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Incident Summary Report for the period covering Apr. 05 – Apr. 11. COLOR CODE : Green background = FIRST AID Orange background = MEDICAL Red background = LOST TIME Blue background = PROPERTY DAMAGE White background = NEAR MISS. Apr. 05 – Apr. 11. Medical #7 in 2014. Kent.
Incident Summary Report for the period coveringApr. 05 – Apr. 11 COLOR CODE: Green background = FIRST AID Orange background = MEDICAL Red background = LOST TIME Blue background = PROPERTY DAMAGE White background = NEAR MISS
Apr. 05 – Apr. 11 Medical #7 in 2014 Kent April 4, 2014 EE pulling coil stock out of #1 cupper at coil change, walked backwards 9 ft, struck stack of 3 empty pallets (1). Fell down, first hitting backside on pallets, then hit head on masspack support bracket (2) behind pallets. Issued prescription medications. 2 1
Apr. 05 – Apr. 11 Valparaiso April 6, 2014 Mod 1 curler C4 guard knife switch was not connected to the guard. When the guard was removed it did not shut the curler down. Violation immediately corrected , knife part of switch was bolted to the guard.
Apr. 05 – Apr. 11 Chicago April 8, 2014 Three trimmer guards on line 3 were open while trimmer was running. Discovered interlocks had been removed from guards allowing trimmer to run without guard closed. Equipment immediately stopped and the violation corrected.
Apr. 05 – Apr. 11 Kent April 9, 2014 Two AGV's bumped head-on while on same track. Relay in warehouse had disengaged causing train from warehouse to miss its stopping point and enter the tunnel where another train was already moving. Relay clasped in place to prevent disengagement
Apr. 05 – Apr. 11 Bishopville April 9, 2014 ET found a bad motor on a overhead conveyor and was getting ready to change out the motor. Supervisor stopped project, had them cordon off the area underneath and held a brief Non-routine Task meeting before proceeding.
Apr. 05 – Apr. 11 Medical #8 in 2014 Olive Branch April 11, 2014 EE was tightening locking bolts for hub of bull-gear. Braced himself against printer with his left arm in order to pull bolts tight with right arm. When tightening a bolt, felt a 'pop' in his left bicep area. Taken to clinic, given prescription meds.
Apr. 05 – Apr. 11 Whitehouse April 11, 2014 CPO was acid washing filter press and it started leaking out of the drain valve. Roped off area and draining the acid back into the holding tank. The area is being hosed down and ventilated until draining completed. New valve and gasket on order.
2014 Medical Summary Table Continued on next slide