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Dark Energy Survey Status. Josh Frieman 20 th DES Collaboration Meeting, UIUC May 19, 2014. Opening Talks on Project Status. Overview Year 1 Observations and Data Quality: Gary Year 2 Strategy and Plans: Eric Year 1 Operations & DECam : Tom
Dark Energy Survey Status Josh Frieman 20th DES Collaboration Meeting, UIUC May 19, 2014
Opening Talks on Project Status • Overview • Year 1 Observations and Data Quality: Gary • Year 2 Strategy and Plans: Eric • Year 1 Operations & DECam: Tom • Blanco Status, Improvements, Plans: Alistair • Data Management: Robert, Brian • Calibration: Douglas • SVA1 Gold and Catalog Vetting: Eli
Oct.: inauguration of bi-weekly collaboration-wide & SVA1 phonecons Nov.-Jan.: SWG Reports on SVA1 (Doc db 7822) Jan.: AAS Special Session on DES Early Feb.: Year 1 observing completed (105 nights) Late Mar.: DES/LSST Workshop at Fermilab April: APS Invited Session on DES, 3 talks by Early Career Scientists April: DESDM Release of Y1P1 data products to collaboration 320 sq. deg. from first part of Year-1 (data taken Sept.-Nov. 2013) QA tools/plots available at DES Science Portal: https://des-portal.fnal.gov April 24: Y1 progress report & Y2 schedule preferences to NOAO May 8: DOE-NSF Mini-Review of DES mid-Aug: Start of Y2 observing Sept.: DESDM Release of Y1A1 data products to collaboration Throughout: improvements, maintenance during engineering runs: scattered light reduction, dome encoders, shutter,… Progress since Barcelona Meeting
Y1P1 image from SPT-W • https://cosmology.illinois.edu/confluence/display/Operations/Year+1+Preliminary+Release+1
First Paper based on DES SV Data submitted Friday 93 authors
What’s Happening Behind the Scenes • Blanco Work Plan (Doc Db 7312) describes substantial improvements made to telescope & dome control and thermal environment, and program of additional improvements underway: thermal & primary mirror figure control to improve image quality and operating efficiency improvements • DESDM Science Readiness Plan (7787) describes annual release and WG testing loop developed and exercised during SVA1, Y1P1, and Y1A1 and data-quality & release plans for future years • Y1 Progress Report (7824) describes pre-Y1 strategy changes, further improvements made in the course of Y1 operations, and simulations leading to schedule request for Y2 • Integrated Schedule (6623) shows DES high-level milestones, updated monthly by Operations Scientist with input from Executive Committee • Revised DES Org Chart (6588) highlights/clarifies roles in Project Office. Weekly meetings of Executive Committee and DOOM focused on operations, engineering, science progress.
DES Organization DES Project/Collaboration Office J. Frieman, Director R. Kron, Deputy Director T. Diehl, Operations Scientist G. Bernstein, Project Scientist K. Honscheid, Systems Scientist D. Petravick, DESDM PI Management Committee (Collaboration Affairs) Institutional Reps Executive Committee (Operations) Operations Leaders DES Data Management D. Petravick B. Yanny R. Gruendl Science Committee O. Lahav DES Observing Systems T. Diehl Publications Board K. Honscheid Survey Strategy E. Neilsen DECam Operations A. Walker, T. Diehl K. Honscheid S. Heathcote Clusters J. Mohr C. Miller Supernovae B. Nichol M. Sako Membership Committee D. Gerdes Speakers Bureau B. Flaugher Weak Lensing S. Bridle B. Jain LSS E. Gaztanaga W. Percival Science Analysis Computing E. Buckley-Geer S. Dodelson Simulations G. Evrard A. Kravtsov Photo-z F. Castander H. Lin Education/Public Outreach Collaboration Mtg. Steering Committee S. Bridle Calibration D. Tucker S. Kent Gal. Evolution D. Thomas R. Wechsler Strong Lensing E. Buckley-Geer M. Makler reports to member of communication Milky Way B. Santiago B. Yanny Spectroscopy F. Abdalla A. Kim Theory S. Dodelson J. Weller QSOs P. Martini R. McMahon Doc Db 6588
Overall DES has made very good progress since the last review (April 2013), including completing the first season of data-taking operations. The different parts of the experiment, including telescope, DECam, DESDM and the science teams came together to accomplish this. There was a ramp-up time due to bad weather, telescope operations and issues on DECam. Significant progress has been made on technical improvements and mountain operations, along with the DESDM. The panel members were pleased to note that the first science results, from the science verification data phase, are expected to come out soon. May 8, 2014 Review Close-out
Summary We commend the DES team on its performance over the past year and its preparation for this review. We look forward to continued technical, computing and coordination improvements in the future. May 8, 2014 Review Close-out
Survey Strategy Changes • Pre-Year 1: • Moved footprint eastward to reduce airmass, improve image quality • Cover 2000 sq. deg. (4 tilings per filter) rather than full 5000 sq. deg. (2 tilings) to improve photometric calibration • Allow g, Y observations with seeing>1.1” (not used for Weak Lensing) • Year 2: • Complementary 3000 sqdeg • Optimize: many more half-nights than Y1 Year 1 regions SDSS Stripe 82 SPT By end of Y2, expect will have done 90% of the exposures needed to complete 4 tilings of the 5000 sq. deg. footprint
