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LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation. VALORI the project’s results in Italy Paolo Nanni President of Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo srl Manchester, Uk 19th May 2010. The Project. LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation.
LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation Valori:valorize the differences by traininginclusion and job paths LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551 VALORIthe project’s results in Italy Paolo NanniPresident of Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo srl Manchester, Uk 19th May 2010
The Project LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation VALORI takes inand transfers a continuing training model aimed at companies executives and HR responsible. The project aims to provide the target with knowledge and competences that facilitate and favour the inclusion of disadvantaged people in the European Labour Market Valori:valorize the differences by traininginclusion and job paths LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551
Objectives LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation Valori:valorize the differences by traininginclusion and job paths LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551 to favour the maintanance and professional exploitation of disadvantaged people to improve the capacity of companies to manage the “diversity” as a resource for innovation and competitiveness, creating more inclusive work environments. provide the local socio-economic systems with methodologies and practices of active inclusion to bring to system the positive models
Partnership LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation Province of Livorno Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo ltd Province of Massa Carrara Province of Lucca Province of Pisa Province of Grosseto gsub-Projektegesellschaft mbH, Germany Motivaciò Alapìtvanì, Hungary GMNY - Greater Manchester Youth Network, UK Valori:valorize the differences by training, inclusion, job paths LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551
Transfer of innovation 1 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation • awareness raising of the local actors through meetings and identification of companies • identification of executives and HR responsible to train • adaptation and updating of the training path of “Job Facilitation Tutor” based on local realities and on the European evolution on the subject • 4 companies and 20 executives and HR responsible in UK and Germany contribute to define the model from local to European level • incorporation of the requests of the territories and of the operators in the new training model implemented and validated “Valori: valorize the differences by training, inclusion and job paths LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551
Transfer of Innovation 2 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation • The training path “Job Facilitation Tutor” (40 hours of theory in class/DL and 200 of internship) has been transferred to 12 target companies (10 in the Tuscan coast and 2 in Hungary) • 60 executives and HR responsible, head of unit, operators of public services, are trained inside the company in 6 classes: 1 in Hungary, 5 in Italy “Valori: valorize the differences by training, inclusion and job paths LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551
Job Facilitation Tutor - 1 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation • He/she is a professional who works within the company, in personnel management/human resources area. • He/she is able to enhance the professionalism of disabled/disadvantaged employees (disabled people, workers with situations of temporary discomfort due to personal causes or crisis situations of the company) • He/she helps create an inclusive and cohesive work environment “Valori: valorize the differences by training, inclusion and job paths LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551
Job Facilitation Tutor - 2 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation • He/she knows how to manage diversity by working with the company’s staff • knows how to use communication in mediationprocesses • knows and identifies criticalities and paths for improvement of organizational processes • brings out and socializes the needs of the company and of its staff • knows how to involve the staff in the processes of change • contributes to the quality of work • strengthens the company’s competitiveness “Valori: valorize the differences by training, inclusion and job paths LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551
The training path - 1 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation • It is an updating path for Executives / HR Responsibles • It is addressed to 10 students per classroom-group (1 group per province) • Methodology: lessons in the classroom, Distance Learning / self-training, Internship • Duration: 20h classroom training, 20h DL / Self-Training, 200h training on the job, for a total of 240 hours. • Period: October 2009-June 2010 “Valori: valorize the differences by training, inclusion and job paths LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551
The training path - 2 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation The classroom path: 20 hours • It is held with experts of labor policies, of Diversity Management and facilitation techniques • It is articulated in frontal lectures on the topics of the modules, alternated to individual paths of DL / Self training and practical phases of training on the job The individual path of DL / Self training: 20 hours • It takes place in indipendence with thematic paths on the modules of the course through the TRIO platform : www.progettotrio.it • It takes place with European level Self training materials or materials given by the teachers through the reserved area of the site www.progettovalori.eu “Valori: valorize the differences by training, inclusion and job paths LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551
The training path - 3 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation The internship on the job: 200 hours During the internship students will learn to manage diversity in their workplace The internship is divided into: Cognitive phase: Watch company’s reality with the approach given by the lessons (50 hours) Application phase: Experiment the techniques employed in assisting the disadvantaged employee (120 hours) Assessment phase: Check the status with the teacher / adviser / tutor, verify the effectiveness of the new management approach, giving a new direction to the path if necessary (30 hours) The "logbook": each student will prepare a report with the narrative of their experience, strengths and weaknesses on a predetermined format. “Valori: valorize the differences by training, inclusion and job paths LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551
The training paths in Italy LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation Each Province partner (Livorno, Pisa, Lucca, Massa Carrara e Grosseto) has carried out a JFT path, in total: • 5 classroom groups with 50 managers/human resource responsibles, head of unit of companies and public services in the territory (10 per province) • 50 individual paths DL/Selftraining • 50 trainees in internship “Valori: valorize the differences by training, inclusion and job paths LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551
5 class groups in Italy - 1 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation Trainees and companies target Trainees: employers and sectors/ departments/ or structure’ responsibles of businesses Companies: • Private operating in industry, services and craft • Cooperatives • Type B social cooperatives • Public companies and with public participation • Public Administrations, Employment Services and Job Centres “Valori: valorize the differences by training, inclusion and job paths LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551
5 class groups in Italy - 2 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation People on training and companies involved: • Livorno: 19 trainees and 4 companies • Grosseto: 8 trainees e 6 companies • Pisa: 10 trainees e 7 companies • Massa Carrara: 14 trainees e 3 companies • Lucca: 12 trainees e 7 companies in total: 63 trainees and 27 companies “Valori: valorize the differences by training, inclusion and job paths LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551
5 class groups in Italy - 3 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation The progresses of the 5 class groups: Grosseto: started on 28.10.2009, internships in progress Livorno: started on 29.10.2009, internships in progress Pisa: started on 24.11.2009, internships in progress Massa Carrara: started on 22.01.2010, internships in progress Lucca: started on 15.04.2010, internships in progress “Valori: valorize the differences by training, inclusion and job paths LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551
The products LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation Within the project will be created some products aimed to spread and valorise the results Cd containing JFT training path (made) Guidelines for good practices to valorise the differences at work (in progress) DVD contaning video reports on project activities (in progress) Agreement on integration of disadvantaged people in labour market (in progress) “Valori: valorize the differences by training, inclusion and job paths LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551
LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation Cd on JFT path It introduces the approved, updated and implemented path as refreshing course Target: managers and HR Responsibles in companies, workers in public and private employment services Contents: • The project abstract • The profile of JFT • The training path with the modules: topics, materials of European level, good practices experimented in Italy and Hungary. “Valori: valorize the differences by training, inclusion and job paths LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551
Info:www.progettovalori.eu Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo tel. +390586257257 fax +390586257359 provincia.sviluppo@provincia.livorno.it This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation “Valori: valorize the differences by training, inclusion and job paths LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551