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Dear Colleague,We are pleased to announce Transition in Rheumatology, a collaborative meeting hosted by SPARN
1. Thursday 27th October 2011
Barceló Marine Hotel Troon
10.30am – 4.30pm
3. Transition in RheumatologyProgramme 10.00 – 11.00 Registration & Coffee
Chair Dr Liz Murphy
11.00 Welcome & Introduction
Dr Jo Walsh, SPARN Education
11.10 Transition - a national perspective
Professor Chris Kelnar
Professor Kelnar is a national lead in transition. He chaired the RCPE Transition Steering Group which published Think Transition – a key document which sets out national standards of care.
12.00 Transition - a personal journey
Vicki Price
Vicki Price was until recently nurse specialist in paediatric & adolescent rheumatology at Yorkhill. We are privileged to hear the account of a young person and their personal journey of transition
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
Chair Dr Jo Walsh
13.30 Transition – a perspective from adult rheumatology Dr Elaine Morrison
Dr Morrison is Rheumatologist at the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow. She will share her experience of the practicalities and pitfalls of young people moving to the Young Adult Clinic from Paediatric & Adolescent services.
13.50 Interactive Workshops
Please chose your workshop preference at registration, selecting either
3 of 4 offered workshops
An extended workshop in Motivational Interviewing
15.30 From experience: Transition in Rheumatology
Dr Rachel Tattersall
Dr Tattersall is an Adolescent Rheumatologist at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield. She
will discuss the evolution of the Transition Service in Sheffield, highlight parent involvement in
transition and illustrate the presentation with case histories to provide a practical insight to effective
transition for young people.
16.30 Meeting Close
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Place of Work: __________________________________
Address for Correspondence: __________________________________
Postcode: __________________________________
Tel: __________________________________
Email: __________________________________
Dietary Requirements: (please specify) _________________________________
I would like to attend the evening symposium
on Thursday 27th October -
“The new kid on the block” yes_____no______(please circle)
Meeting Fee: Fees include registration and all refreshments
Deadline for registration: Friday 14th October 2011
? Ł 20.00 Medical Staff
? Ł 10.00 Professions allied to Medicine
A fee of Ł 50.00 will apply to all Late Registration/ On the day registration
Please make cheques payable to: SPARN Education Fund
Travel Bursaries for AHP and Nursing Colleagues – WHO ARE MEMBERS OF SPARN Deadline Extended!
Sponsorship will allow us to offer Travel Bursaries to attend this meeting.
Bursaries will support the cost of meeting fee, travel and accommodation where required.
Application form (overleaf) should be sent to Michael Durkan by Thursday 22nd September 2011.
Early application is recommended. Applications will be considered by SPARN
secretariat and successful applicants informed by email. Registration
Date of Application: __________________________________
Name & Title: __________________________________
Occupation: __________________________________
Place of Work: __________________________________
Email: __________________________________
Estimated costs to attend Meeting:
Travel (2nd class rail fare or mileage) ___________________________________
Accommodation (if required) ___________________________________
Meeting Fee Ł10
Total ___________________________________
Have you applied to SSR for a bursary for the meeting on Friday 28th October?
Yes / No (please circle) Application for SPARN members Travel Bursaryto attend Transition in Rheumatology meeting