Year 1 Season in Brief • Observing conditions were poor Sept.-Oct. • 20% time lost to weather, 60% of images taken were survey-quality • Early Nov.: atmospheric, weather, and dome/mirror thermal conditions improved, and we corrected the measurement of PSF used by ObsTac • Nov.-Feb.: good weather and ~92% of exposures survey-quality • 0.9(0.94)” median PSF FWHM in riz(see Gary’s talk). • This was essentially by ObsTac design. Survey progress in riz (from Nov.) implies that Image Quality is in ballpark of expectations. • SN survey 6.4-day mean cadence, in accord with pre-season simulations • science requirement was 5 days • For the season, 15% of time lost: weather(10%), technical issues(5%) • 14,340 survey-quality wide-area exposures taken: • 11,215 in Y1 footprint (=82% of the 13,691 exposures needed to complete 4 tilings of 2000 sq.deg. Y1 footprint) • 3,125 in Y2 footprint (=17% of exposures needed to complete 4 tilings of 3000 sq. deg. Y2 footprint) SPT
New round of DES Builder nominations underway Management Committee vets Membership issues committee (R. Kron) Expect revision of Membership Policy in coming months Early Career Scientist Committee (B. Flaugher) New Approved External Collaborator projects: RAISIN: Spectroscopy & NIR Photometry of DES SNe Spectroscopic Confirmation of First z>6 Quasar Weak Lensing Mass Calibration of SPT Clusters XMM Clusters in the DES SV Region Spectroscopy of Ultra-Faint Milky Way Satellite Candidates Search for Superluminous Supernovae High-z Galaxy Cluster Catalogs using Spitzer, DES, and SPT Collaboration Affairs
See Membership Policy, Publication Policy, other docs on https://cdcvs.fnal.gov/redmine/projects/des/wiki/DESpolicies Q&A session with Dave Gerdes Tues. lunch Categories: Members, Provisional Members, Associate Members, Participants, External Participants, External Collaborators In all cases, apply to the Membership Comm., which recommends to Management Committee Personal Data Rights: requires 1 yr FTE contribution to infrastructureExternal Participant when move to term position at non-DES institution Associate Membership: for those with PDR moving to non-term positions at non-DES institutions Member: those in non-term positions at DES institutions who have contributed 1 FTE-yr infrastructure or joined as part of initial cohort Provisional Member: new collaborator at DES institution, on the way to 1 FTE-yr contribution Builder: 2 FTE-yr infrastructure, nominated/vetted by MgmtComm Data Rights, Membership, Builders & All That
Education & Public Outreach • DES Documentary Film in advanced production • DES book planned at Scientific American level • Facebook page, darkenergysurvey.org • Darkenergydetectives.org • Strong Lensing Galaxy Zoo project • GEMS: summer program for middle-school girls (UIUC/NCSA) • Local outreach to schools, etc. • Planned collaboration with Adler Planetarium • …. • We can and should do more: WWT, Citizen Science,… • Coordination vs. grass-roots • Please be pro-active & please see me with ideas & let me know what you’re already doing
Publication & Speaker Issues • Refamiliarize yourself with the DES Publication Policy • Raw SV data are public, but publications based on DES SV data are covered by the Publication Policy • Publications Archive: centralized procedure for announcing science projects & papers • Time to get going on major Technical Publications, so that early science pubs can reference them. • As speaking opportunities arise, please keep in contact with the Speakers Bureau(des-speakers@fnal.gov). • WGs must approve science results before they are shown in talks or submitted for publication: WG wikis should include approved plots w/ explanations
Discuss refinements to Y2 Strategy/Tactics We need completion/quality metrics from the WGs in order to evaluate alternatives. Tests of Y1P1 DESDM outputs WG input on DESDM plans/priorities beyond Y1 Make progress on early papers using SV data and plan for papers with Y1A1 Many opportunities to contribute to (and get credit for) DES infrastructure work: talk to Rich Kron if you are interested in volunteering or Tom Diehl if interested in observing Goals for this Meeting
Summary • DES has made tremendous progress in last year and successfully completed first season of operations • Mountain-top operations efficient, DESDM nightly processing provides rapid feedback on data quality • Survey progress good, strategy optimized, but expect to be 10% behind after Y2. Will evaluate after next season. • Image quality close to expected, but we want to do even better: planned improvements to Blanco and its environment underway. • DESDM annual data releases underway, incorporating prioritized improvements based on SWG feedback • Demonstrated detection of: high-z clusters, high-z supernovae, high-z QSOs, weak lensing by clusters and galaxies, galaxy angular correlations, strong lenses, goodprecision for galaxy and cluster photometric redshifts • Early Science emerging from DESDM release of SV data products • Go forth and write papers and help make DES even better!
Thank You • LOC: Paul, Don, Robert, Jean, Rebecca, Deanna • MSC: Sarah, Eduardo, Francisco, Shantanu, Marcos, David, Gary, Chris, Scott, Eve, Terry, Paul, William, Alex, Lucas, Adam • NCSA and UIUC staff and volunteers