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Ancient India. Geography. Northern Mountain Region. Three Mountain ranges- Himalaya s (“place of the snow”)- Highest mountain range in the world, form 1,500 mile long wall Karakoram – Join the Himalayas in current day Pakistan Hindu-Kush – Khyber pass at border of Afghanistan
Geography Northern Mountain Region Three Mountain ranges- Himalayas (“place of the snow”)- Highest mountain range in the world, form 1,500 mile long wall Karakoram – Join the Himalayas in current day Pakistan Hindu-Kush – Khyber pass at border of Afghanistan and Pakistan Indo-Gangetic Plain The Indo-Gangetic Plain- The plain formed by the Indus and Ganges Rivers The Deccan The Deccan – The interior plateau separated from the Indo-Gangetic Plain by the Vindhya Mountains (traditionally said to divide the cultures of the North & South) Chapter 3, Sect ion 1
Hindu Kush Mts Karakoram Mts Northern Mountain Region Himalaya Indus River Indo-Gangetic Plain Ganges River Vindhya Mts The Deccan W. Ghats Mts E. Ghats Mts
Climate Monsoons Seasonal Winds – November until February or March winds blow from North & Northwest – any moisture carried falls on North slope of Himalayas – by the time it reaches India it is very dry Mid-June through October winds blow from the Southwest, bringing warm moist air from the Indian Ocean Chapter 3, Sect ion 1
Indus River Valley 2500-1500 BC Harappan Civilization MohenjoDaro & Harappa – major cities Detailed City Planning- Planned pattern for streets (Grid-like) Municipal water systems Public Baths City Sewer System w/private homes connected Strong Central Fortress (Citadel) Central Graineries Buildings built w/Baked Bricks (stronger than mud bricks) Chapter 3, Sect ion 1
Indus River Valley Agriculture- -domesticated cattle, sheep, pigs, & goats - grew crops including cotton, wheat, & rice - used irrigation & flood control Industry- - Artisans produced cotton cloth, pottery, bronze items, & jewelry of gold & silver Written Language- - pictographs, as yet not translated, unable to connect to other languages
Indo-Aryans Nomads from the Steppes - Called themselves Aryans - Came through the mountain passes (Khyber) Early Society- - Formed villages, changed from Nomadic ways to farming - Villages eventually combined to form city-states - A “Raja” (prince or king) ruled each city-state, he was military leader, lawmaker, & judge, he was assisted by a royal council, friends, & relatives - Separation in social class between Aryans & conquered inhabitants
Indo-Aryans The Vedic Age 1500 – 1000 B.C. - Vedas the great literature of the Aryans, stories of their history, religion, & customs - History recorded by “word of Mouth” until written language (Sanskrit) was developed Economy- Farming – Wheat & Barley principal crops Also rice, sugar cane, leafy vegetables, gourds, peas, beans, & lentils Trading - limited, barter system, poor transportation Religion- - As recorded in the Vedas, they were gods of nature - No temples, used open spaces with altars - Used sacrifice to honor the gods - Over time Brahmins (priests) were needed to perform sacrifices
Rajah Warriors & Brahmins (priests) Merchants, Artisans, & Farmers Farm Workers & Servants Non-Aryans Indo-Aryans
Indo-Aryans Why did this civilization decline? Many theories, but nobody actually knows . . . Chapter 3, Sect ion 2
Southern India -Separated from Northern India by Vindhya Mts. -Developed separate cultures & economies -Even groups within the southern region were fragmented -Coast dwellers developed a robust trading economy -many groups developed a “Matriarchal” society Chapter 3, Sect ion 2
Hinduism Vedanta (end of the Vedas) - started around 700 B.C. - Questioned authority of Brahmins - Ideas expressed in written form (Upanishads- a philosophical explanation of the Vedic religion) - Complex, hard for most people to understand - Simple stories (folk tales) used to teach common man called epics - Two epics, the Mahabharata& the Ramayana - Mahabharata includes BhagavadGita, or “Song of the Lord” - These were the bases for both Hinduism &the Caste System Chapter 3, Sect ion 3
Hinduism The Caste System -Four distinct Varmas (social classes) -Brahmins (priests, scholars, wise men) -Kshatriyas (Warriors) -Vaisyas (Merchants, traders, artisans, farm owners) -Sudras (peasants, laborers) -Outside the Social Structure -Pariahs, or Untouchables (those who by birth inherited impure professions, such as skinning animals, caring for corpses, etc.) -System became more strict over time -subgroups, or jati were formed -people required to operate socially within their own group Chapter 3, Sect ion 3
Brahmins (priests) Kshatriyas (warriors) Vaisyas (merchants, artisans, & farmers) Sudras (farm workers & servants) Pariahs or Untouchables Hinduism Chapter 3, Sect ion 3
