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viruses. Campbell and Reece Chapter 19. Virus . an infectious particle incapable of replicating outside of a cell, consisting of RNA or DNA genome surrounded by a protein coat ( capsid ) & for some viruses a membranous envelope. SEM of Phage Attack on E. coli. Discovery of Viruses.
viruses Campbell and Reece Chapter 19
Virus • an infectious particle incapable of replicating outside of a cell, consisting of RNA or DNA genome surrounded by a protein coat (capsid) & for some viruses a membranous envelope
Discovery of Viruses • 1883: German scientist, Mayer, discovered that he could transmit tobacco mosaic disease (stunts growth of tobacco plant) by rubbing sap of affected plant on healthy plant
Discovery of Viruses • Mayer then hypothesized there was an unusually small bacteria that could not be seen with microscope • 10 yrs later Ivanowsky put sap of infected plant thru filter designed to remove all bactreria ….filtrate still caused healthy plants to get disease
Discovery of Viruses • next hypothesis: bacteria produce a toxin that causes disease so it would have been in filtered sap ….Beijerinck proved the filtered sap contained infectious agents that reproduced but only inside host it infected • Beijerinck credited with being 1st to describe concept of virus • 1935: Stanley crystallized the virus
Viral Genomes • DNA: dbl stranded • DNA: single stranded • RNA: single stranded • RNA: dbl stranded
Viral Genomes • smallest have 4 genes • largest several 100 • named as DNA virus or RNA virus
Capsid • protein shell enclosing genome • shapes: • rod • polyhedral • icosohedral
Viral Envelopes • membranous accessory structure • derived from host cell membranes • + proteins & glycoproteins of viral origin
Bacteriophages • virus that infects bacteria • 1st 7 identified infected E. coli • named Type 1 –Type 7 • Types 2, 4, & 6 very similar:
Structure of Viruses • smallest virus 20 nm in diameter (smaller than a ribosome) • largest virus several 100 nm barely visible with light microscope
Host Cells • each particular virus can only infect cells of limited # of host species called the host range of the virus • specificity result of viral recognition system • most: protein on viral surface fits into receptor of host cell
Simplified Viral Replicative Cycle • 1. virus enters cell & is uncoated releasing viral DNA & capsid proteins • 2. host enzymes replicate the viral genome • 3. different host enzymes transcribe the viral genome into viral mRNA translated by host ribosomes to make viral proteins • 4. viral genomes & capsid proteins self-assemble into new virus particles which exit cell
Replication of RNA Viruses • use virally encoded RNAP that can use RNA as a template
Lytic Cycle • culminates in death of host cell • phages that replicate only by lytic cycle called virulent phage
Bacterial Defenses • natural selection will favor mutants having receptors that no longer allow phage to attach • viral DNA may be recognized as foreign cut up by bacterial enzymes called restriction enzymes (restrict ability of phage to infect bacterium)
Phage Natural Selection • allows phage mutants that can bind to altered receptors or are resistant to particular restriction enzyme • so this parasite-host relationship in constant evolutionary flux
Lysogenic Cycles • does not destroy the host • phages capable of using both modes of replication called temperate phages • Λ phage (lambda) used widely in biological research
Prophage • viral DNA that has been integrated into bacterial loop of DNA • when that bacterium replicates the viral DNA is passed on to all daughter cells & so on & so on • when λ genome induced to leave the loop of bacterial DNA lytic cycle & cell (bacterium) dies
Phage Genes in Bacteria • diptheria, botulism, & scarlet fever would not be so harmful to humans w/out certain prophage genes that cause the host bacteria to make toxins • difference between E.coli that lives in out GI tract (no problem) & the one that’s found in food poisoning: presence of prophages
Animal Viruses • nature of viral genome basis for classification of viruses that infect animals: • DNA: dbl stranded • dsDNA • DNA: single stranded • ssDNA • RNA: dbl stranded • dsRNA • RNA: single stranded • ssRNA • RNA: template for mRNA synthesis • ssRNA template for mRNA synthesis • RNA: template for DNA synthesis • ssRNA template for DNA synthesis
Animal Viruses vs. Phages Animal Viruses Phages • many have both envelope & RNA • some with DNA also have envelope • few have envelope or RNA
Viral Envelopes • outer membrane around capsid • used to enter host cell • viral glycoproteins protrude that will bind to specific receptors on surface of host cell
RNA as Viral Genetic Material • includes most plant viruses & some RNA viruses • broadest variety infect animals
RNA Viruses • Class IV: • genomes can serve directly as mRNA immediately after infection can translate viral proteins • Class V: • genome serves as template for mRNA synthesis • C’ strands of RNA made which serve as templates for both mRNA & new RNA strands
RNA Viruses • Class VI: • retroviruses • have enzyme: reverse transcriptase transcribes RNA template DNA (opposite normal direction of information flow) • HIV a retrovirus: enveloped with 2 identical molecules ssRNA & 2 reverse transcriptase
Replication of HIV 1. envelope glycoproteins allow virus to bind to specific receptors on certain WBCs 2. virus fuses with cell’s plasma membrane & capsid proteins removed viral RNA & proteins 3. reverse transcriptase catalyzes synthesis of a dsDNA strand c’ to the virus’s RNA
Replication of HIV 4. reverse transcriptase catalyzes synthesis of 2nd DNA strand c’ to the 1st 5. dsDNA incorporated as a provirus into host cell’s genome 6. proviral genes transcribed into ssRNA which are genomes for next generation & as mRNAs for translation into viral protein
Replication of HIV 7. viral proteins include capsid proteins & reverse transcriptase (made in cytosol) & envelope glycoproteins (made in ER) 8. vesicles transport the glycoproteins to host cell plasma membrane 9. capsids assemble around viral genome + reverse transcriptase molecules 10. new viruses bud off from host cell
Evolution of Viruses • there are viruses that infect every known form of life • use same universal genetic code as all living things • probable that viruses evolved after the 1st cells appeared
Evolution of Viruses • most accepted hypothesis: evolved from naked bits of nucleic acids that moved from 1 cell another • possibly plasmids or tranposons 1st virus • transposon: a transposable element that moves w/in a genome by means of a DNA intermediate
Plasmids • small, circular DNA molecules found in bacteria & in unicellular yeast (eukaryotic) • replicate independently of genome • occasionally transferred between bacteria
Viruses, transposons, & plasmids are all mobile genetic elements • virus may have more in common genetically with its host cell than with other viruses that infect same species
Mimivirus • largest virus to date (size of small bacterium) • dsDNA • mimi: mimicking microbe • ~1,000 genes: some code for proteins used in translation, DNA repair, protein folding, & polysaccharide synthesis
Viruses, Viriods, & Prions • viruses cause disease in all life forms • viriods cause disease in plants • prions cause disease in animals
Viral Disease in Animals • How viruses cause disease: • damage or kill cells by release of hydrolytic enzymes from lysosomes • cause host cell to produce toxins • have molecular components (in envelope) that are toxic to host • many of symptoms ass’c with viral infection result of immune system reacting to infection (fever, chills, aches)
Vaccines • harmless variant or derivative of a pathogen that stimulates a host’s immune system to mount defenses against the pathogen