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Life Principle 14 Tin-Hungh tengx dongh maaih hnyouv zuov lorz ninh wuov deix mienh. God acts on behalf of those who wait for Him. Ging-Sou: I^saa^yaa 64:4 Isaiah 64:4. October 19, 2008.
Life Principle 14 Tin-Hungh tengx dongh maaih hnyouv zuov lorz ninh wuov deix mienh. God acts on behalf of those who wait for Him. Ging-Sou: I^saa^yaa 64:4 Isaiah 64:4 October 19, 2008
Ging-Sou Scripture I^saa^yaa 64:4:“Yiem loz-hnoi daaih maiv maaih haaix dauh duqv haiz jiex, fai haaix dauh nyei m'normh duqv muangx jiex, yaac maiv maaih haaix dauh nyei m'zing buatc jiex haaix dauh Tin-Hungh cuotv liuz meih, “dongh tengx zuov ninh wuov deix mienh.” “For since the beginning of the world have not heard nor perceived by the ear, Nor has the eye seen any God besides You, Who acts for the one who waits for Him.”
Biux Mengh Waac -Introduction Yiem naaiv norm gaanv nyei lungh ndiev, zuov nyungc-nyungc ga’naaiv nyei jauv haih zoux bun mbuo benx dauh qiex beqv nyei mienh. Mbuo nyei mbietc zanc-zanc zoux bun mbuo maiv haih gunv maiv duqv mbuo ganh.
Maiv maaih haaix dauh a’hneiv zuov ziangh hoc. Mbuo maiv oix zuov yiem douz-siqv. Mbuo yaac maiv oix zuov doic. Maaih deix mienh liemh lungh muonz hnaangx zungv maiv oix zouv nyanc. Maiv oix longc ziangh hoc zuov cingx daaih maiv zouv. Mv baac Tin-Hungh heuc mbuo oix zuqc zuov Tin-Hungh nyei ziangh hoc, se gorngv Mbuo oix Tin-Hungh tengx mbuo nor.
Mv baac Tin-Hungh nyei Waac tengx mbuo hoqc hiuv duqv taux maengc nyei jauv se gauh hlo jiex mbuo oix longc nyei ga’naaiv dongh mbuo jienv nyei jauv. Zuov nyei qongx fai gen se benx aqc nyei dorngx, mv baac Tin-Hungh laengz jienv oix ceix zingh nyeic bun dongh longc hnyouv zuov ninh wuov deix mienh. Tin-Hungh mbenc daaih bun mbuo nyei jauv se, oix bun mbuo zuov jienv Tin-Hungh nyei fuqv oix liouc njiec daaih taux mbuo nyei maengc…. Se gorngv mbuo zuov Ninh nor. Weic haaix diuc Tin-Hungh oix mbuo zuov Ninh? Bun mbuo daaih mangc taux biaa nyungc dongh zuov Tin-Hungh nyei fuqv nyei jauv.
1. Zuov Tin-Hungh nyei njoux en – Singx Nzung 25:5.Wait for God’s Salvation – Psalm 25:5 2. Kaux Tin-Hungh zuov ninh nyei fuqv – Singx Nzung 104:27-28.Wait for God’s blessing Psalm 104:27-28 3. Tin-Hungh ziux ziangh hoc bun nyanc hopv maaih maengc nyei ga’naaiv – Singx Nzung 145:15-16. God gives food to every living thing at the proper time – Psalm 145:15-16.
4. Tin-Hungh se mbuo nyei torngv-baaih Singx Nzung 33:20; Singx Nzung 59:9-10. God is our protection - Psalm 33:20; Psalm 59:9-10. 5. Zuov muangx Ziouv paaiv nyei waac Saauv Mienh 9:8. Wait for what the Lord command you Numbers 9:8.
I. Tin-Hungh nyei eix se oix mbuo kaux ninh, bungx hnyouv bun Ninh tengx mbuo. God’s will is, He wants us to trust him and let him helping us.
“Ziouv zoux longx bun zuov ninh, yaac maaih hnyouv lorz ninh wuov deix Mienh.” Naanc Zingh Nzung 3:25 “The LORD is wonderfully good to those who wait for him and seek him.” Lamentations 3:25
Tin-Hungh zoux nyungc-nyungc bun dongh hnamv ninh wuov deix mienh yiem maanc sic duqv longx – Lomaa 8:28. God works all things for the good of those who love him – Romans 8:28.
I^saa^yaa 40:29 “Ninh bun kouv nyei mienh maaih qaqv, yaac bun mau nyei mienh henv jiez daaih.” Isaiah 40:29“He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength.”
