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The special video call .

The special video call. By : Jessica Paniagua and María Mangas.

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The special video call .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The special video call. By: Jessica Paniagua and María Mangas

  2. I was drinking a beerwithsomefriendswhen I got a call. It was a video callfrom Claire, my girlfriend. She was travelling in the CanaryIslandswithherfamily. I moved to a siteto listen toherbetter. She was showing me the Teide volcano on the phonewhen a terrible eruptionstarted.

  3. Peoplebegantoscream and run at the otherside of the phone. I saw my girlfriendwith a scaryface and suddenly the call was cut. I triedtocallheragainbuthermobile was off. Afterwords, I was shocked so I returned home. I turned the TV on and the firstimagethat I saw was a volcanoeruption. I begantofeelworriedfor Claire and herfamilyand at thatmoment I reacted.

  4. I calledher hotel and someCanaryhospitalsbutnobodyknewabouther. Onehourlater I was drivingto the airport and some time later I arrivedthere. There was a bigmess. I wentto the last place where I hadseen Claire. Obviously, the policedidn’tlet me getclose.

  5. Now, threemonthslaterWe are at Claire and herfamily’s funeral. They died and nobodycould do anything.

  6. THE END

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