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ATN MORE. Modules Online for Research Education A ustralian T echnology N etwork. What is ATN MORE. The five modules in ATN MORE provide resources and information to help students improve the research skills that will be required during their candidature. How does it work?.

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  1. ATNMORE Modules Online for Research Education Australian Technology Network

  2. What is ATN MORE The five modules in ATN MORE provide resources and information to help students improve the research skills that will be required during their candidature

  3. How does it work? • The modules are offered online • They can be done independently or • with a moderator in a cohort from the 5 ATN Universities (some modules only)

  4. Or with your supervisor….

  5. What are the modules? • Ethics • Risk Assessment • Critical Writing • Critical and Creative Thinking • Practice-led Research in Arts Media and Design

  6. Activity 1  - How Well Do You Manage Your Time? Time can be wasted due to: - Human Nature - disorganisation, procrastination, socialising at work etc…- Environmental Factors - interruptions to daily routine such as visitors and phone calls, inefficient meetings and paperwork, etc…- Poor Management Skills - inability to set goals, prioritise, delegate, etc… Complete the following checklist to evaluate your own use of time. Activity 1TimeManagement1.docFile Type: MS Word Doc   File Size:  30.00 KB Discussion forum Readings Self reflection Links Resources Chats Types of Activities Activity 2TimeManagement2.docFile Type: MS Word Doc   File Size:  23.50 KB Time Management References

  7. Why spend the time? • Learn research related skills • Communicate with other research students across Australia • No cost • Flexible on-line learning environment

  8. Caution! • This takes time and commitment. • Allow 2 hours a week for 5 weeks. • Requires access to the internet. • Tell your supervisor, and possibly work together on the module • Balance this activity with your other needs

  9. ATN MORE is one of the programs of the e-Grad school

  10. What is e-Grad School • eGSA, the e-Grad School (Australia) project, is building a virtual graduate school to operate in Australia and internationally. eGSA provides postgraduate students, their supervisors and universities with online access to resources and activities relevant to their needs. • Focusing on the development of career-enhancing skills and knowledge, it brings together a wide range of online-accessible activities and resources that are specifically designed for postgraduate students‚ whatever their home university or location.

  11. Other e-Grad School Programs • LEAP – Learning Employment Aptitude Program • Graduate Certificate in Research Commercialisation

  12. What is ATN LEAP The six modules in ATN LEAP cover areas that employers and government have identified as priority skills they want postgraduate researchers to be acquainted with during their studies, prior to entering employment in their fields

  13. ATN LEAP modules • Project Management • Entrepreneurship • Leadership and Communication • Research Commercialisation • Public Policy • Global Sustainability

  14. This online course aims to meet the career needs of researchers by providing skills, knowledge and accreditation to research commercialisation. Graduate Certificate in Research Commercialisation

  15. What can you do now? • Look at the website and browse the modules • Choose to work independently or in a moderated offering • Contact your home university administrator for more details

  16. Websites ATN MOREhttps://olt.qut.edu.au/udf/atnmore/index.cfm ATN LEAP https://olt.qut.edu.au/udf/ATN-leap/sec/index.cfm GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN RESEARCH COMMERCIALISATION http://www.egradschool.edu.au/whategsaoffe/awardlevelqu/gradcert/index.jsp

  17. The ATN LEAP and MORE modules and the Graduate Certificate in Research Commercialisation are brought to you by the Deans and Directors of Research at the 5 ATN Universities: • Curtin • QUT • RMIT • UniSA • UTS

  18. Thank YouandGood Luck with your Research

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