET CHILDREN PROJECT in Accra, Ghana. Ghana has a population of about 24 million people. Approximately 4 million live in the capital city of Accra. Background. More than 50% of the population in Ghana is younger than 16 years .
Ghana has a population of about 24 million people. Approximately 4 million live in the capital city of Accra.
Background More than 50% ofthepopulation in Ghana isyoungerthan 16 years. Thisis a characteristicofmany countries whicharesituatedsouthofthe Sahel zone.
Background Althoughjobopportunities in thecitiesare limited, manypeople leavetheirvillagesandmovetothecity in searchof a betterlife.
Background Between 30‘000 and 50‘000 childrenareliving in thestreetsof Accra. Theirreality: Slums, hardwork, exploitation, criminality, hunger andmisery.
Historyoforiginsof ‚Chance forChildren‘ 1997: First encounterofAmonand Daniela in Ghana. Exchange ofideasand a commonvision. 1999: Official registrationas international NGO Daniela RüdisüliSodjah Amon Kotey VISION Street children in Accra shouldhavetheopportunity totakecontroloftheirlivesthroughexperiencingloveandsafety, andreceiving an educationand professional training.
Street work Socialworkersregularlyvisitandlook after thestreetchildren on thestreets.
Drop-In Center Jamestown Itoffers an opportunityforupto 30 streetchildren per daytoescapetheirstruggle forsurvival.
Supportedchildren in theirfamilies Chance forchildrensupportsupto15 childrenin theirfamiliesoforigin.
Girls Group Home Jamestown 10 formerstreetgirlsareatthemomentlivingheretogetherwith a housemother. The girlsgotoschoolor do an apprenticeship.
Hebron-Home forboys Upto 30 childrenarelivinghereaspartof a community. Theylearntotakeresponsibilityfortheiractionsandgotoschool in theneighboringtownofNsawam.
Youth in professional training Adolescentswhohavecompletedthecompulsoryschoolingaredoing an apprenticeshiporcontinuingtheirstudies. Theyareliving in sharedapartmentsandarebeingsupervised in theirdailylife.
Workshops The childrenandyouthparticipate in diverse handicraftworkshops. Bycreating batik materials, cards, necklaces, carvingsandwovenbasketstheycanexploreandenhancetheirhandicraftskills. Other workshopsaddress sexual educationandotherimportantissues.
Chance forChildrensupports a total of 80 childrenandadolescents. 22 youngpeoplehavebynowcompletedtheireducationandlead a self-determinedlife. 25 Ghanaianwomenandmenas well astwe European arebynowworking in the CFC team. CFC attachsgreatimportancetoofferinggoodworkingconditions, appropriatesocialbenefitsand fair salaries.
Financing Chance forChildrenisbeingsupportedby2000 private persons, different churchs, associations, schoolsandcompanies. Toguaranteelong-termfinancalplanning, thevoluntarygroups„CFC Friends“ organizes diverse activities in Switzerlandand Ghana.
Goals in 2011 • Overall • Re-integrationofchildrenintotheirfamilies, continuousguidanceandsupport • Additional employmentof 2 socialworkers • Quality enhancementofourwork • Individual evaluations, continuouscontrolofgoalsandcareplansforchildren • Focus girls • Respondto individual needsofthegirls • Completecurriculumandapplyit • House construction in Hebron for 8 -10 girls • Street work • Intensifiedcontacttochildren on thestreet • Contactto 100 streetchildren per month, • doublingofworkforce