Hinduism Hindu Beliefs – Monism- Mind & matter are ultimately the same Maya– The world of our senses is only illusion Reincarnation– rebirth of the soul into a different body form based on your Karma & Dharma Dharma– The fulfillment of moral duty Karma– Positive or Negative force generated by a person’s actions & attitude Chapter 3, Sect ion 3
Hinduism Polytheistic - 3 greater gods (although Hindu’s believe that everything is “one”) Brahma - The Creator Vishnu - The Preserver Siva - The Destroyer Many lesser gods dealing with nature & human nature They believe that all life is sacred Both the Caste System & the Hindu Religion provided a strict social structure which allowed society to function more smoothly Chapter 3, Sect ion 3
Buddhism Siddhartha Gautama – born around 563 B.C., founder. -son of a prince, grew up in luxury -pondered why suffering exists, & what is the value of life -At age 29 determined to spend the rest of his life seeking answers -After six years believed he had found the answers, & he became the Buddha, (Enlightened One) Chapter 3, Sect ion 3
Buddhism Buddha’s Teachings – The Four Noble Truths 1. All human life involves suffering & sorrow 2. Desire for a life of pleasure & material gain causes suffering & sorrow. 3. Renouncing desire frees people from suffering & helps souls attain Nirvana 4. Eightfold Path leads to renunciation, or denial of desire & attainment of Nirvana. Nirvana – the perfect peace, which releases the soul from endless reincarnation Chapter 3, Sect ion 3
Buddhism Buddha’s Teachings • The Eightfold Path • Right views, seeing life as it is • Right intentions • 3. Right speech • 4. Right action • 5. Right living • 6. Right effort • 7. Right mindfulness • 8. Right concentration Chapter 3, Sect ion 3
Buddhism After Siddhartha Gautama’s death, Buddhism split into two major branches- Theraveda – regarded Buddha as a great spiritual teacher Mahayana – regarded Buddha as a god or savior developed Buddhism as a religion with Temples & Priests Spread throughout China, Korea, & Japan fairly quickly, and is now worldwide (cultural diffusion). Chapter 3, Sect ion 3
Mauryan Empire: (321 BC-232 BC) • Founded by Chandragupta Maurya • Conquered most of northern India • main rivals Nunda Family • Grandson of Chandragupta- Asoka • Conqueror the rest of Northern & Central India • Treated his people with kindness after conversion to Buddhism
Mauryan Empire: (321 BC-232 BC) • Achievements • Spread Buddhism throughout India & the region • Improved roads (linked to silk roads) • Education • Built hospitals • Encouraged Science, Math, & Medicine After Asoka died a series of weak rulers allowed The Empire to collapse, allowing India to fall Into a 500 year period of civil war between small Provinces and foreign intervention.
321-232 BC Mauryan Empire Gupta Empire: (320-535 AD)
Gupta Empire: (320-535 AD) • Background • United northern India • Promoted trade with other nations • Called “Golden Age of Hinduism” • Increased influence of the Caste System on Indian society (further dividing society) • Empire broken up during Hun invasion
Gupta Empire: (320-535 AD) • Achievements • Developed the “Zero” (0), infinity, and decimal numbers (Great mathematician – Aryabhata) • Wrote plays & poems in Sanskrit • Traded with Chinese, Persians, Byzantines, and Romans • Created vaccines for diseases (Great doctor – Susrata)
Life & Culture The Sciences Math & Astronomy- -understood abstract numbers, negative numbers -used Algebra -Identified 7 of the planets without telescope -Understood the rotation of the Earth Medicine- -Surgeries included bone setting & plastic surgery -developed technique of innoculation -Built hospitals that were clean and light -disinfected wounds
Life & Culture Economy: -Agriculture basis for economy for most of India -under the Gupta Empire trade became increasingly important -Southern India economy based in trade -The wealthy rajas taxed farmers heavily to support their lifestyle and conquests Chapter 3, Sect ion 5
Life & Culture The Arts- Literature – Mahabharata & Ramayana Panchatantra (Five Books)- Popular fables that influenced later Arabian works Art & Architecture- Murals very popular (Caves at Ajanta) Religious sculptures (such as the Buddhas) Education- Very advanced, but generally reserved for the upper classes
Life & Culture Women in Northern India were generally subordinate to men -laws supported this idea -Polygyny allowed men to have more than one wife -Suttee, voluntary death on husbands funeral pyre, common among upper class Women in the South fared better -Matriarchal society -could assume political leadership especially in the Tamil