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7 th Grade. Growth & Development. Puberty usually begins between 12 & 15 yrs old Production of hormone: testosterone Secondary sex characteristics: 4-12” growth spurt Hair in pubic area, armpits, on face & chest Deeper voice Changes in the reproductive organs Production of sperm cells.
7th Grade Growth & Development
Puberty usually begins between 12 & 15 yrs old Production of hormone: testosterone Secondary sex characteristics: 4-12” growth spurt Hair in pubic area, armpits, on face & chest Deeper voice Changes in the reproductive organs Production of sperm cells Puberty usually begins between 8 & 15 yrs old Production of hormone: estrogen Secondary sex characteristics: 2-8” growth spurt Hair in pubic area & armpits Changes in body shape Breasts Hips Changes in the reproductive organs Menstrual cycle begins Adolescent Changes Females Males Lesson 12
Practicing Abstinence Protects Health • You reduce the risk of becoming infected with HIV and developing AIDS • Your reduce the risk of becoming infected with sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s). • You will not become a teenage parent. Lesson 9
Practicing Abstinence Protects Safety • You reduce the risk of violence that is associated with teen parenthood. Lesson 9
Practicing Abstinence Follows Laws • You avoid being in situations in which you can be prosecuted for having sex with a minor. • You avoid sexual behavior for which you can be prosecuted for date rape. Lesson 9
Practicing Abstinence Shows Respect for Self & Others • You maintain a good reputation because you are responsible. Lesson 9
Practicing Abstinence Follows the Guidelines of Parents & of Other Responsible Adults • You avoid having conflicts with your parents or guardian because you follow their guidelines. Lesson 9
Practicing Abstinence Demonstrates Good Character • You are self-disciplined and can delay gratification in order to uphold your values. Delaying gratification is waiting to have sex until a person is older, married, and able to handle the responsibilities of parenthood. Lesson 9
Ten Reasons to Choose Abstinence! • I want to follow family guidelines. • I want to respect myself. • I want to respect others. • I want to have a good reputation. • I do not want to feel guilty. • I am not ready for marriage. • I do not want to risk pregnancy. • I am not ready to be a parent. • I do not want to be infected with an STD. • I do not want to be infected with HIV. Lesson 9
How Can I Resist Pressure to Be Sexually Active? • Be confident & say. “NO, I do not want to be sexually active.” • Give reasons why you practice abstinence. • Repeat your reasons for practicing abstinence. • Do not send a mixed message. • Avoid situations in which there might be pressure to be sexually active. • Break off a relationship when someone does not respect your limits. • Influence others to practice abstinence. Lesson 9
Reasons to Practice Abstinence & Avoid Teen Pregnancy & Parenthood It's Your Choice!!
Babies born to teen parents are at risk for:* Being born prematurely;* Having a low birth rate;* Not surviving the infant years;* Being mentally retarded;* Having birth defects;* Having little contact with their fathers;* Being abused;* Growing up in poverty.
Teen mothers & fathers are at risk for:* Dropping out of school; * Giving up career goals; * Living in poverty; * Getting divorced if they marry; * Abusing their children; * Having a limited social life; * Having health problems (teen mothers); * Making child support payments (teen fathers); * Lacking contact with their child (non-custodial parent).
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Human Immunodeficiency Virus VIRUS Attacks the immune system Destroys helper T-cells Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome DISEASE Infections take over the body HIV vs AIDS
How HIV Progresses to AIDS • HIV enters the body. • HIV attaches to and takes control of helperT-cells. • HIV reproduces itself and destroys helperT-cells. • HIV continues to reproduce, and to attack and destroy other helper T-cells. This weakens the body’s ability to fight infection. According to the CDC, a person infected with HIV has AIDS when (s)he has 200 or fewer helper T-cells per microliter of blood OR an opportunistic infection.
Ways HIV is Spread • Blood • Semen • Vaginal Secretions • Breast Milk It's Your Choice!!
How Can I Resist Pressure to Choose Risk Behaviors for HIV Infection? • Be confident & say. “NO, I do not want to be sexually active.” • Give reasons why you practice abstinence. • Repeat your reasons for practicing abstinence. • Do not send a mixed message. • Avoid situations in which there might be pressure to be sexually active. • Break off a relationship when someone does not respect your limits. • Influence others to practice abstinence.
Universal Precautions • Wear disposable latex gloves. • Do not wear the gloves more than once. • Wash your hands with soap and water after you take the gloves off. • Wear a face mask or shield if you give first aid for breathing. • Do not use the face mask or shield more than once without sterilizing it. • Cover cuts, scrapes, or rashes on your body with plastic wrap or a sterile dressing. • Do not eat or drink anything while giving first aid. • Do not touch your mouth, eyes, or nose while caring for a victim.