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Does religious belief (specifically Christianity) deserve our continued respect?. ……………………“I’ll report, you decide!” Presented by Gil Shapiro Spokesperson, FreeThought Arizona.
Does religious belief (specifically Christianity) deserve our continued respect? ……………………“I’ll report, you decide!” Presented by Gil Shapiro Spokesperson, FreeThought Arizona
This talk does not necessarily reflect the views of members of FreeThought Arizona or the Secular Coalition for Arizona.
A priest, rabbi and atheist are asked when life begins: The priest says, “At conception” The rabbi says, “At birth” And the atheist says,…………….
Let’s imagine we were governed by astrologers. • All laws and policies were made in line with astrological beliefs. • Children would be homeschooled and private schooled on the validity of the Horoscope. • Astrology would be taught in High School because of its influence on literature such as on Shakespeare.
Wouldn’t it be logical (as part of rejecting the imposition of astrology on our society) to scrutinize the belief itself? • Indeed, shouldn’t all ideas, including religious ones, be open to examination?
The collision of two world views: Fundamentalist Christian: “All truth is God’s truth” as reflected in HIS Word…the inerrant and infallible Christian Bible. Secular humanism: A conviction that dogmas, ideologies and traditions, whether religious, political or social, must be weighed and tested (for rationality) by each individual and not simply accepted on faith.
“This is a Christian Nation” …is the foundational belief which drives many legislators to enact a wide variety of laws and public policies. They are convinced that crafting legislation in conformity with fundamentalist Christian beliefs holds the answer to every public and private issue.
“True” Christians state that……. “…Christianity must govern every aspect of public and private life, and that all―government, science, history, culture and relationships―must be understood according to the dictates of scripture. There are biblically correct positions on every issue, from gay marriage to income taxes, and only those with the right worldview can discern them.” …Michelle Goldberg (Kingdom Coming… The Rise of Christian Nationalism)
Ms. Goldberg adds: “This Christian nationalism movement does not represent a majority of Americans―it does not even represent a majority of all evangelicals―but it does represent a significant and highly mobilized minority.” “This group is overwhelmingly Republican and tends to reject pluralism.”
Ms. Goldberg’s national overview “Their hold on state Republican parties, coupled with overrepresentation of less populated states in the Senate, has helped Christian nationalists win influence in Congress in excess of their actual numbers.
The Great Commission • What is The Great Commission? • Why is it important to Christians today? • And, why is it important that non-Christians understand its power and importance?
According to the Gospel of Matthew Ch. 28 v. 18-20, (and there are other versions in each of the other Gospels) after Jesus Christ’s death on the cross, burial and resurrection, and before he ascended into heaven, he appeared to his disciples in Galilee and gave them these instructions:
Matthew ch28; v8-20 • Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. • Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. • And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
This is the section of Scripture known as The Great Commission. • As the last recorded personal directive of the Savior to his disciples, it holds great significance to all Christians. • It is the foundation for evangelism.
Because Christ’s instructions went to all nations; and because he said he would be with his followers until the very end of the age, Christians of all generations have embraced and felt obligated to obey this command. • As many have said, it's not "The Great Suggestion." No, the Lord has commanded Christians to put their faith in action.
Education • The Christian Right wants to modify the public school curriculum and win school board elections to propagate their religious or moral beliefs as school policy • …the Bible in HS
Educational choice • Gov’t funded School Vouchers to pay for private Christian schooling.
Homeschooling • The Religious Right sees homeschooling and private schooling as a viable alternative to public education.
WHY? • Much of this increase has been attributed to the desire to incorporate Christian teachings into the curriculum. • The vast majority of parents who home-and private-schooled their children cited the ability to provide religious or moral instruction as the reason for removing their children from public schools.
Evolution • Teaching of creationism and intelligent design as opposed to the teaching of evolution. • “Academic fairness/Teach the Controversy”
Sexual Education • Removing sexual education from public schools • Providing incorrect information on contraception, homosexuality, etc.
Sex and sexuality • The Christian Right takes the position that sexuality should be expressed only within the context of a marriage.
The Christian Right believes that homosexuality is immoral and unhealthy.
Leaders in the Christian Right speak out against same-sex marriage, civil unions, and adoption of children by gays.
Some organizations identified with the Christian Right, including Exodus International, believe that gay or bisexual people can become heterosexual and enjoy fulfilling marriage relationships with members of the opposite sex.
In that regard, concerns have been expressed by all major US mental health organizations regarding therapies promoted to modify sexual orientation. • None have proven effective. • They can be harmful.
Role of government • The Christian Right sees the government's proper role as promoting conservative or literal interpretations of the Bible as the basis for moral values, and enforcing such values by legislation.
Medical • Opposes abortion, believing that life begins at conception and that abortion is murder. • Therefore, those in the movement have worked toward the overturning of Roe v Wade.
Too often non-believers will say, that while they disagree with the imposition of the Christian religion in laws and policies, they never the less still respect the religion of the “imposers”.
And just look where that position has gotten us! • The bullying and church/state separation breech is worse than ever.
The cage needs to be rattled! • The time has come for secularists to take the highly politically and socially incorrect approach and…. dare to challenge the core theology of Christians who are behaving so unneighborly.
This talk will be a strong critique of Christian belief. • I will address Christianity because it is the most influential religious belief in America. • However, much of my analysis would apply arguably to any other current personal God-based belief system.
What is it that we value most in life? • Our health, our family and friends, our country etc.
Like many of you, I have found the need to search for the answer to the ultimate question anyone can ask: What is it all about?
The most important skill anyone can possess to answer that question is the ability to tell the difference between … justified belief (knowledge) and unjustified belief (falsehood). Because, No amount of belief makes something a fact.
“If it’s important, • …….it’s worth verifying!”
A value we all hold dear is knowledge. • Knowledge is………. • “Justified true belief” or • An accurate understanding of our world, of our reality.
Many say it is their personal God-based religion (or faith) that provides this knowledge. • For many others it is science (or reason) that provides this accurate understanding of the world.
My goal today is to make the case that religious belief (and specifically Christianity) does not provide this accurate understanding of our world.
Knowledge gained thru science has been proved valid and reliable. • Faith and its stepchild religion (Christianity) should not be granted any respect in this regard.
Christianity is a strong belief in a specific personal God that controls human destiny.
In the United States and certainly in Arizona, Christianity is the main local religion. • As it impacts our culture, the important question to ask is whether this belief, one of approx 10,000 that have come and gone worldwide, …is advancing or retarding the well-being of Americans?
How do I approach this question of respect for religious belief and for Christianity in particular? • I ask myself: • Is the belief justified? • Is it helpful or hurtful?
Rationalism: Knowledge comes wholly from reason The optimist: “The glass is half full” The pessimist: “The glass is half empty” The rationalist: “The glass is twice as big as it needs to be.”
In order for Christianity to be accepted as valid, it must be justified: It must warrant acceptance by rational standards just as….. • 2+2 must equal 4
Reason and rationality are expressed in the words… • common sense
If a belief meets the requirements of these standards it is a rational belief. • If a belief cannot meet the requirements---but is adopted nonetheless---it is an irrational belief….and deserves no respect.