Singx Nzung 91:1 “Haaix dauh yiem Hlang Jiex Wuov Dauh nyei torngv laangh dorngx, se zanx yiem Nernh Jiex Wuov Dauh nyei dongh linh gu'nyuoz.” Psalm 91:1 “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”
Tin-Hungh, se mbuo nyei “Ndaauh kaux nyei dorngx, caux weih wuonv nyei dorngx, yie nyei Tin-Hungh, dongh yie kaux wuov dauh. Ninh oix njoux meih simv ndutv zaeng norqc mienh nyei koux, caux doqc haic nyei wuon-baengc.” Singx Nzung 91:2-3 God, He is our “Refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust. Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler. And from the perilous pestilence.” Psalm 91:2-3
4. Tin-Hungh oix paaiv Ninh nyei fin-mienh mingh goux jienv ninh nyei mienh – Singx Nzung 91:11-14: weic zuqc Tin-Hungh oix paaiv ninh nyei fin-mienh goux jienv meih, beu jienv meih maiv gunv meih mingh taux haaix. 12 Ninh mbuo oix longc buoz bouh jienv meih, maiv bun meih nyei zaux zong zuqc la'bieiv. 13 Meih oix caaiv sienh caux naang-jieqv, oix ndamc sienh lunx caux domh naang. 14 Tin-Hungh gorngv, “Weic zuqc ninh longc hnyouv hnamv yie, yie ziouc dau ninh. Yie oix beu jienv ninh, weic zuqc ninh nyiemc yie nyei mbuox.”
3. Mbuo oix hingh mborqv jaax nyei jauv - We win battles: “Zuov Ziouv, ninh ziouc oix njoux meih” (Congh Mengh Waac 20:22). Ndongc haaix longx! Mbuo duqv buatc Tin-Hungh daaih njoux mbuo yaac ceix fuqv bun mbuo. Haaix zanc mbuo ei mbuo nyei hnyouv zoux, gaanv weic mbuo ganh nyei ziangh hoc, setv mueiz mbuo zungv zuqc suei. Mv baac zuov Tin-Hungh, ninh oix tengx mbuo duqv hingh jiex, yaac maiv zuqc hngongx nyei jauv nduov mbuo.
Mbuo duqv buatc yiem mbuo nyei sienx fim duqv zoux ziangx. Ziouv gorngv “Zuov jienv Yie wuov deix mienh zungv maiv zuqc nyaiv” I^saa^yaa 49:23 We see the fulfillment of our faith. The Lord said, “Then you will know that I am the LORD, For they shall not be ashamed who wait for Me.” Isaiah 49:23
Mbuo buatc Tin-Hungh weic ninh nyei Mienh zoux gong. I^saa^yaa gorngv, Tin-Hungh tengx dongh zuov Ninh wuov deix mienh. I^saa^yaa 64:4 We see that God works for his people. Isaiah said, God help those who wait on God. Isaiah 64:4
II. Zuov Tin-Hungh nyei jauv se maaih buo nyungc eix-leiz. There are three reason for waiting on God. Da’yietv biux mengh mbo hnamv Tin-Hungh nyei. Yietc nyungc longc jienv nyei jauv mbuo oix hoqc zuov Tin-Hungh. Yietc nyungc jauv zuov Tin-Hungh nyei eix-leiz se biux mengh gorngv mbuo hnamv Ninh. Singx Nzung 130:5-6 To Show God We Love Him: There is an importance in learning to wait on God. And one of the first reasons is that waiting on God is our way of saying we love Him.Psalm 130:5-6
Biux Mengh Gorngv Mbuo Qiemx Zuqc Ninh: Da’nyeic nyungc yiem I^saa^yaa 40 gorngv zuov Tin-Hungh nyei eix-leiz, se biux mengh gorngv mbuo qiemx zuqc Tin-Hungh. To Show God We Need Him: The second reason is in Isaiah 40 waiting on God shows God that we need Him.
Biux Mengh Mbuo Bangc Tin-Hungh. Da’faam nyungc se biux mengh mbuox Tin-Hungh mbuo oix zuqc bangc Ninh. Congh Mengh 3:5-6 To Show God We Depending On Him: The third reason is that waiting on God is to show God that we are depending on Him. Proverbs 3:5-6
III. Setv Mueiz Waac –Conclusion “Zoux orqv nyei mienh oix zuqc pai guangc mingh, mv baac zuov jienv Ziouv wuov deix duqv nzipc naaiv norm lungh ndiev.” Singx Nzung 37:9 “For evildoers shall be cut off; But those who wait on the LORD, They shall inherit the earth.”Psalm 37:9
“ Zuov jienv Ziouv, ei jienv ninh nyei jauv zoux, ninh ziouc taaih meih, bun meih duqv nzipc naaiv norm baamh gen mienh waaic mienh zuqc pai guangc wuov zanc, meih ziouc duqv buatc aqv.” Singx Nzung 37:34 “Wait on the LORD, and keep His way, and He shall exalt you to inherit the land; when the wicked are cut off, you shall see it.” Psalm 37:34