2. Federal and State Financial Assistance Subject to
3. Federal and State Funding No money moves from the coffers of either government without an appropriations bill (law). It establishes the amount of funding, the rules under which the money can be spent, and prohibitions regarding the spending of those funds.
4. Federal Regulations Federal Regulations are set out in cost principles (appropriate uses for taxpayer money) and administrative principles.
OMB Circular A-122
Cost Principles for Nonprofit Organizations
OMB Circular A-110
Uniform Administrative Requirements for Nonprofit Organizations
5. State Regulations Since federal funds pass through to the states, the states wisely adopt the same cost and administrative principles of the federal government.
In states these principles are codified in law.
6. Requirements On the federal and state levels, requirements are stated in Requests for Proposals (RFPs) or Requests for Bids (RIBs).
Courts hold both makers of and applicants to RFPs responsible for their contents.
This responsibility mandates grants and contracts management for any entity receiving public- or private-sector funds.
7. Grants versus Contracts Contracts
Stipulate deliverables
Present core activities in a scope of work
May stipulate remedies for certain situations
Can be subject to the bid laws
Reside on their own contracts case law
Pay out in increments
May stipulate performance measures
Fund projects
Are governed by federal/state cost principles
Reside on their own grants case law
Pay out in lump sums or larger increments.
8. Fundamental Grants Management Principle
9. Grants Management Tasks Performance
10. Performance Initiating expenditures of grant funds in a timely manner after an award.
Both public- and private-sector funders are growing more insistent on timely expenditure of funds.
Following the timeline for a grant-funded project, ensuring that it is initiated and completed according to the grant time line.
11. Compliance Ensuring that grant/contract funds are spent exactly as an application as promised.
Each pass-through entity is legally responsible for the compliance of its subagent.
12. Compliance Ensuring compliance involves
documentation and
13. Compliance Ensuring moving grant funds from one budget category to another is not prohibited by an RFP.
Ensuring that grant funds moved from one budget category to another are not greater than 10% of the total grant award (unless the CFR identified in an RFP or RFB states otherwise).
14. Compliance Ensuring that grant funds exceeding 10% of the total are not moved from one budget category to another without prior written approval (public) or permission from a funder (private).
15. Compliance Securing written permission from a funder to carry funds over (some federal agencies are tightening this policy).
Ensuring that carry-over funds are not spent outside the original boundaries of a funded intervention.
16. Reporting Ensuring that all reporting deadlines are met.
17. Documentation and Compliance The repository for these auditable activities is a Central Grants/Contracts File.
The Central File needs to be auditor friendly, meaning an auditor can walk in the door and find everything necessary in a file.
The RFP or RFB
The proposal or bid
All major correspondence (can include e-mails)
Records of site visits or audits
18. Documentation Ensuring that all expenditures are appropriately documented.
Ensuring that records are accurate and up-to-date.
Ensuring that staff time paid out of a grant or contract funded and in-kind is documented.
19. Documentation Issues The federal government does not stipulate what form documentation of expenditures must take.
At this point, ones sense of good business practices supplies the answer appropriate receipts, invoices, payroll documents, etc.
20. Monitoring Tracking progress of interventions.
Ensuring that grant funds are expended in a project year within the approved budget categories.
Ensuring that funded interventions are completed in the project/budget year.
Coordinating and ensuring that collaborators are on track
Keeping one eye on the timeline and another on the bottom line.
21. Evaluation Ensuring that data on performance measures is being collected.
22. Barriers in Systems
24. Management Responsibilities
25. Funding Team Leader:aka The Communications Coordinator The funding team leader can coordinate
the information-gatherers and the information disseminator,
their work with the executive director,
and ensure that all parties know the information needed and the basic template of knowledge.
26. Office Manager:aka Information Gatherer The Office Manager pulls together information related to management activities by
creating and updating the funding calendar with reporting dates,
tracking and documenting in-kind contributions in an in-kind journal,
27. Office Manager (cont.) The Office Manager pulls together information related to management activities by (cont.)
making certain that accounts that reveal the bottom line are accessible to the management team,
alerting the executive director to changes that need to be communicated to a funder.
collecting documentation on all material (how money spent, time allotments, receipts, in-kind contributions, etc.) that an auditor would be reviewing .
28. The Evaluation Guru:aka Information Gatherer The Evaluation Guru
coordinates the critical evaluation component necessary in sound management,
collects data that can reveal barriers or measure the effect that are exerting against achievement,
assists in communicating those data to the management team and other important constituents.
29. Marketing Specialist:aka Information Disseminator The Marketing Specialist
assists in determining what needs to be communicated to various parties, including funders and those with whom relationships are planned,
identifies the most strategic manner for communicating this message.
30. Communications The common denominator of all teamwork and relationship-building is communications.
Thus, good communication isnt one persons responsibility effective communication is everyones responsibility.
31. Management Relationships
32. Shaping an Outcomes Approach The entire management team assists in determining learning orientation.
33. Learning Orientation What factors in our resources (inputs) and interventions are influencing results in what ways?
34. Learning Orientation (cont.) What unintended results were observed?
35. Return on Investment Return on investment is too critical to be solely the responsibility of the executive director.
36. Return on Investment (ROI) Risk reduction
37. ROI (cont.) Replicability of interventions
38. Essentials of Grants Management: A Guide for the Perplexed This article by Henry Flood is included in the Grantsmanship Center Magazine, Issue #45, Fall 2001.
Downloadable at:
39. Grant Tracking and Compliance Management This article by Henry Flood is included in the Grantsmanship Center Magazine, Spring 2002 Issue
Downloadable at